This really makes me want to take someone by the neck with a stabby weapon

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[ebay link removed]

I was trawling thru my ebay items and thought . hmmm i wonder who is selling accounts on Ebay - lets have a look.


Dunno if euro T&Cs are the same but the US ver states you can sell a full account but not individual items.

Tesla Monkor

You're not allowed to sell/trade/give away with a pretty ribbon around it, anything at all. You lease the account and pay for it on a monthly basis. You own nothing, and can thus not sell anything. Basically.


Originally posted by Falcon
Dunno if euro T&Cs are the same but the US ver states you can sell a full account but not individual items.

Is gold covered ? as there was someone selling 1000 gold on ebay too


Yeah not ment to sell gold on the US servers but loads do. Judging from what Tesla said tho the euro T&Cs on selling stuff is different.

Bleri McThrust

I used to enjoy looking on Ebay to see whos accounts were up for sale and you would be suprised at some of them :)

It always made me chuckle with how easy it was to actually work out who it was. Some were a lot easier than others.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
You're not allowed to sell/trade/give away with a pretty ribbon around it, anything at all. You lease the account and pay for it on a monthly basis. You own nothing, and can thus not sell anything. Basically.

GoA don't give a shit about the COC.
They KNOW for a fact that some people have traded/sold chars and they do NOTHING.


Does anybody give a shit!! i dont


So you posted because you dont have an opinion? Sorry, but thats just fucking retarded.


whats the problem with it anyway? i dont see the problem, all i see is tripitaka grassing someone up for kicks.


offically your not alowed to sell accounts but really u think goa give a shit ... its so easy to see who thease ppl are especially when they state RP's etc and what classes at what lvls on acc ... i mean they could prolly get sum 15 yr old kid on work experiance to find whos accounts are up for sale against coc ........

actually no the work experiance kid is doin our 1.63/4 patch at mo sell sell sell :p


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
So you posted because you dont have an opinion? Sorry, but thats just fucking retarded.
No, I do have an opinion,Which is i dont give a shit...I dont see

the problem. If someone wants to sell their account, then why the

fuck should it bother anyone else?

So you posted your opinion of someone not having a opinion,

When infact they did have a opinion? sorry, but thats just fucking



Originally posted by tripitaka
and a card for you too...

cut n paste pls.

and just for the record - i think you're prick for posting something just to flame for no reason.

And where in my post did i flame? Your the one who's doing the

flamimg. In my post did i call you a prick or a fuckwit...or a

complete and utter tosser...No i didnt!!


I'm sorry, but thats not a bad price, well worth it compared to the effort/time to get all those chars.

I know it ain't right, but GOA do turn a blind eye, and this is a growing trend, a bizzare virtual economy, eventually we will all accept it.
OK your going to be a total noob with most of the chars, but that's your problem not anyone elses.


By looking at 1 site and filling in some info I've already found out who this is.

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Khalen
By looking at 1 site and filling in some info I've already found out who this is.

Exactly :)

Its not hard and although I havent looked at this one, it is voyeristic fun to do sometimes :clap:


Originally posted by shallow_grave
And where in my post did i flame? Your the one who's doing the

flamimg. In my post did i call you a prick or a fuckwit...or a

complete and utter tosser...No i didnt!!

My point was , whats the point of posting something just to say u dont give a shyte - pointless.... now crawl back under ur little rock and dont give a shit there instead of wasting ur time and energy typing bollox.


Originally posted by tripitaka
and a card for you too...

cut n paste pls.

and just for the record - i think you're a prick for posting something just to flame for no reason.

Fogive me if i failed to your point here!! I missed the bit where it

says "Why bother to post if you dont give a shit" Not to worry

i'll remember to use complete tosser translator next time.

Does really bother people that much if someone sells their



Originally posted by shallow_grave
Does really bother people that much if someone sells their


Yeah they do, atleast the goa fanboiz ;z


well tbh whats the point of flaming some1 who actual DO have an opinion bout the topic? " I dont give a shit " hence he doesnt give a shit if people trade accounts or not. Allthough your point seems valid when you flame him for NOT having a point? Your post seems for me to be alot more invalid in the topic than the persons you try to take down.

