Things that get my goat...


The Real Redi

Can anyone who frequents Albion on Pryd please explain to me why on many many occaisons, i have passed Pryd Bridge, or come out of Darkness Falls, only to find tens of 40+ level characters lounging around waiting for DF to open?

Ok, to get to 4*, well done, pat on the back and a biscuit.

Can i ask though why you dont get your thumbs out of your well upholstered arses and go and retake a few keeps, instead of waiting for someone else to do the work, then run in the minute its available? Jesus, its not like most of you are RPing a fun conversation, is it d00dz, and if you have organised an event for a group of you down there (perhaps legion, cook room, whatever), then find its closed, whats to stop you going and reopening it? I'm not asking you to group with a 5th season to complete their assocation quest, or to delete your character or anything. How hard is it honestly to bind exactly where you were sat in the first place, then if needed release = Voila! itslike you never moved!

stop being such a bunch of withdrawn , no mates! If theres a few of you, 35+ or whatever waiting to go into DF, group and go to the frontier! Sauvage is 5 minutes jog away, 1 if you have a minstrel, and just because they arent a/ your friend, or b/ in your guild, it doesnt mean theyre lepers...

The Real Redi


apart from the fact that it should really go into the albion boards, its just me being bitter about training sooo slowly and being a bit rubbish in RvR ;) lol!

no matter... i still ahte people who do that! <grr!>


Erm... I think you'll find that a lot of people bind at Pryd Bridge, and end up back there after being killed in RvR.

That's why, when there's a lot of keep ping-pong going on, you'll find them standing about there, waiting for the rezz-sickness to wear off, or waiting for the rest of their group to die and join them, or waiting for instructions as to whether to run back to Castle Sauvage.

But the campers of the actual DF portal, yes, they should be ashamed of themselves. They could at least be little more subtle and pretend they were doing something else. Perhaps go and wait at Pryd Bridge or something.......... ;)


Aye I agree with Lunar on this one. Alot of the time Im sitting there afk after Ive been killed and released in RvR.

Whats more annoying though is after releasing and ending up at the bind stone you get about 10 fekking idiots constantly begging for buffs which is usually the reason I go afk, and yes I bind at pryd bridge.


ooohhhh buffs, thats so hard for you to give out... they must take what, 4 seconds each to do

No wonder everyone thinks Hibbies are nice people, afterall Buffs are free, and cost nothing if you're just hanging around.

I'd hate to be an Alb, all that refusing to buff you fellow realm mates, must get really annoying.



Errmm no, but if you get it constantly then it becomes a pain, if i run past low levels fighting I usually give them a buff but I hate beggars that want hand outs constantly. I think you must be greatly deluded if you think players on any realm are any different. Or maybe you are right and there are less beggars on Hib


You get 'professional buffees' that live in PK bridge - they won't leave unless they have at least level 45 earth buff...

and they're always incredibly impolite:

'buffz plz!'
'but I sed plz!'

My wizard buffs newbies he sees, random acts of kindness (unless I'm on idle/runlock/getting drink at same time ;)) but anyone bugging him for 'buffs pls!' will have less fortune.

a 'Excuse me, could you enchant my weapon please?' would go far.. (I'll accept 'buff' for 'enchant' ;))

high levels ain't a public service :p


I play on Excal/albion.
Unless I'm already grouping I'll always buff someone if they ask.
I don't see any problem with that.

And even tho I generally don't ask for buffs very often (as I'm usually in a group) I don't think I've ever been refused a buff for no reason.

[edit] Of course I DO ask politely and people usually ask me politely.
And after having a think about it, On the occasions where they have DEMANDED a Buff, I have ignored people like that.


Aye Fingoniel exactly what I was talking about, just constantly the same type of people camping the bind stone hunt for 10 mins and back again. Maybe I should have written a short story for Cedig to explain my reasoning :rolleyes:


polite asking is the way to get buffs.

yes, i do camp df with my level 18 scout and ask for buffs

Buffs greatly helps in leveling fast. I am doing the tredmill once and thats enough.

When i stop playing i log in my cleric and give all the buffs i can give to the younger players and go to sleep.


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Erm... I think you'll find that a lot of people bind at Pryd Bridge, and end up back there after being killed in RvR.

That's why, when there's a lot of keep ping-pong going on, you'll find them standing about there, waiting for the rezz-sickness to wear off,

Thats the reason I bind at Prydwen Keep.. not much further to run to the pad or DF but a healer is present to get rid of the rez sickness and/or get your constitution back.


I dunno about everyone else but that Username Windforce just keeps making me think of farting :clap:

Sorry my bad


Lions.. and wolves mebbe .... they get goats :)

(sry couldnt help it)


Originally posted by Elvewen

Thats the reason I bind at Prydwen Keep.. not much further to run to the pad or DF but a healer is present to get rid of the rez sickness and/or get your constitution back.
The bandit tower on the route from prydwen bridge has a healer...

Generic Poster

I find Cotswold to be the best 'RvR' bind. It's the closest to CS and normally your ResSick wears off, before you're back in action.


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
I dunno about everyone else but that Username Windforce just keeps making me think of farting :clap:

Sorry my bad

Sounds like a magical Item from Diablo 2 actually.
I think it was a sword or a bow or something.


Bingo! Danskmacabre wins the prize :)

T'was indeed a nice little Hydra bow from D2 Expansion

+% to Max Dmg based on level
8% Mana stolen per hit
+250% Enhanced Damage
Heal Stamina +30%
+35 To Dexterity
Increased Attack Speed

Toodle Pip :)


Originally posted by Dannyn

The bandit tower on the route from prydwen bridge has a healer...

Ahhh.. but not if you are off to Darkness Falls though :)

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