Think its borin to whats about to happen to daoc


Ckiller ofDust

Been readin on VNboards alot :( yeah i know whinerboards but still if it goes something like they say there will be but one realm that will rule all Hibernia and thats a bit sad for the game as a whole and will surley make alot of fighters as me(gimped and proud) to quit cos casters will rule to hard.. Hell even read bout a caster killin a paladin 1vs1 with the element of surprise on the pallys side and a succesfull slam style to it????? FFS thats not right :(


heh don't take the whine board seriously...

read around them a bit... every class is gimped beyond belief, noone can survive in pve or rvr.

pve is too slow, too quick and just right at the same time...

albion/hibernia and midgard are all far too overpowered...


Hero = armsman with an insta heal (moose)
Eldritch = wizard with stun
BM = merc with a magic wand spell

wolvon fury

Wish the mods, would add a Rant Room like the catacombs,

When game first came out, Wha wha,
Midgard is over powered
Later on Albion is over powered
Now Hibernia is Over powered,

a Caster with a stun,
A Healer with a stun
A Minstrel in a Stun

They way people og on about this stun, is like its the most awfull thing in the world,

Every time i here a rant, its, Hibernia caster (from the magic realm) gets a baseline stun,

bah Enuth

/rant off


u only have to look at the information provided on those boards to show after 1.51 hibernia will rule excal, its not a guess it seems thats pretty much fact, if im correct and please correct me if im wrong but hibernia controls the most relics of all the US servers, on each server around 7 of the 10 top rp earners are hibbies, each week the rp chart is dominated by hibbies.

I hope we dont get a hibby saying "its cause were better organised"

being no.1 realm on every server and having the most rp points weekly and overall on every server points to some sort of imbalance.


Thank god prydwen has so few hibs is all I can say. ;)

wolvon fury

Well comeing from Midgard on Morgan Le fay,

Were at primetime there are usally (250) people in midgard,
We have both of are relics, Hibernia do not own us,

The reason is, becuase everyone works as a realm, Most people, get in group and just expect to go own,

Probilly one o the reasons is becuase of the Bard insta AE mez,
Way the takle that is just don't stand close togetha, and also,

Anuther reasons hibernia owns, becuase all the glory seekers, will now go to Hibernia, so giveing it even more numbers.

Sure it does get a big boast in power (maby to much) But dosent mean it will rule, It just provides realms have to sort them selves out,

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