Edit: Oh yeah my post doesnt have anything to do in this thread but I guess several other posts dont either :)


Originally posted by tripitaka
My point was , whats the point of posting something just to say u dont give a shyte - pointless.... now crawl back under ur little rock and dont give a shit there instead of wasting ur time and energy typing bollox.

the point (if you took a second to get your head out of your ass) is that he didn't see the point in your post/thread because he didn't care about people selling their accounts.

it really isn't that difficult to grasp mate, and definately doesnt require your razor sharp pointless insults. your thread is trying to get people to respond to the idea that selling stuff on ebay is bad. someone posts to say that they don't agree that someone deserves " a stabby weapon" just for selling their hard earned hours of life on ebay, and you slag them off. brilliant. of course, you flamed so fast you totally missed what was meant, which is only to be expected because unless i'm much mistaken you are possibly pretty dense.

funny that you seem to believe that you owe a debt of gratude to GOA to have to tell them that someone wants to sell their account. personally i wouldnt mind if a few old accounts that arent in use are sold to some people who can't be assed to deal with the grief that is lvls 1-20 now that there is sod all people to group with, and its not like the servers don't need the players.

everything you post makes me hate you more tbh. im looking forward to your next pile of shit.


ps just realised i hate your sig too. wtf is with that?



Originally posted by shallow_grave
Fogive me if i failed to your point here!! I missed the bit where it

says "Why bother to post if you dont give a shit" Not to worry

i'll remember to use complete tosser translator next time.

Does really bother people that much if someone sells their


- i was just pointing out someone with 3 level 50's and various other chars are selling on ebay - and its against COC, but GOA appear not to care. That is wrong, so i thought id raise a discussion about it - But i forgot every discussion turns into some kind of slagging match usually on BW anyways.

Plus the downside - that player is likely NOT to know how to play those toons.

NOW, if you goto that ebay page and look at the other Buys by that person - they recently bought DAOC and SI add-on... so you have to wonder if they just gonna buy their way into the game without playing it first... Thats the real wanky part imho.

Originally posted by old.Jable
the point (if you took a second to get your head out of your ass) is that he didn't see the point in your post/thread because he didn't care about people selling their accounts.

it really isn't that difficult to grasp mate, and definately doesnt require your razor sharp pointless insults. your thread is trying to get people to respond to the idea that selling stuff on ebay is bad. someone posts to say that they don't agree that someone deserves " a stabby weapon" just for selling their hard earned hours of life on ebay, and you slag them off. brilliant. of course, you flamed so fast you totally missed what was meant, which is only to be expected because unless i'm much mistaken you are possibly pretty dense.

funny that you seem to believe that you owe a debt of gratude to GOA to have to tell them that someone wants to sell their account. personally i wouldnt mind if a few old accounts that arent in use are sold to some people who can't be assed to deal with the grief that is lvls 1-20 now that there is sod all people to group with, and its not like the servers don't need the players.

everything you post makes me hate you more tbh. im looking forward to your next pile of shit.

Jable - ever since you have been gracing us with your presence on these boards , your always slagging someone off. Now im not going to do the same, as i wont stoop to YOUR level. But i fail to see how my head is up my ass, when someone posts something like - 'who gives a shit' - thats totally pointless and a waste of space on these boards.

I was trying to raise a discussion with which to chat about ebay and daoc accounts yet he decides to post something that shouldn't have been posted. AND now you come along and start your high n mighty 'head out yer ass' bollox. Grow up.

Ok i may have over reacted a little with my 'here have a card' routine - but i truley dont see the point of posting'who gives a shit' because its like he's talking about all of us. when obviously he isn't - and the discussion has brought some good replies.

Originally posted by old.Jable
ps just realised i hate your sig too. wtf is with that?


wtf is withwhat ? The first quote is about 2 guildies from Hib / pryd i used to be with, and the second one has now changed. Thanks to you and ur so wonderous words of wisdom - giving me a new sig tag line - i wub u man. :clap:


Originally posted by shallow_grave
Does anybody give a shit!! i dont

Notice the " i dont " part. Still his opinion no matter how you try to cut it.


Just wondering Tripitaka, why the hell do you care if he sells his chars?, will that affect you in any way ?, you can just refuse to group with them.

No need to raise a flamewar here :sleeping:


btw mr trippy, i love your sig. only thing that could improve it is a couple more quotes from your mates stating how hilarious you really are ;)


Originally posted by old.Jable
btw mr trippy, i love your sig. only thing that could improve it is a couple more quotes from your mates stating how hilarious you really are ;)

This is becoming a Jable hates tripi thread - all i wanted to do was make a discussion about ebay DAOC accounts using the link as an example of a top sale on ebay.

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