Thinking of resubbing for a while - questions.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Hiya all
I'm thinking of resubbing for DAoC for a while, while waiting for WAR, and I think playing US Classic/Midgard might be most for me.

Given that I've been away from the game for - well - 3ish years or so - how is state of RvR and PvE currently?
I used to play a Thane (which I deleted), shifted to a Shadowblade (which I deleted) and then a Skald on the Excalibur, and out of these the Thane and Shadowblade have been most fun.
However as said - are Thanes and/or Shadowblades viable on classic servers, or do I need to go full caster to have any roll in RvR?
Perhaps a hunter? How do they fare now?
I would like to be able to solo a bit (likely loose terrible much), but also group if one position opens. For solo, I'm sure the stealthers are most viable, however they rarely are in groups :D, which is why I'm thinking hybrid (Thane) might be better overall?

Is it possible to level okay-ish without buffbots (I'm casual in the way that I do not play each night, but when I play - I can dedicate some 4-5 hours uninterrupted time depending on my mood) or would I have to level one of them as well for ease of leveling, seeing as I'll play outside the US primetime.

Hmmm - think that was about all for now. Other feedback is more then welcome, as I basically know little about the recent versions of the game :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
You can level most of the way in BG's, any char that can kill a yellow will level fairly quickly solo so any tank, any stealther or any caster.

Stealthers are probably best for soloing but on US classic you'll also find groups of them running regularly. It's certainly not the stealther = solo mentality that existed on Dyvet.

As an example tonight, in UK primetime there was about 30 albs in thid, and 35+ albs in molvik. Finding leveling and RvR groups certainly isn't out of the question playing none primetime!

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