Things that don't exist


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Continuing my sceptical rant.

Here's ten things that are bollacks.

1: Global warming cause by humans.
2: Mad cow disease in humans, 100 people a year died of the ordinary prion brain disease before the scare, a hundred a year have died since, experts in the field are starting to admit it never existed, all BSE deaths are just the original disease, but the government pays them out to keep them quiet.
3: 3-1 vaccination causing autism, original study totally debunked as drivel.
4: Salt gives you high blood pressure, since been totally disproven, hangs on as urban myth.
5:Gulf war syndrome, sorry if you think you've got it but total bollacks.
Hats off to anyone with the balls to go to war, but people get ill all the time.
6:Cellphone towers cause cancer, EVERYTHING can cause cancer, even your socks could give you cancer, you get more radio waves from your TV tower on top of the nearest hill.
7:White asbestos is dangerous, since been proven to be as inert as talcum powder, but it's gone too far to turn back, billions of dollars invested in cleaning it up.
8: Chiropractors, shysters of the 10th degree, people associate them with back treatment, only because they actually base their treatment on the bollocks that all disease is cause by spine mis-allignments.
9:Alternative medicine, don't start me on this one, if some 'natural' drug actually worked, then Glaxo would be banging down your door to buy it and make billions. They don't because it doesn't, people just fool themselves.

ASTROLOGY, probably bigger than religion in the UK, utter,utter freakin bo-lo-lacks.
Entirely designed to make astrologists money, full stop that's it.
In fact since it was invented, the sky has moved round so the months don't line up to the stars and planets anymore, plus there really should be a 13th sign now.
James Randall nailed it when he gave a class of students their own personal astrology reading from a imaginary top astrologist, they all read them and every one said it was exactly them , the astrologist had described their personalities exactly and all he had been given was their birth date and sex.
So he asked then to all swap papers, and the bomb dropped, every paper was exactly the same.
People are very easy to describe, we all have the same desires, fears and dreams.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't even believe we exist, I mean how could someone come up with a silly claim like that?

And the earth isn't round either.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Good list...I'll add some..

1/ god (notice small 'g' please)
2/ A decent MMORPG designed to entertain rather than fleece its customers (although WoW looks like a candidate).
3/ Death by passive smoking.
4/ Evidence for at least 90% of all conspiracy theories.
5/ errr thats it...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
8: Chiropractors, shysters of the 10th degree, people associate them with back treatment, only because they actually base their treatment on the bollocks that all disease is cause by spine mis-allignments.

I disagree with this one. I had a bad muscle injury resolved due to seeing one.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
swords said:
I disagree with this one. I had a bad muscle injury resolved due to seeing one.

Many people set themselves up as Chiropractors, cos it sounds official and people know the name, they just massage your pain, it feels better for a bit then fixes itself anyway.

I mean.really what do you think they are doing, some goddam magic.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Pff job whip your tin foil hat out, most of what youve written is bollocks anyhoo :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Chesnox said:
Good list...I'll add some..

1/ god (notice small 'g' please)
2/ A decent MMORPG designed to entertain rather than fleece its customers (although WoW looks like a candidate).
3/ Death by passive smoking.
4/ Evidence for at least 90% of all conspiracy theories.
5/ errr thats it...

Il add one! Chesnox having a clue. See original 'smoking' thread before you start posting bs again, kthxbye


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Cozak said:
Il add one! Chesnox having a clue. See original 'smoking' thread before you start posting bs again, kthxbye


hook, line and sinker!

heres another one

1/ your sense or irony....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Though here's a thought... if somthing doesn't exist, then why does it have a name? Doesn't the very fact that is has a name indicate that it exists in some form or another? If not just in the name? :wij:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I mean.really what do you think they are doing, some goddam magic.

You are falling for another common myth... that the human being is a system that´s 100% explainable and that it´s following simple cause and effect chains. It´s not. I reckon you´re also one of the people who think that psychology and the the influence of the mind on the body is nonsense?
It´s absolutely possible to create astonishing effects even withouth the so called "logical" cause and effect. That´s why chinese medicine is quite successful, even the "some goddamn magic" parts as you put it.
A friend of mine suffered from cancer some years ago. Things didn´t look good and he decided to cancel the "usual" therapy. Instead, he read a book written by some dude who has had cancer and survived. In the book, he said stuff like "eat healthy food" and "sleep much but not too much" and "think positive". I was shocked when heard that and was asking myself how the hell this is supposed to help. Guess what... the friend of mine survived, he´s 100% cured today.
With this in mind, am I supposed to lean back and act like the Mr. SmartMoFo now, because I managed to identify this book as nonsense? It worked, that´s what counts.


