This would be nice I thought.


old.DigiT@L FiRe

The whole thing bout the latest tournament ideas sounds real cool to me, and should work out nicely. But what ever happens can I just ask if maybe the scheduled matches could be on Sundays or something cause U.S players (me) most of the times miss out on matches cause of the drastic time differences, I mean I'm still at work while most matches are scheduled to be played. I don't know I mean if I'm the only U.S Frager complaining then never mind. But just wanted to throw my little request out there to see if any thing positive could come of it.



well since i'm in the US trust me there will be US friendly matches.. also that's where the servers i have will be at.. due to the cost :)

Hey i'm cheap alright !! :D




I'm hoping we can organise some games for weekends and at times which will suit UK, German and US players (and anyone else, sorry lol).

Most European clans have 1 or 2 US people, so its important we try to make it accessible for them 2.

More news later

=RD= Mr Nap

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