thinking of going to us servers?



i went there and i got fed up, why? well first of theres not that much of an inprovment, altho i have to say im looking forward to those patches over here. 2nd i basicly got bored of doing raids at 3 am in the morning. There like 4 hours behind there. To take part in most events and stuff that happens about about 8 ish here u have to be up at 1 am
also theres more lag i have to say



I had zero lag when I played on US, also raid times werent a problem as it was pretty much CONSTANT rvr due to people playing from all over the world.


those things depend a lot on the server yer playing

I played on Pellinor and had a similar experience, but the "big" servers like Merlin and MLF have big euro populations and RvR going on 24/7. Those servers never drop much below 1000 ppl online anytime.

However it's still not the same as the euro servers of course ... (which is about the only reason I'm staying for the moment :/)


I have played for 4 months on us servers, and my experience is that I get much more lag and ld´s from the euro version.


Originally posted by Rohirrim
i went there and i got fed up, why? well first of theres not that much of an inprovment

aaa, somebody gives us a confirmation that this game is crap :)


Originally posted by Ukkeli
I have played for 4 months on us servers, and my experience is that I get much more lag and ld´s from the euro version.
Hmm.... obviously this will be since you are playing overseas after all, sort of logical. Occasionally though you wont feel a difference at all in your ping.


i think your playing the wrong server mate. i get zero lag, lots of in game customer support, patches on time, etc etc

try another server like morgan le fay or merlin for instance which has a massive european player base, roughly 2k+ players on in the euro prime time.

also the pvp server will be a 24/7 job with all kinds of players from all round the world, and the feedback im getting from people playing it is that theres some bugs in but small ones easy to fix, but overall its a hit and should be opening live in a month.


if all my mates here would move to the US i'd go with no regrets, they are the only thing keeping me here,



i think ukkeli meant that he gets ld'd and lagged a lot more in the euro version.

I could start playing us but i sort of foresaw this and restricted myself to euro by getting a 6 month subscription right away ;)


It's not like that :p

Lets see things from other prespective ;)

US ppl vs Euro ppl, curse everyone that lives in europe prefer the euro ppl they might live next to each other etc country guild and stuff alot of common stuff.

US servers or EU servers they're pretty much the same the only difference is that the US staff is way much competent because they have devoloped the game they know what they're doing... If they don't know who will? GOA? nahhh

Lets see a bug report procedure:

You enter EU costumer suport and make a bug report they will answer something like we will forward this to the dev. team what do they do if it's a very easy stuff like true or false they can solve it right there and patch server otherwhise they must contact mythic that has to redo the hole scene to see the bug happen etc etc etc it take ages.

The only problem here is that GOA doesn't want to afford the price of a good translation staff they must have a guy and a programer translating the hole stuff and they say they are improving teams etc they are just here to GET OUR MONEY they don't give a shit about us...

That's how it works ;)


Well it just goes to show how thight arse GOA, the bloody GM's are doing the trans, how lame is that.

GOA hire some proper staff FFS, GM's should be in game doing there job not doing the trans.


Got to confirm ukkeli's comment on the lag. Zero lag in US servers but very much in the euro. Might be my isp but makes you wonder when all your friends LD too.. ;)

If it wasnt for my guild in the euro server i'd fly right back to US servers.. realm abilities etc.. sigh


I think some people might get better connections to the US... run a traceroute (tracert from dos) on excalibur or prydwen's ip (not got them to hand).

I think a lot of traffic from finland goes via the US.


i went there and i got fed up, why? well first of theres not that much of an inprovment, altho i have to say im looking forward to those patches over here. 2nd i basicly got bored of doing raids at 3 am in the morning. There like 4 hours behind there. To take part in most events and stuff that happens about about 8 ish here u have to be up at 1 am

Some comments...

1. There is a LOT of improvement. The battlegrounds, DF and the realm ability skills are the 3 most fun things in the game now IMO.

2. We are not doing raids at 3 in the morning, I certainly am not. Like posted above somewhere, on servers like Merlin and MLF there is RvR all day long. Heck, even on Nimue there was RvR throughout the entire day and that's a lower populated server.

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