This whole ToA-template thing - someone able to answer this?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Currently I am doing my ToA-templates for my SB and got some questions that actually apply to all melee-classes.

Its about the diffrent ways to increase damage output. :)

As I see it you can improve it, not counting Legendary weapons and procs, by increasing your weaponskill cap (Strength for SB) and/or increase it by getting items with % to damage - its hard to go high on both for a stealther class since there is so much to increase.

My questions is:

1. Lets say I improve my strength-cap with 25 - would there be a big diffrence compared to having 10% style damage increase instead?

2. Does % increase to melee damage increase only unstyled damage or all melee damage?

3. My idea is to go high on str-cap and not as high on style damage increase - something around +20-25 to str cap and just 5% to style damage and none for melee damage - it is still like I would have aug str 3/4 so just that gotta make some diffrence?

4. Is there a hardcap that you cant go past with these +str?

I will probably post more questions as I think of them - lets try to keep this without whine and so on...I couldnt care less if peeps think the SB is gimped and so on as this can be usefull for all classes to know. Biggest reason is that I dont have the time, patience and money to get 3-4 artifacts on the toons I wanna get TOA'd. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
+meleedmg% adds straight to your basedmg.
+styledmg% increases the GR of your styles by that % - except it's not affected by haste/qui. basically the same as meleedmg% for mainhand.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
also the cap for +cap is 25 so you can only get +25 str cap.

The cap for % melee damage, speed, style damage is 10%


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Lam said:
also the cap for +cap is 25 so you can only get +25 str cap.

The cap for % melee damage, speed, style damage is 10%

afaik cap is 26 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
From 1.68 patch notes:

"Our design called for the stat cap to be set at the character's level divided by two (plus one), and we've even given this answer out in discussions and chats. Feedback from our users proved there was a discrepancy. We have fixed this bug, so now everyone's stat cap bonus will be lowered to meet the new formula. Now, a level 50 character's stat bonus cap will be 26, not the overpowered 50."

So it should be +26 as last poster stated...
Guess people are relying too much on the KORT'S SC Calculator that shows 25 as max stat cap :p

Even the latest version of KORT'S SC doesn't show 26 as max stat cap, and does not update stat cap for chars sub lvl 50 either... :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
For a rogue class +26 str overcap isn't going to be a great deal of damage more, i am guessing about 4% compared to around 7% or so for a light tank/pure tank.

You best going for the bonuses first then trying to overcap some strength, there is no str cap either when buffed.Also melee damage bonus is the best one of the three since it's base damage so it helps a great deal.

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