Thought I'd list patch notes while we wait



You will find below the addition the 1.48 version brings to the game. Note that we only listed the new elements from 1.48 and not everything that was added between 1.46 and 1.48.


- We've reduced the level based to-hit penalties in RvR combat for lower level players attacking higher level players. Thus, lower level RvR players (35-40) will be able to hit higher level players (45-50) more often but for less damage. Please note that a side effect of this change is that high level players will no longer get "bonus" damage against players 2 quantas or more below them (low green and grays) - which means you character will do less damage against low green and gray enemy players. The purpose of this change is to make players of wider level ranges viable in RvR.


In order to lessen the tedium of leveling in the 35-50 level range, we're making a change that should help players of those levels gain experience faster. Experience clamps have been raised from 1.1x a same level kill to 1.25x a same level kill. This change has two effects: it will allow lower level players in a group to gain more experience faster (15% faster), and it will also let higher level players (the 35-50s who tend to hit this clamp more often) to gain experience faster.


- Chat filters have been moved to the server for filtered system messages. This should help reduce bandwidth in big battles.

- Weapon Effects on mage staves should now show when the mage casts a spell. In general, weapon effects only show when a weapon is drawn and the player is in combat mode. Mages are rarely in combat mode. Thus, the staff weapon effects shows when a spell is cast and lasts until the mage moves, jumps, or strafes.

- The animation speed of campfires and smoke clouds has been slowed to normal speed.

- Solo experience now follows the same clamping rules as group experience. We had an issue where a group of people could disband and fight a monster individually and get more experience per player.

- You can no longer use charged items when mesmerized.

- When a Realm conquers a keep that is owned by a Guild, the keep will show only the new Realm's banners. There was a bug that kept the original Guild's banners on the keep even though a new Realm had conquered it. Of course when the Guild that led the siege claims the keep, that Guild's banner will then be displayed.

- Some extremely high level items required far too much money to repair. This has been fixed.

- You can no longer use siege equipment when dead.

- The /GC UPGRADE flags no longer resets when a server is rebooted.

- You can no longer enter stealth mode while mezzed.

- Previously, a player who used shift-rightclick to remove a Cleric's buff also removed that same buff from all other players with that buff cast by the same Cleric. This has been fixed.

- When a keep door is open and is repaired back up to 25%, it can now be closed. Previously it required a 100% repair.

- Guilds can now change their emblem only once. There is no time limit on this; it can be done any time after the guild emblem is initially selected - however, it can be done only once.

- High level poison damages have been increased. Assassin characters should see an increase in their poison damages.

- You should now be able to melee while using /stick more easily than before, although it still is not a guaranteed hit.

- Players should now get their 50th level abilities and spells when they raise to 50th level. Really. We promise this time. Unlike the previous two times when we said we'd fixed this but really hadn't; now, we have. Also, chars who have already attained 50th level will be converted to have their 50th level abilities.

- When you claim a keep, that keep's guard guild names should now dynamically update when their cloak/shield symbol updates. Previously, they only updated when you quit and come back in.

- When an NPC has damaged a player and you get no Realm Points, you'll now get a message telling you.

- Guild leaders now implicitly have the permissions to CLAIM and UPGRADE a keep without setting the flags to Y.

- Rank titles should now print correctly when you gain rank levels. Previously, you would get the proper rank, but the message telling you of your new rank was listing an incorrect title.

- Commas have been added to experience prints when you complete a task or quest.

- Guards will now face you to salute when you click on them (if they are designed to do that).

- Attack speed debuff spells no longer keep the target from evading or blocking. It now literally only slows down their attacks.

- There is now a timer on how often you can /say and /yell, twice per second for /say and once per second for /yell. You should only notice this if you are using a macro.

- "Camp bonuses" have been substantially upped in dungeons. Now camp bonuses in dungeons are, on average, 20% higher than outside camp bonuses.

- Heal spells have no effect on doors (and never had). Now, when you cast a heal spell on a door, you get a message telling you that it has no effect.

- Characters can now have 16 total buffs on them at any one time. Previously, they could have 20; now the "extra" 4 buff slots are reserved for debuffs/poisons/dots and other "enemy" effects.

- Player encumbrances are now adjusted on the fly as ingredients are consumed due to upgrading and repairing.

- You can no longer fire arrows or cast spells through the terrain - such as "underneath" through a hill into a keep.

- Concentration pools should be calculated correctly when you quit and log back in while rez-sick.

- Bounty Points are no longer given in the Battlefields. Bounty points are your Realm's payment to you for defending your Realm. Because the Battlefields are training grounds, not real Realm combat, no Bounty Points will be given.

- You should no longer be able to repair a keep door when in the room above the door.

- You can now see more than 65000 bounty points printed on your screen. This was a display problem only - you did have more bounty points; they just didn't print.

- The racial resistances were printing incorrectly (reversed). They now show correctly in your RESISTANCE screen.


We've added a few new guild commands, some of which have already slipped into the live version. These commands let you specify a guild web page and guild email address, which will show up on our Camelot Chronicles. The other new commands are for alliance messages of the day and its associated rank settings.

/gc webpage [] - is an additional line set by the leader that can be display in a /gc info command, as well as on the Herald.

/gc email [] - is an additional line set by the leader that can be displayed in a /gc info command, as well as on the Herald.

/gc amotd - Alliance Message Of The Day set by the alliance leader and viewable by all members of the alliance who log in. Note, that follower guild leaders can edit *their guild* amotd, but this information is not displayed. In other words, the information is stored on the guild, if this guild, in the future became an alliance leader, the amotd would display.

/gc omotd - Officer Message Of The Day - set by the guild leader for the officers.

/gc edit [ranknum] motd [y/n] - ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to edit the guild motd.

/gc edit [ranknum] alli [y/n] - ability for the guild leader to allow a rank to enter/leave alliances (create a diplomatic officer).


- We've added more cloth robes to the game. You may notice that your mage's outfit is different when you log into the game - as there are many more robes to go around now, we've spread the new robe graphics around.

- Friars now have a few of their own robes, which are naturally colored (i.e. not a mage robe tinted brown).

- Previously, Guild Emblems were displaying backwards on all shields. This has been fixed.

- The Glimmer King Dragon now has the same "glow in the dark" effect as other monsters in that zone.


We have added two new restricted RvR battlefield zones, which brings the total number of Battlefields up to 3. Each is restricted by level. The lowest is for levels 20-24, the second for levels 25-29, and the third is for levels 30-35. The intent of these battlefields is to provide a training ground where lower-level characters can practice and learn RvR tactics without having to worry about higher-level players marauding them. Each Battlefield has been configured to allow each player approximately 100 enemy "kills" before you will no longer be allowed to port there.

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