Thrust vs Slash Infiltrators


Brannor McThife

What are the benefits of either? I mean, thrust, sure, great against chainmail, but isn't slash better again leather/sludded?

And since half the time I've seen infils fighting SB's, why are so many infils thrust?



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
What are the benefits of either? I mean, thrust, sure, great against chainmail, but isn't slash better again leather/sludded?

And since half the time I've seen infils fighting SB's, why are so many infils thrust?


Imo, it's better to start of with thrust based on a couple of things. Maybe once the new armour resist are in it might be better to switch to slash but that's just my opinion.

Thrust has some nice chains that are easy to get off with a nice fast weapon. The problem I see with slash is that if you have a slow weapon that it's hard to get your chains of, the strength of a rogue lies in the chains that are based after evade. With a slasher it's easy to mess up your chain cause most slashers are a lot slower then the good thrusters out there. I'm a slashing minstrel and we get some styles based on "after block" but I don't even have them on my quickbar cause most opponents hit so fast that once I'm about to hit with my block style I get hit again and my style fails.

Slash is more strength based and thrust more dex then strength. I'm not 100% sure on the % so I won't post the exact % cause I'm sure someone else will know better and might post it here.

There's a lot of different discussions going on out there which is better, and I'm not convinced about one of em being the best.

Good post!


I'd say on a full day of RvR I have about 15-25 1vs1 fights. Of those maybe 3 or 4 are with hunters and shadowblades, the rest tend to be tanks or casters.

That's just me, but I like the strong evade chains and superfast weapons. This discussion has gone on and on and on before as I'm sure a forum troll like you knows Brannor ;)

Evade thrust chains = kills tanks
Fast weapons = interupts casters quickcast

So it works best for me that way.

Basically just go with whichever styles you like best.

Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Jadow
This discussion has gone on and on and on before as I'm sure a forum troll like you knows Brannor ;)
Actually, since I only made an infiltrator "recently", I never took notice of "this discussion". :p

But thank you for the info. ;)



Slash is 100% strength based. Thrust is 50% dex / 50% strength. So for rogues thrust makes a certain amount of sense since they get more dex than str.


Slash =100% str based
Thrust =50% dex, 50% str based
Infiltrators aren't renowned for their strength, so I guess that's another reason why most go with thrust


ho ho ho.
/em beats a drum and runs off into the distance :D



Anyone use the Crit Strike evade chain? Whats it like? The one you need to spec CS to 50 to use... Seeing as there is gonna be a respec i may give that a go for a bit.



Oh and how much +CS from items are you lvl 50 infils getting?


One word....Dragonfang!!

Go read the US boards....infils that have speced 50 thrust, dodger RA are practically unkillable in a 1 vs 1 situation (until it gets nerfed that is). A 9 second stun style after an evade (which infils do every second swing with dodger), is a pretty powerful thing. Even if a SB jumps you with PA, CD chain, you're still statistically going to get dragonfang off before you die...then you run away heal up and come back for more :)

Oh and the melee stun is on a different timer from the spell.



I can only think of the one person who is level 50 and took 50 thrust...


Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight

Brannor McThife

To go thrust to 50, that means you gotta swap it with CS? But doesn't that reduce not only you max damage for your PA/CD/etc, but also reduces your chain length?



answer is simple-
If you have a buffbot then do slash to 50
if you want to try and be an assasin without a buffbot go thrust

I know a Inf on pellinor who kills equal con SB's and NS's for 300+ damage a swing using Amythest and Diamond slash..(and 100% player made weapons)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
To go thrust to 50, that means you gotta swap it with CS? But doesn't that reduce not only you max damage for your PA/CD/etc, but also reduces your chain length?


With 50 thrust you can still get 39 CS, 40 stealth, 37 envenom (lifebane with some RR bonus) and about 12 DW.

You'll still be doing some pretty good damage with PA, CD and ?(and since I'm not even close...I'm not sure what the 3rd one is in the CS chain). a 9 second stun means you will get 3 free hits in with a 3.5 sec speed weapon (factor in quickness bonus at lvl 50).

But the good thing about infils, is there no cookie cutter long as you keep CS, stealth and your base weapon fairly high, you'll still kill lots of things out there.

edit; heck with 2.5 x spec points you could spec 50 in cooking and you'd still kill loads of things out there....



So is anyone gonna answer my questions?

