I appear to have inadvertantly started a bit of a war in an industry forum, mainly because I'm getting pissed off with Australian cameramen coming into the UK and undercutting UK crews. Lots of people are 'horrified' and throwing terms like 'xenophobia' around.
What are your general feelings on this matter (in any industry)? I'm all for skilled and experienced people from any nation getting work over here, but, and this is the contentious point, I think that similarly skilled UK workers should always be chosen over their foreign counterparts (providing they are sociable). This of course becomes irrelevant should they choose to live here permanently.
Note that I have not used the term 'immigrant' anywhere, as most of these crews do not intend becoming UK citizens. In fact, I know of at least 1 aussie cameraman who pays no tax here, but earns the vast bulk of his income from companies based here.
What are your general feelings on this matter (in any industry)? I'm all for skilled and experienced people from any nation getting work over here, but, and this is the contentious point, I think that similarly skilled UK workers should always be chosen over their foreign counterparts (providing they are sociable). This of course becomes irrelevant should they choose to live here permanently.
Note that I have not used the term 'immigrant' anywhere, as most of these crews do not intend becoming UK citizens. In fact, I know of at least 1 aussie cameraman who pays no tax here, but earns the vast bulk of his income from companies based here.