Dec 22, 2003
Archeon said:
Though here's a thought... if somthing doesn't exist, then why does it have a name? Doesn't the very fact that is has a name indicate that it exists in some form or another? If not just in the name? :wij:
because the English language is flawed my friend.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
things that dont exist eh?
a 100% honest person we all lie to others or ourselves (sometimes unconciously) at one point or another.
we just dont admit it which is infact a lie by omission......except me im perfect <cough> i always tell the truth, all the time, <shuffle> i swear, honest....<points> look over there! <runs off>


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah it feels better for a bit then fixes ever seen what Doctors do most of the time?
Painkillers so it feels better and wait for it to cure itself?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Job said:
Many people set themselves up as Chiropractors, cos it sounds official and people know the name, they just massage your pain, it feels better for a bit then fixes itself anyway.


well you can surely say that about any treatment?

i broke my leg. the hospital pinned it back together but what was the point, it would fix its self in the end?

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Things that don't exist..... where was the "perfect woman" on that list?
After all, she doesn't exist. Only "that one special woman" exists (or a couple of average ones, but thats for another debate).


Dec 22, 2003
The perfect woman aint a constant so it's quite easy for it to exist since it's an opinion :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Invisibul said:
true, its slightly squashed top to bottom, not a perfect sphere at all
He didn't call it a perfect sphere either. And I guess and oval is still round, else I´ve gotten something wrong in math :p

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Perfection in itself is an opinion agreed by all, Where as that one "special woman" is an opinion. So, I am right!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
It´s absolutely possible to create astonishing effects even withouth the so called "logical" cause and effect. That´s why chinese medicine is quite successful, even the "some goddamn magic" parts as you put it.
A friend of mine suffered from cancer some years ago. Things didn´t look good and he decided to cancel the "usual" therapy. Instead, he read a book written by some dude who has had cancer and survived. In the book, he said stuff like "eat healthy food" and "sleep much but not too much" and "think positive". I was shocked when heard that and was asking myself how the hell this is supposed to help. Guess what... the friend of mine survived, he´s 100% cured today.
With this in mind, am I supposed to lean back and act like the Mr. SmartMoFo now, because I managed to identify this book as nonsense? It worked, that´s what counts.

That stinks of a Occam's Razor.

Your Friend read a book that some how fought or helped him fight the cancer in his body by putting him in a positive fram of mind, eating / living well etc and therefore providing the needed correction to the effected cell membrains and thus increasing his chance of recovery / surviving.

Hmmmmm Or his body fought the cancer he had and his body won. Perhaps his condition wasnt as serious as they physicans thought. That book was more of a comfort to him by the sounds of it. Like an Oxygen Mask on a plane spirialing out of control at 40,000 feet, it calmed up, sent him into a euphoric trance were his predicament became less important and half as serious.

tris- said:
well you can surely say that about any treatment?

i broke my leg. the hospital pinned it back together but what was the point, it would fix its self in the end?

Do you have any idea how that sounds? Other than rediculous which springs to mind straight away, what job is trying to point out is that chiropractors tend to supply a short term fix for a long term problem. Yes they can make it seem like that ache has gone away and it's amazing because it has bothered you for years and the doctors couldnt fix it. Chiropractice isnt a recognised medicine but I bet you will find doctors that go to them for there sore golf arm, why you ponder? Well lets think about it, they make the pain go away for awhile, allowing you to continue on leading a normal happy life but what when it comes back ? Well you go back for a 'tune' up of course, if it really worked surely they would completely cure you so you only short of falling upside down backwards down a stairs onto your shoulder could spoil you body's day. Come on, are people that naive ? They can make alot of money this way and at the end of the day they are sort of helping people albeit by ripping them off over the long haul yes.

A Broken limb healing it's self without infection and not malforming the limb is probably as likely as the village bike saying she conceived via immaculate conception. However, massaging a torn muscle or the muscle's surrounding a damaged joint to create the illusion of fixing trama in the body IS as easy as the village bike getting up the duff on a friday in your local on 'all day is happy hour' nite.

The deffinition of a chiropractor. A masseuse in a lab coat who is an excellent bull shitter and doesnt fully understand what exactly there doing.

As for things that dont exist.

- Nice Guys, sorry girls. Any guy who you think is nice is just being nice so he can either get into your knickers or preserving the chance of some day such an event. That or he gets laided by an amazing looking women 3 times a day and is just bursting with girlish goodness :). Yes, tis a harsh world.

- Que's for the mens toliet in a Night Club. Sometimes it really does rock benig a guy ^^

- A guy's Porn collection. Strictly speaking it doesnt but if your a bloke and ask him he may admit it exist's and offer some to you Or I might deny having ever seen / downloaded / posessing porn in my life and inform you I am a 'Nice' guy and thus wouldnt do that.

- A rap song that doesnt involve the singer, if you'd call them that, throwing money at the camera. having women surround him, while informing him they adore him for his talent and not his *bling*. All while not taking off his cloths / getting naked and throwing his cloths at either that camera or the screaming paid women that "love" him.

- An overpaid Footballer.

- Your, plural, Ego.

- Heaven Or Hell. Although interestingly enough, espically older people, ask them do they believe in god. Then if they believe in the devil. 9/10 will answer no. To believe in one but not the other is to truly not believe because the religion state's he exist's him self. If one is to believe in god they must believe in the devil also.

