Thinks that work in MMORPG game and not irl..


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Me and a friend [Funkybunny and Myself] got bored at 5am and just started a random MSN convo. This is what came out of it... :-D

1. saying afk while at friends, then lean back and say "omg these
guys suck . oooh... mt"

2. jumping around a bar yelling LFG!!!.

3. Calling your friends n00bs then explaining to them what a n00b is.

4. run in to a store.. stop at a dude and say "hey can u buy me
some stuff plz? im new to this shop"

5. Calling people fotm because they got new shoes

6. if you go down the street, and suddenly 10 ppl come walking
towards you.. yell OMG ZERG!

7. shouting WTB 99% qual robe in a clothes-store

9. shout WTS SHINY SWORD in the middle of town..

10. Complaining how over populated your town is then saying you
want to move to roll a new house

11. if you get a fine by the police.. dont say /slap /rude

12. if you see a kid on the street. do not laugh and shout.. omg
im gonna greygank and then hit the little kid

13. Go around saying im a RR10 shadowblade and will wtfpwn j00

14. do not take your bow out on the town saying "hunter lf

15: do not say this when entering your workplace "any cg up???"

16. 14 people on the street! relic raid!

17. when you see some freshy baked parents with their newborn
baby.. do NOT say: omg they rolled a girl.. thats SOOOO FOTM!

19. When you see a really hairy person walking around don't go
"EWWW valkryn bonedancer!

20. do not say to your colleague.. omg thats the boss.. im gonna
backstab him!

21. if youre standing by a friend whos trying to pickup a girl..
do not ask "hey.. want me to do sidestyles or backstyles?"

22. When you find out a girl is on her period and go around "Stop
using bleed styles!"

23. if you get a new job.. do not go up to your manager and say
"hey... pl me plzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

24. yelling "Need specc buffs!"

25. if your girlfriend gives you a new hammer.. do not complain about the quality and try to salvage it

26. do not try this while watching a movie (i actually DID this one).. i saw a movie and one guy was given a axe, and i turned to my non-mmorpg m8 and said.. hmmm.. wonder what the stats were

27. Don't go around complaining about the transport quality and insist they should use horsess insted.

28. if you look out the window, and you see some ppl walking in one direction.. do not shout 2-3fg's moving towards x-road!

29. do not ask a girl "hey are u a girl irl?"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
hehe would like to see someone do that stuff^^

Friend of mine did a similiar thing. He was talkin to a girl on phone, she had done something she was proud of and he was going to congratulate her..
so he's like: GRATZ!!! :cheers:
I laughed so hard :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
walking up to policemen and whisper task in their ear..

falling down the stairs and blaming mythic for not fixing that bloody floor bug

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Said LOL once to a customer after he said something funny. That killed the convo for a few seconds till i realisedwhat i had said. V sad, i must admit.


Jan 21, 2004
ilaya said:
walking up to policemen and whisper task in their ear..

falling down the stairs and blaming mythic for not fixing that bloody floor bug
haha.. i wanna test the task thingy :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lol closest thing for me would be when i was in the pub and i said... afk stuck to mich BRB .. i wasnt there to see there responce they just kinda shruged it off i guess we were all pritty wrecked :p.. and the other time was when i was speaking to some friends after they said an okay joke... i said LOL lmao irl rofl .. they just started at me gawping with anamosity


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
Binky the Bomb said:
Said LOL once to a customer after he said something funny. That killed the convo for a few seconds till i realisedwhat i had said. V sad, i must admit.
hahahaha thats excellant dude, when we had a rl alliance meeting in london we were waiting for some peeps to turn up and i says to spesh "hay wild and trip still inc right?" wasnt even on purpoise and when i hear something funny i do get the urge to say LOL.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
26. do not try this while watching a movie (i actually DID this one).. i saw a movie and one guy was given a axe, and i turned to my non-mmorpg m8 and said.. hmmm.. wonder what the stats were

LOL done that, but out with a group of friends and 1 mate who I play in game with.

Whole night making game references which amused us no end but totally fucked our mates off.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i tend not to talk about games with my friends ... they already alienate me by talking about cars the whole time -_-


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Binky the Bomb said:
Said LOL once to a customer after he said something funny. That killed the convo for a few seconds till i realisedwhat i had said. V sad, i must admit.

the word 'lol' means 'fun' in dutch, so its np if you say it here :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Lol, some of them are pretty good. I've actually been on msn before and invited a few m8s into a convo, when i went to type my message i put /g infront of it and didn't even realise i had done it untill after i had pressed enter :D bet they thought i was going crazy.

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