This is a great start for a new use like me!!



Well I am new to DAOC, I bought the game and the Shrouded Isles add-on. I installed it yesterday, patched the game up and then tried to register, what a joke. Couldn't get on the registration page at all until Midnight last night. When I eventually did, I filled out all my details, entered my cd keys, accepted the terms and conditions and then pressed the next page to complete signup, guess what it didn't load up. Okay I thought, I'll go back to the last page and try again, when I got there the cd key boxes were blank, so I entered them again and pressed for next page. I get a message saying that the cd key is in use by another account. It has obviously set up the account from the previous info I put in. Heres the catch though, I haven't received an e-mail with my login details, so I can't access the game or my account. When I go to the accounts page on the website it asks for a login and password which I don't have. I have e-mailed subscriptions explaining the situation but guess what no reply yet. This is absolutely shocking, makes me wonder why I bothered getting this game now. I am goona have to wait and see if they bother to e-mail my login details as I cannot re-sell/trade the game due to the cd keys being in use so no-one else can use it. Why is there no contact nu,ber for these people? Anyone got any suggestions at all, any advice/help appreciated. Sorry for the long post but I am a bit miffed about all this.


As i said I have e-mailed them but no reply, if this is how they treat their customers then it is a joke.


You did buy a new game and not an old one from someone?


The game is brand new from Gameplay, it is the DAOC & SI bundle.


Just checking. Try again later perhaps, or then it's..well...wait and see. GOA has more then enough on their hands and no company could handle this amount of shit that they get right now from people.

To make things worse, 60% of the complaints in support are probably something like "Waa! I lost one gold!" and they bury the real problems under them like a landslide.


Yeah but you have to admit that for a new user to the game like myself, with no previous experience of GOA, I am now thinking why did I bother. I find it hard to believe that they weren't expecting this and should have been better prepared, there is no excuse in my mind.


Sorry you're having such a poor introduction to the game. It gets better, it really does. :(


I am really looking forward to playing the game, a few friends have it and it looks cool. Hope people can understand my frustration as a new user to the game, I am not just flaming for the sake of it.


yeah :(

worst time possible to start playing too :)

they should have released the SI only on wednesday as they did and left the SI+game for monday - might have helped a bit. at least the new accounts would have encountered less problems.


Originally posted by samba72
I am really looking forward to playing the game, a few friends have it and it looks cool. Hope people can understand my frustration as a new user to the game, I am not just flaming for the sake of it.

I think we all (or at least those of us who got our preorder copies of SI) feel much the same way. ;)
I was lucky really, I had 3 people + comps handy to rope into spamming the 'account' button for me. Only took about 2 hours :p


:( think of it this way, when you first get it you will be stuck with it :rolleyes:

Complicated start i see, but im sure you will get it right soon ;)

Let the adventure start! (soon)


I understand your frustration completely mate...I think it's disgusting to treat your customers with such disdain. Then to close down the ONLY avenue they have to complain "Right Now" under the pretext that it will help.

Get a fucking grip GOA, at least tell us what you are doing to remedy the situation. Not these crap "update" posts that Tilda has to sticky for you.

Uncle Sick(tm)

/clap GOA

I honestly wonder just how many new players simply gave up after having to click for the x-tish time on the register/account buttons...


I have exactly the same problem...
Bought also the game and the add-on but it didnt gave me my password or anything :(
Hope goa will email the log in details soon :(


Well another day passes without an e-mail from GOA, I mean come on I only e-mailed them on Thursday with my problem, surely I shouldn't be expecting an answer this quickly. This is quite frankly a bag of shite, what the hell are they playing at, all I want is a login and a password, is it asking too much?


e-mail them again today or so, since rightnow is back up, they might answer some e-mails, i hope


Im still waiting on Details , same thing happened to me. So far emailed them 10times still no reply


I'm gonna give it till Wednesday, then call it a day. If this is how they treat their customers I would rather go elsewhere. Think I'll give Everquest a go instead.

skerit XP

Yes well duh, what do you think?
'The server is obviously overloaded as hell, let's push thesame button 50 times'
Not really the way to go, in America Camelot had a clean start, in europe it's bit harder with the slower servers, patience is hard, but nescesary :(

I hope you bought it from and not from .com, isn't that the american version then?



Whining be4 u even played the game.. now THAT gotta be a record.

Yes its shit.. but why post it here? And if u have so many doubts about why u did buy the game then dont play it.



Originally posted by samba72
Yeah but you have to admit that for a new user to the game like myself, with no previous experience of GOA, I am now thinking why did I bother. I find it hard to believe that they weren't expecting this and should have been better prepared, there is no excuse in my mind.

I understand your frustration. I was sooo pissed off during the weekend trying to register non-stop without success. It really makes you mad. Now on monday when they fixed the registration I made it on the 1st try.

Weeehaaa, now I'm happy again! Because SI is really an upgrade, it's beautiful (and worth some hazzle).

Don't give up (yet) mate!


OMG GOA got love :D heh it makes a nice change to see people sticking up for GOA occaisionally. They did screw up this time, an account activation server with max 80 accounts at a time is a really bad idea when an expansion like this comes out and 30k odd people want to play, but their service is very much improved from when EU DAoC was originally released, and having been part of some of the events I have to say they are putting a fair bit of effort into them. Give them a little time, I expect they have a fair few emails.


GOA really are being bombed with hundred of users trying to register SI, well with this constant beating on the site, they restricted bandwidth to 80 users, hopefully this should ease off, gosh i hope its not like this when the next expansion is out.


To Skerit and Living, I am entitled to my opinion just as much as you are, I always thought forums were a place to come and sound off. Yes I did buy the English version, no I didn't have any doubts about the game beforehand or else I wouldn't have bought it. How was I to know as a new user that they would have the worst customer support going. It has been nearly a week now and still no reply from GOA. The server shouldn't be overloaded as they should have prepared for this beforehand. Please don't try and defend what has happened to many people over the last week. A company that cannot answer e-mails and takes away the customer support facility over the launch of a new add-on is clearly very amateur in the way they do things.


Originally posted by samba72
I am really looking forward to playing the game, a few friends have it and it looks cool. Hope people can understand my frustration as a new user to the game, I am not just flaming for the sake of it.

Ah young one you will learn the way's of the Flame soon enough.. patience is the key and learn these vital word's


^^ thats a start now go hom and do ur home work on the above subjects.



Well when about 20 000 ppl is hammering a page trying to get in and register at one and the same time i do think something will happen. And most likely something bad. The day of SI release must be the worst time of all to try the game for the first time. Think they lost a few (or more) new customers due to the hard time getting in to register


Well my friend, same thing happened to me, and I opened the same thread, word TO word, a month ago..mail them and put Lost Password at the subject, and inside the letter detail your problem exactly, my bad was that I mistyped my email address so they had to snailmail me my pass, hopefully you didnt do the same, should be over quick hang in there, thats goa.


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