1. Anyone use the Crit Strike evade chain? Whats it like? The one you need to spec CS to 50 to use... Seeing as there is gonna be a respec i may give that a go for a bit.

2. How much +CS from items are you lvl 50 infils getting?

xtra one:

3. Do the Llyn Barfog drops still give + env?


2) Inf epic armour has some +CS
3) Yes Diamondback frogs still from a nice thruster, and neddletooths as well


Originally posted by old.Bubble

Slash inf against a lvl 50 shadowzerker

have a guess who won :)

Bubble, the SZ in those logs was an idiot! Firstly he did not stick to his target from what I see there he was also not using any poison's. The Infil also got off his/her PA chain and got VERY lucky 3 DW hits in a row.

The SZ got caught with his pants down...try getting the jump like that on a player like Death :)


The CS evade chain isn't really that good.Dumb infils like myself didn't trust evade to work as good as it does so I specced 50 CS.(something that will change with respec) :p
Atm there are no +CS on the epics but we will get it in a future patch (dunno which one).


Originally posted by old.Shivian
One word....Dragonfang!!

Go read the US boards....infils that have speced 50 thrust, dodger RA are practically unkillable in a 1 vs 1 situation (until it gets nerfed that is). A 9 second stun style after an evade (which infils do every second swing with dodger), is a pretty powerful thing. Even if a SB jumps you with PA, CD chain, you're still statistically going to get dragonfang off before you die...then you run away heal up and come back for more :)

Oh and the melee stun is on a different timer from the spell.

No offense to Tanks,but they're also the ones that think they are invulnerable and seem to go off on their own quite a bit........ ;)


I've seen this inf kill SBs after the SB critblade getting the PA chain on the inf...

sorry i've seen Slash infs own before with a buffbot :)
getting 800 damage before u can get a hit back is just pure nasty (show me a thrust inf who can do 200+ with a garrot on a equal con)

This isn't a diss to all the thrust infs out there
Dragon fang is also good...


The SB got caught with his pants down...try getting the jump like that on a player like Death >>>

Death is overrated :)

He just RvRs more than anyone else :p

(Sticky u rule!)


Jadow I have one tiny question for you, don't you reach the hard cap even with a slower thruster?

Who needs the CS evade chain when you got doublefrost venomous? ;)


Originally posted by old.Jadow
Evade thrust chains = kills tanks
Fast weapons = interupts casters quickcast

Infil level 50 thrust style is the most powerfull style in the game. Stun, repeatable, and very high damage, based of evade, which infils can get alot off increased by buying Dodger.

About the fast weapons? you cant interupt quickcast. (but they are nice for the reactionary styles


<shrugs> personal preference

To be honest, from what I've seen going around, its all about personal preference.

Slash will do heavier damage against midgard and hibernia as a whole, certainly with the increase on emphasis on preferred targets (thrust having 1 bonus against armour being the weakest)

Thrust on the other hand, is not about pure damage, its about finesse. Less damage overall, but compensated for by good bonuses, like the dragonfang style.

To be honest, you can ask the same questions about weapons, given the choice, would you take a weapon that has ace base damage, but no proc, or would you take something dealing less damage, but with a proc? Some will say the former, other the latter. Neither of them are necessarily correct, but neither are necessarily wrong.

The basic question is not which is more powerful, but what do you prefer? Taking someone down quickly, but maybe taking more hits yourself, or neutralising your enemies for a time whilst still dishing out your less-but-more-often dmg.

Personally, for style afficiondo's like myself, I'm thrust all the way <grins> Gotta look good and attract the babes after all.


Re: <shrugs> personal preference

Originally posted by old.Tyraette

Slash will do heavier damage against midgard and hibernia as a whole, certainly with the increase on emphasis on preferred targets (thrust having 1 bonus against armour being the weakest)
Not really, almost anyone you meet bar assassins will resist slash. Given something like 50% of midgard classes wear chain, thrust makes a certain amount of sense. :p


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

About the fast weapons? you cant interupt quickcast. (but they are nice for the reactionary styles

I think you can


To answer to the interuption thread I can only say;

Swing. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick

Look up an old grabbag from sanya.


you say you think you can interrupt qc?

i am sorry but it is impossible to interrupt a qc while the target is alive. if you do not kill the target he will do the cast. qc=quickcast does so you cast 1/2 of the time it should been(ex. 4sec bolt qc 2sec) and 2x the amount of mana. And it can not be interrupted by anything, not mezz/stun/hit/bash/poke/stab only by death.

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