things i would love to see.



1) when my BT absorbes an arrow or a sniper otherwise misses i would like to get him selected. as he is only autoselected when he actually damages me its often too late. This goes for everything that misses and all classes ofcourse - melee and bolts aswell.

2) the caster BT should override the PBT, that way you dont have to recast your own BT every single time you get out of the wardens range.

3) some way to sell an entire "page" of loot.

4) power should be listed like HP and every other stat.

5) staff procs should be activated when casting, not in melee

6) a setting that makes "mouse-look" autopan.
(so you can look around with the mouse without holding down pipe)

7) make the naturalist spell list sane. (sort it like the caster spells)

any other small things that could be tweaked?



1) Thanes DD spell actually do some damage, not the very poor 200 we get now with a 30 sec recast time - this is coming down to 20 secs soon, but no good during combat, as the 6 sec cast time is way to long to break.
2) Hunters getting some ability that makes ppl feel they are more useful in groups.
3) Some kind of run speed realm ability for chars with no speed spell (eg Thanes, warriors and zerkers)
4) Sheilds that have the ability to reflect mezz or other cast back at the caster for a % dmg
5) A campaign thats not dull and tooooo drawn out and unexciting.
6) A linux version of the game (uber!)
7) English servers to be in England, less laggy and no more waiting for translations (soz euro peeps, but thats how i feel)
8) Crafting without so many failures in items that are grey - blue

Probably more, ill let someone else get in now :)


1. More milegates.
2. When using /stick or /follow, don't allow lag / framerate to unstick you.
3. Better clipping. Too often I can see through walls, floors, etc.
4. Remove graphics bugs. Zoning almost always leads to some graphics bug.
5. Remove buff bugs. After dieing, buffs are bugged. Dunno if a future patch remedies this.
6. More zones. Only thing other mmorpg's have over DaoC imho is that there's tons more places to explore.
7. Make it more attractive to retake keeps (guards dropping money in future patch will help I hope).
8. Make the siegeweapons more useful; apart from rams for keep taking and trebuchets for <20 xp groups, siege weapons are hardly used.
9. Town portal spell, even if it's only available to a few classes. (So bards aren't the only taxi class anymore:p). Ofcourse it'shard to explain this from the DaoC background story, but it would sure make it a LOT less tedious to go somewhere.


Colision detection player-player.
Archers with groupenhancing abilities.
Assassins without See Hidden.
2000 range on buffs.
Air-theurgists with range 1500 mez, area 300.


1. More space in me vault
2. More space in me vault
3. Fix the 1H crush line so that taunt isnt the second hit in a chain but a standalone style like in thrust or slash
4. Arrows and xbow bolts stack in larger packs and dont weigh a ton.
5. A Hero is the best tank ever, so I'd like Armsman and Warriors to also have something on a timer. Armsmen: Strength of the Haggis 30min STR boost. Warrior: Agility of the Polar Bear 30 min DEX/QUI boost :D
6. More zones like Dartmoor which really make my heart tick.
7. A coop server where you can explore the 3 realms grouped with a mixture of classes. Always dreamt of bashing a leprechaun :)


1) naked lurikeens. female.
b) something other than horses to ride ( i.e ferrets for lurikeens)
3) some kind of games in towns to make crafting less boring( poker/scrabble and all those other games over 65 yr olds play, dominoes!)
e) hair dye, i dont like the color of my hair, so let me streak my kobbie hair blonde and red, how cool?


Heh some nice suggestions and some silly ones, personally these 2 should be done asap
1) when my BT absorbes an arrow or a sniper otherwise misses i would like to get him selected. as he is only autoselected when he actually damages me its often too late. This goes for everything that misses and all classes ofcourse - melee and bolts aswell.

2) the caster BT should override the PBT, that way you dont have to recast your own BT every single time you get out of the wardens range.

also either remove see hidden or give snipers more group stuff.

Remove all milegates, they cause zergs.


Hey if we're going to have magic reflecting shields I want a staff that reflects arrows/swords/axes/etc. back to the attacker... ;) How cool would that be...
You perform your provoke perfectly (+179)
You attempt to hit the girly elf but instead hit yourself in the head for 389 (-28) damage!
You just killed yourself!


Neenee thats implemented I believe in Shrouded Isles along with alot of new gfx improvements


hell yes! :clap:

what about little arrow packs on ure back for archers?


/emotes that translate to all realms.

As in: /em wipes the stinking Albion blood from his sword on Khalen's cloak


/em considers Kate ravishing even in death

It will probably never happen because someone may (deliberately or otherwise ;)) type:

/em considers ravishing Kate even in death

I do think Mythic should look at allowing /emotes translated cross realm to spice the game up. Whether you are a /saluter or a /laugher this game is so damn sterile in that respect. It does strike me as odd that its ok to cut your enemy's nuts off and then not be able to more express yourself in a more vivid manner.

OK, it would open up the game to cross realm communication, but a) the duellers out there get around it anyway atm with irc and b) this would be far outweighed by the entertainment value for all.

