This patch sucks :)



I'm sorry, but its the suckiest thing since the invention of large suckling teat pinching monstas from deep within the minds ickle psychee (sp?).

The game is now sooooooooooooooo easy to cheat. Can we say "Fakelag 500" - shoot - "fakelag 0" ... that *is* cheating, and its lame.
having been a Tau abuser for many many months, I did finally accept that it was becoming overly abused, and that it should be toned down, it seems to have been toned down faaaar to much though.
The longjump module is piss, its so slow you can jump into your own mp5 grenades now, and its impossibly hard to do the Tau jump with it (I know one of the bestest Hlers who now takes 3 attempts :( )
Half of the console commands have been removed in favour of some other shamblee ones, thus all my tweaks don't work, thus it feels jerky as beef jerkin served up with jerkin stew (or something)

On the tfc side I'm told that medics are shite now (hurrah) , soldiers are underpowered, hwgs seem harder to kill et al.

oh, and the scoreboard is rancidly intrusive.

and if you came here expecting me to rant about something you all play (cs or tfc) you're much mistaken, and if you're one of the people who likes colourful descriptions, I can but apologise :D

Bleh, I'm so glad UT rocks.


Oh, and there are graphical errors by the dozen for everyone.

and the installer is once again broken for some people (will valve ever make a patch that works? or just one that requires redownloading until it does)

more complaints as I think them/read them/abuse things.


old.Mad Kain

Good thing they killed of the medic, imho CJ'ing spoilt tfc, and the medic was stupidly overpowered in the first place.
A medics purpose was to be a team healer and to disrupt the opposing team by spreading viruses, not sodding capping like a madman on acid.
Death to the damn medic! Since I dont play HL anymore cos its full of llamas, what did they do to the other classes?
I heard that the HW is slightly more quicker now lol.
I've got two angry mates on icq shouting abuse at me, cos when they click on the .exe patch, sod all happens lol.

/me goes back to killing things on uo

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain aka Kombat-Wombat! (CS)

Atomic Rammer

Kez. I heard some reports that kills were registered client side and so conducted a fakelag cheat experiment online, it doesn't work thankfully. Kills ARE registerd server side.

If anyone has done this and had it work, I reckon they were just lucky that their target didnt move much. I tried it with a sniper on tfc many many times but it didnt work once.

re medics. All but the longest conc jumps are still possible using a different technique. But they dont ping from one location to another, u can actually track them through the conc.

Medics are certainly less impressive but they can still do practically every conc that was of any use in 1.0. Its just a bit harder.


Yeah, HWG is even more powerful ... if you come across one and you are not another HWG you be dead quick. Even the upgraded sniper is unable to seriously damage the HWG ... I was on Well a cuppla days back and was HWG. Walked into enemy base, three snipers all taking popshots at me, but I was able to kill all of them, even know I took 8 hits. Only thing that killed me was the instant ready-mix sentry waiting around the corner :)

Anyway, gonna try my hand at it again, cyas.

With thanks


P.S. FAO of that big fat ugly arsed bitch "iamagirl" who was on Barrysworld TFC on Friday .... you shoot like a bitch you pig ugly dog :p

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Atomic Rammer

Balls! its started already the cheat paranoia of CS 6.0 is moving to tfc about the fakelag thing.

I still think its a myth or there would be some seriously amazing snipers. So far I've seen ones on the old tfc that were better. Its just modemers can get more kills.

Atomic Rammer

Ah good news
I was half right

I tried it on my own server and the cheat did work, but theres already a server side patch to fix it so I must have been on one of them b4.


Yep, while it was good to look at im totaly fed up of it now, playing CS on the net is a joke, plays like firearms, sounds like firearms ect, ect..
I want the old code back too, while it did get boggy at times, im realy mad about the 1 second delay in firing or hitting, or what ever it does, it's so dam anoying, bah what have they done...noooooo, back to playing quake maybe, :(


Bleh, they could just f'ing fix the netcode, its shite.

I'm told at current LPBs on 55 pings feel like 500pings, and that in the next patch it will revert to LPBs being lpbs...stupid f'ing valve monkees, couldn't code a decent thing if they tried :(


Yep im lpb, and it does feel like im on a joke ping, i have nothing against improving gameplay for 56k modem players, but as another guy put it "why have they screwed the people who enjoy there gaming so much that they have decided to ditch the 56k and get more enjoyment from there online gaming", Ohh and btw the fake lagg thing is being used on barrysworld servers, it sux, big time, cheating figs :(


If it's any help the UC & Savage Connection Guide was updated with tweaks and explanations of the new netcode as soon as the patch was released.

The guide's linked in S.A.S's CounterStrike section or you can access it via and visit the Game Specific Connection Tweaks section. If you can't find the page just enter 'HalfLife' in the guide search engine.

[This message has been edited by Requ!em (edited 11 June 2000).]


Thats it enough, iv'e spent the whole afternoon getting kicked around in cs, the net code is great for tfc, but for cs, i cry, this stupid predict hit thing is a absolute joke, it's a freaking hit and miss afair. 1 i don't being wasted by a guy, 1 second after i put a awp round into his chest. 2 i can't stand the way my screen does nothing but jerk non stop, and if ever one of my team m8's touches me, my computer near freezes, wtf is the all about. 3 i can't stand people who go about the game playing like it does on a lan, does it f-ck. It's become noting more than a arcade frag fest, man i tells ya, it's like q2, q3, they borked q3, to sell it to more people. nuff said, man im pissed off.

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