That's enough QQ'ing for now, time for some ZZ'ing. Some or possibly all of what I wrote is to be taken with a pinch of salt, it really is only determined by how seriously you take your self and how slow you think not only you are but more importantly how slow others are. Shear comprehension and ability to look past a bunching of words and gain the real meaning of there formation, that is the difference somebody that know's english and somebody that speaks english.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Your Friend read a book that some how fought or helped him fight the cancer in his body by putting him in a positive fram of mind, eating / living well etc and therefore providing the needed correction to the effected cell membrains and thus increasing his chance of recovery / surviving.

Hmmmmm Or his body fought the cancer he had and his body won. Perhaps his condition wasnt as serious as they physicans thought. That book was more of a comfort to him by the sounds of it. Like an Oxygen Mask on a plane spirialing out of control at 40,000 feet, it calmed up, sent him into a euphoric trance were his predicament became less important and half as serious.

Well... according to the physicans, he had just a couple months left, so I figure it was pretty serious. But that´s not the point of my post. The point is, that there are things happening in this world that can´t be explained by our rather naive cause and effect thing. Not because they´re some sort of miracle, but because we´re far FAR away from even understanding the basics of this life. On the other hand, we never seem to get tired of bragging how clever we are and how good and ominiscent our knowledge of the world is. It somehow reminds me of a bunch of dwarves in a dark room, sensing their way around one foot of an elephant, shouting "NOW we got it!". :)
We´re so far away from even understanding how our brain works, that I find it highly amusing to consider the human body some sort of bio-computer and bring the "doesn´t exist" argument. Just because we can´t explain doesn´t mean it doesn´t exist... just like the elephants belly doesn´t fail to exist because the dwarves can´t reach and see it. :)


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
rofl job

wee bit of the mark here m8 they cant make up something like global warming lol its been proven that the temperature is increasing due to the decrease in the ozone layer which leads to higher temps as the suns rays are allowed in

Passive smoking rofl, so the smoke smokers breathe in kills them but then when the blow it out and someone else breathes it in its turned into fresh air?!?!?!?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well people, you can chose to believe what you are fed, or look it up yourself, reality is always more mundane than the hype.
As for Chiropractors, look it up, you will find that the whole thing was invented by an ex circius charlatan who thought he had cured his janitors deafness by cricking his back for him.
Without any proof or scientific application whatsoever he went on to invent Chiropracty, it was really an excellent scam drumed up in the Victorian days when the world was full of miracle cures attached to amazing electrical cures.
He marketed insanely expensive magic boxes of wires (that were just batteries and meters) to sell to the unfortunate clods who knew no better and turned to Chiropractors when real medicine couldn't offer a cure.
They went further saying that ALL illness was due to mis aligned spines. (thats where we get the idea they are back specialists from).
The myth continues, because there is still one born every minute, and they have wormed their way into mainstream despite being exposed time and time again as bullshitters, and quite often been criminally convicted for fraud and dangerous prescription of drugs.
They are quite simply the modern 'acceptable' face of wild west 'Doctor feelgoods' with potions made from alcohol and cocaine.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
oblimov said:
wee bit of the mark here m8 they cant make up something like global warming lol its been proven that the temperature is increasing due to the decrease in the ozone layer which leads to higher temps as the suns rays are allowed in

While mankind's pollution is certainly having an effect on the envrionment, it is nigh on impossible to say with any certainty how. It is generally accepted that the planet goes through occasional cold spells (lasting anywhere between a few thousand and a few million years) and right now its not clear if we're actually coming to the age of a very long period of cold weather and frequent glaciation or if we're not actually out of it yet and another wall of ice is on the way shortly (shortly in geological terms being a couple of thousand years).

In which case there are a few possibilities.

1) Earth is naturally getting warmer and nothing much is influencing it.
2) Earth is naturally getting warmer and mankind is accelerating the process.
3) Earth is naturally getting warmer and mankind is retarding the process.

Its also possible that

4) Earth should be naturally getting cooler and mankind is retarding the process. - the difficulty with this one is the sheer scope of the cooling process and whether mankind could actually impact on it to a significant degree at all.

Regardless, its theorised that shortly (in a few thousand years) the magnetic poles will reverse, earth with lose some of its shielding from cosmic radition for a while and things will get interesting for anything living on the planet at that point.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well people, you can chose to believe what you are fed, or look it up yourself, reality is always more mundane than the hype.

Funny that you claim to know what reality is and what not. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
How odd they would suffer illness from the gulf war, from what I read in a Dutch newspaper American and English troops used weakened uranium in a certain type of bullets in the gulf war. They do use these same weapons yet again now, and they estimated a nuclear waste due to this of circa 3 million kg from the gulf war and this current war in Iraq. For those from the Netherlands, it was a 2-page long article in the Metro.


Dec 22, 2003
I think it was more from the effects of being given about 15 different vacinations within a week. Normally these would be spread out over around 6 months.

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