This is Impossible



Trying to get access to my account from yesterday at 13:00 GMT and no luck yet....

Atm 13k r online in european servers.. and i cant believe there r 80 players online in account web atm.... its insane....

I dunno when the game released in France or Germany but in UK the release date only some shops got some small amount of coppies... HMV in LIverpool hadnt brought it yet same and Virgin ....

I mean the coppies r too less for almost 24hrs the account web is every sec with 80 guys on....

What i am thinking ... is tha Goa maybe shut down the web for the weekend so they can fix the porbs.....

I wish i am wrong.....


I managed to get as far as entering my login and pass. when i clicked the next button i was back to the page unavailable.


Yep this happens from 7:00 GMT when i started me retries again...


And what i nopticed b4 2mins is that the window name is.. : Daoc - Inscription - Err.

I hope this err doenst means error... if it does then i think all the daoc players who didnt activate their SI until now they have to w8 until Monday.....


Can anyone confirm that they've been able to register today? I'm just trying to decide whether to go to the shops and pick up daoc+si package (haven't played daoc for about a year lost my old account stuff)


Guess i got lucky, managed to register 2 copys of SI and a new account the same day i got SI.



Now I am one to give people the benefit of doubt but this is taking the piss.

It is 3 days since patch day, never mind the probelms there, and I have been trying on and off to activate SI for nearly 4 hours.

What the (insert random expletive) are GOA playing at. According to their own website 'dozens of thousands' of copies of SI were sold and they have the lack of foresight/stupidity/complete lack of respect and care for there client base (delete as appropriate) to limit their activation server to 80 people at a time!!!

Then they tak ecustomer support offline because it is affecting the performance of the activation pages! Whilst I am not surprised about this as I expect the level of complaints is rather fecking high atm they have just compounded the problem. Now they have god knows how many people pissed off because they cant activate SI/register a new account and now they cant even let off steam about it at the Customer Support. I have the misfortune of working in CS myself and I know from personal experiance that half the time all that disgruntled people want is someone to shout at and get it out of their system.

Like the man says above, UO is looking more and more attractive. I used to play UO for about 3 years and whenever they had a big expansion things were very different. Ok, there were new bugs and fixes that needed to be done, that is to be expected, but at least you could PLAY THE BLOODY GAME YOU HAD JUST SHELLED OUT FOR. I seem to recall that at the times I am thinking of UO had a helluvva lot more subscribers as well.

I guess the money from SI will make up for the subs that GOA will lose as a result of this for a couple of months, so they wont give a crap for a month or two. I am on the verge of cancelling my subscription and the only reason i haven't is that I have just forked out ANOTHER £15 to play a state of the art MMORPG called REFRESH.

*off topic - you can play the refresh game on any internet page you like for free. Pick your fave webpage and hit F5 for 3 hours*

Hell, it is as if GOA have decided to introduce the thrilling tradeskill gameplay experience to the subs page, just to whet our appetites for it in game.. if we ever get there.


i know of one person who has managed to register today, he told me he did it at 06.00 GMT,i think its just lots of ppl who are trying to register who are holding things up,i was lucky i did mine on wednesday but what i can not understand is why they haven`t setup a counter,that way you could login and say a little window opens say you are 800 in line etc,at least that way it would stop ppl spamming the page which i`m sure only makes matters worse.

good luck to you all in your quest to register.


only thing that puzzles me is if 80 ppl can register and it takes 5 mins to register. that adds up2 one hell of a lot of people playing this game if we are on day 4 of release. either that or my maths is crap or someone is telling porkiepies :p


I cant believe this crap people pay GOA loads of money both when buying DAoC or Shrouded Isles + subscription fees and still they "cant afford" servers that can handle more than 80 persons at the time!? WTF are we paying for?


SPAMTASTIC i did it :)

once i got to entering the account details and got the same old msg. just kept pressing back and pasting password back in till i got there :)


I registered SI this morning at 03:30 GMT from an oil rig off the coast of Africa, so believe me it is possible. And to the person hitting F5 it won't work you need to spam the account button at the left of the screen.

It works it just takes paitence.

And as Friday was official release day for the UK imagine how many people just got it, got in from work and started trying to patch and register ? and today is Saturday lots of people no work so do not mind staying up till dark o'clock ?

Try at 3 am Monday I am sure it will be easy :rolleyes:

Any way have fun and persevere you know you want it.



Sarum TheBlack

Why do they need a server that can handle 20,000 people? Or even 1,000 people? They don't need that sort of bandwith on their accounds server, and they'd be stupid to pay for it. All of the rest of the year, they'll have maybe 50 people all day access their account.

