this maybe a long shot....



Hello! :)

I used to play daoc back in the beta and early parts of the real game and haven't been about for a while. Instead of me starting all over again with no friends which tbh is quite boring I was wondering if there any other people who fancied starting a char with me? Not bothered about what realm but I only really know alb... anybody??? :)


alb have too many, mid have reasonable numbers too but I think the hibs have the most need on Pryd/Excal.

I'm afraid I can't offer you a leveling partner as my playing pattern is just too erractic to be helpful to you. But I'm sure some friendly hib guilds would take you in...

If you are willing to help out a realm in need try posting in the specific forums for the server you choose.

Madonion Slicer

Welcome back, i can only suggest that PBAOE groups seem to be hot at the moment so have a read of the forums look a PBAOE thread and see if you can grab a spot, they normally kick off around lvl7-10.


cheers for the replys, where do you recommend I start then? Prydwen/Hibernia? Do you think I should post on their forums? I'm pretty much just looking for a few people who want to start characters with me to ease the pain of how boring it is knowing nobody and having nobody to talk too :(

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