This was written some days ago.




And is the reason, some of us didn't bother to show up last night when the Mids took back their relic.
Night after night we've been trying to arrange FGs to take back our own keeps, always told that "nothing happens", "just a couple of mid/hib FGs having fun".
HA, I don't even have a bad consience about not showing up for once. This is what happens when RP farming and ignorance towards defending our realm is the trend among most people..


GRATZ TO MIDGARD 4 taking their relic back !

Well, they finally did it without any help from hibs and without doing it when no1 is logged on in Albion !

Big applause ! (If only i knew how to make those animated applauses ;) )


Gratz to MIDS, u deserve to have it back guys !!

And yes, i was told 15 pm that u gonna try it, peeps tried to form groups to have keeps back, and lazy Albs showed again their interest of keeps, well Albs deserve this 1 so good.

And Plz HIBS, come get yours also back, if albs r as lazy then when u r taking our keeps , take it , i aint bothering to show up, 1 Week 24/7 taking keeps back, and asking peeps, 600 online, its difficult to get 8 peeps to take keeps..and best was 230 in emain.

U lazy gits of Albion, we got what we deserved =)

Bleri McThrust

Sad to say maybe Chenuba but this has been on the cards for a long time.

Cutting edge have been in virtual control of Sauvage for months. When they first started appearing there we tried to get something going to stop them. However all we met was, "dont worry about it its only Killgorde and Co".

It started with the regular taking of Renaris then moved on to the taking of other keeps to. We as a guild used to regularly get groups together to help retake the keeps. At one point it seemed like all evening, every evening. However the diminishing lack of support got to us so we do it less often.

Alliance chat so often reads ...

2FG Mids on road to Excal
some mids spotted near mill
On way
On way
etc etc

I know you and a couple of others have been recently working hard to get help in our own frontiers and i know from bitter experience how hard it is. I also doubt that Mids getting there relic will change things much in that respect.

The question now is will they continue to haunt Sauvage with the intention of going for the other relics or will they move to Hib for there power. And will Albs continue to allow a well organised Mid Alliance the free reign in our own frontiers.

As for last night, sadly i wasnt playing :puke: so missed what happened. But gratz to the Mids they deserved it. Also it means they will have to watch there own backyard of course.


LOL Love it, Big GRATZ to midgard. Even more so to "Killgorde and Co"

You is a target now tho, Get them plats out We're coming for them gates :)

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