And I hate to break it to you, but £6 a month is not "loads of money", if you want to shell out more money for a server they don't actually need 99.99999999% of the time, then you're a fool.


make sure your not pressing the refresh button. All that will do is refresh the unavailable page. You have to keep clicking the account button


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Why do they need a server that can handle 20,000 people? Or even 1,000 people? They don't need that sort of bandwith on their accounds server, and they'd be stupid to pay for it. All of the rest of the year, they'll have maybe 50 people all day access their account.

And I hate to break it to you, but £6 a month is not "loads of money", if you want to shell out more money for a server they don't actually need 99.99999999% of the time, then you're a fool.

I think in this case you are the fool. They could have either rented the server or bought a real server it doesnt cost that much to get a server that can handle more than 80 persons at a time its not exactly like its a game server. £6 is not loads of money, and I hate to break it you, there is more than one person that pays £6 a month. Maybe you did not realize that? You think i enjoy spending several hours trying to activate a game that I bought and then pay even more in subscription. No I dont so all you GOA fanboys can fuck off.

Sarum TheBlack

Oooh, anger issues. There is more than one person paying £6 a month? Really?.. you know I'd never guessed that all the other 20,000 odd subscribers also paid a subscription. Still, that means they've got to pay for game servers for all those people, and support staff, and for a big enough connection to the net, and... And I'd much rather they spent my tiny subs payments on decent game servers that can handle the load from all these other people also paying subs, and on paying more translation monkeys so we can get the updates from the US faster etc. Its only a day or two.. and you can still access the game of course.


a new server would cost sod all, it wouldn't even be worth renting one to do it. Hell they can have my old box sitting in the cupboard for £50 if they if I can activate SI today.


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Oooh, anger issues. There is more than one person paying £6 a month? Really?.. you know I'd never guessed that all the other 20,000 odd subscribers also paid a subscription. Still, that means they've got to pay for game servers for all those people, and support staff, and for a big enough connection to the net, and... And I'd much rather they spent my tiny subs payments on decent game servers that can handle the load from all these other people also paying subs, and on paying more translation monkeys so we can get the updates from the US faster etc. Its only a day or two.. and you can still access the game of course.

:rolleyes: Do you have any idea, any idea at all that 80 people is a extremly small amount of persons on a server (mind you this is not a 80 people Counter-Strike server). Ive said this before and will say it again til you get it. I do not care about the translations since I dont play a translated version imo they shouldnt even translate the game to german/french but ok now they did it. Thats great cos now germans and french can think that they will never ever learn another language than theirs which is so superior all other languages, not.

I pointed that out so they guy above me would understand and apperntly you dont understand that renting bandwidth and a server for more than 80 people is not that expensive. How many times do you want me to repeat this? IT IS NOT EXPENSIVE. A server for more than 80 people cost next to nothing. Lament not your vanquished fantasy...


Ok I tried two emails to GOA and both came back saying address not found. I want a email address to them. I want to tell them how I feel and what I want to do to them. I forked out £30 for this piece of crap and now I can't even get it activated since Friday night. I even stayed up all night trying to get on once at 1 am , 3 am and 4am. Still nothing, so its not people spamming the page as there was only 360 people on at that time on Excaliber server which is of avergae numbers at that time of night accross all servers. We all pay subscription fees and pay out money for a service we have not got, I want some kind of compensation for this. We are paying for a service which is not there.


Someone mentioned above that the page has -err in the url, you can use this to your advantage by putting your browser at the top of the screen and having the server select screen at the bottom you can rapidly press the register button and watch the url at the bottom of the web browser, when the url changes to one that contains "login" stop pressing and let the page load.

I spent a couple of hours reloading the subscription pages last night before i tried this and when i did it this way i found i got into the subscription page very quickly (in only about 5 mins of trying as you can actually refresh the page very quickly while watching for the "-err" url to disappear).

Once i got to the subscription page i just put in my subscription username and password then pressed the accept button, back, paste in password, press accept, back, etc... till it accepted the password...

Not sure if the above makes sense but it might help some people who are getting tired of trying...

(PS i'm using IE 6)


I am getting to the point where when I get to the account page I am going to cancel my account. I want a phone number so I can scream down the phone at them. Its getting to the point where I am wanting to go to France and kick their door in for this crap.

Most profesional companies supply a phone number that you can call if all else fails...... mmm we talking about GOA here though.


Have hope people - just managed to activate account at 2pm today.

Just took alot of tries :/


Originally posted by firecrown
Have hope people - just managed to activate account at 2pm today.

Just took alot of tries :/

Yeh but to be honest you should not have to sit at the computer pressing a mouse button for 2 to 3 hours maybe more to get it to work.

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