wonder if ya can help meh m8,what do you type in the consol to run the timedemo in q3a,just asking cos i know ya the q3 mastah.
tell you why im doing this,i have a geforce2 64 meg card and ive just tried playing the q3 engined new james bond nightfire demo,my machine hated it and jerked like feck and no way should it,i mean i play ut2003 with everything on and it plays like a dream,so dont know what the fuck is wrong,sorry im babbling again its all this excitement of my broadband on its way
tell you why im doing this,i have a geforce2 64 meg card and ive just tried playing the q3 engined new james bond nightfire demo,my machine hated it and jerked like feck and no way should it,i mean i play ut2003 with everything on and it plays like a dream,so dont know what the fuck is wrong,sorry im babbling again its all this excitement of my broadband on its way