Those Ghosty dudes with ice and stuff ...



I'ven oticed for a loong time now there are some ghosty guys : 1 at treespot 2, 1 at cornwall sea and 1 at DF portal (cant find him anymore).
the thing is they only stalk to a sorc, and when they do they say something but the text is incomplete. ends with : And lock it in my d .....

Is this a bugg or something because if you type ove the tet in chat you can only get to the D and cannot put anymore letters behind it . And do they actualy still have to do something with the event?

Also : Master Honorius on an island in avalon marsh, he only talks to fighters, so i went to him with my armsman and he said hes looking fro strangers and if i know where they are i have to bring him to them, i have tried EVERYTHING, even pulled strangers from witrin in front of his nose and died there ;-)

Here are some small pics:

Never come to close as a jouralist or you get smacked by a shield that went outta control ;-D


Btw , you guys have any idea what he 'Yawning Rock', 'Wolfwheat', 'Father of Monsters' , the 'irons' are ?


Originally posted by thucram
Btw , you guys have any idea what he 'Yawning Rock', 'Wolfwheat', 'Father of Monsters' , the 'irons' are ?

Have you tried saying them to the other 'event' npcs?

Like the Indigo guy or the kobold in camelot.


Saying a setence precisely that length (the number of chars where that NPC's spiel cuts off) used to crash your client...
Could be that there's more but it won't display? :p


Ok the ghost dude and all the stories, i had this mania about it earlier in the year and tried keeping a kind of overview thread going about it, try looking at it, its old and some of its links are even older, but lots of fun thoughts in there, including a lot of stupid speculations.

For my part theres still alot of missing pieces in the puzzle, yeeaah i know the event has kicked of now, but i still dont see how it relates to all the old stuff about the ghost or for that matter my strange encounter with the bwagan and Morgane, also the backstories have hinted of other things. Also when the Gheershas began to be spotted around the boogy fort i went for strool out there and saw one of the ghosts out there, she was gone a few days later, i wonder why the ghosts keep changing places so often. Aaaaah well am getting all nostalgic, not that i am ever gonna see some of the event for some strange reason stuff always happens when i am not at home or to busy to play on the puter


I think the Yawning Rock is the Glacial Giant...

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