Hurry up PvP is all I can say ;)


Originally posted by Killgorde
/em considers ravishing Kate even in death

/em kicks Killgorde in the nuts and pushes him over

/em watches Killgorde writhing in agony for a minute

/em gently picks up poor Kate's battered and bruised body

/em hoists Kate over her shoulder

/em legs it back to ATK

/em gently places Kate on the ground

/em kicks a few buffbots around until one of them wakes up long enough to rez Kate


Originally posted by alithiel50

/em kicks Killgorde in the nuts and pushes him over

/em watches Killgorde writhing in agony for a minute

You get the idea though? ;)


Originally posted by Killgorde
You get the idea though? ;)



Sorry.... was bored and got a bit carried away there! ;)


The reason is...
/em Hello there mr. dwarf, I'm a middie spy, the albs are planning to raid grallarhorn today at 3 pm, just so you know, kthx. ;)


Originally posted by Danyan
The reason is...
/em Hello there mr. dwarf, I'm a middie spy, the albs are planning to raid grallarhorn today at 3 pm, just so you know, kthx. ;)

<sighs> Aye, and theres me thinking thats why God made IRC and Daox. Mind you, anyone dumb enough to risk casting a spying /emote without knowing who's within visual range (stealther wise)...


It's the reason though, the same reason you can't understand /s etc.


Big brother is watching you, Mr.Spy...
Things I'd like to see, hmm...

2x spec points for minstrels.
Spellcrafting and alchemy.
The complete removal of RAs from the game, aside from some which would be kept and given to various classes as free abilities gained at certain levels.
A decent graphics engine. I can run tribes2, UT2003, q3 with no problems, and i can't run across camelot hills at 4am (i.e. no-one around) without my HDD grinding and clicking?


/1 realm balancing "ie somehow organise even numbers in realms .. maybe a realm max would fix this .

/2 mini relics of some sort in bgs "mainly bg2+3 cos they empty" to give people more of a reason to battle for bg ck's

/3 making ALL loot random stats cos atm only legion/prince/player made are being used hence a lot of lvl50 weapons/armor etc etc is unused mostly. if all drops are random "some being as good if not better than legion/player made then im sure a lot of places will get camped more "

/4 make casters bolts/dd's absorbed by pbt/bt . archers arrows get absorbed . melee gets abosrbed. so imo caster spells should be absorbed also .

/5 faster journeys on horse "maybe a teleport system where you have to speak to a local special caster"

/6 make rvr so it is NOT mezz that ussually decides the outcome of a battle

7/ STOP NERFING CHARS instead make classes stronger to compete with there oposite realms version.

8/ take away ALL insta stuns/mezz's/dd's would make for much more fun in rvr for everybody.

9/ do it so buffs DONT travel with chars "ie a infil or sb cant buff themselves with a lvl 50 pure ench bot" then leave tk and run around with full uber buffs . if he goes out of range he should lose buffs

/10 take away mile gates and add more routes to pass instead of a bottleneck area for people to camp . this will imo make for better rvr due to people having to wander more looking for enemys inc.

/11 have the ability to create a char/class with any race anfd enable them to choose there own stats , for example allow somebody to create a btiron or saracen friar and give him a set amount of points to spend how ever he likes "all stats start at ZERO. this again imo will make chars a lot more varied .

/12 allow for more ROLEPLAYING features . summin like a marriage church where 2 folks can pay him and they will officially become marriwed ingame . also same for divorces a divorce solicitor . when in bars/pubs allow for a bartender to serve drinks for a small price in silver/copper and if u drink to much it affects you stats as if you were drunk many different features can be added more along the roleplayer side.

/13 allow for PROPER spys "ingame" only in frontiers where an alb for example can train to be a member of the enemy realm for a ceratin amount of time. so a alb could train somehow to turn himself into a Firbolg and walk into areas full of hibs and walk into keeps past patrols so they can spy and converse with enemy to gather info for an alb army maybe at tk awaiting new of what/where hibs intend on going .might stop cross realming on irc in homelands if this was implimented.

/14 maybe create a special Npc whewre we can pay to have our armor Embroided with our guilds emblem. or maybe have a choice of armor designs . so basicly like the guild emblem previewer but they can be put onto armors "body part" .

cant think of anymore atm but i think a cple at least of the above are pretty good ideas:)



Originally posted by -yoda-
/2 mini relics of some sort in bgs "mainly bg2+3 cos they empty" to give people more of a reason to battle for bg ck's

I like this idea…. I’ve had a lot of fun playing alts in BG1, and think it would be great if the other BG’s were more active.

7/ STOP NERFING CHARS instead make classes stronger to compete with there oposite realms version.

While I agree that this is a more constructive approach, you end up with the same problems. If you nerf a class they whine that you’ve ruined their chars, and if you improve all other classes they whine that they’re not getting any cool new features to play with. It’s a no-win situation. :(

/11 have the ability to create a char/class with any race anfd enable them to choose there own stats , for example allow somebody to create a btiron or saracen friar and give him a set amount of points to spend how ever he likes "all stats start at ZERO. this again imo will make chars a lot more varied.

This is NOT a good idea…. AC had a system like this (6 stats, all start at 10 and you get 270 points to spend on your stats). This removes any form of class balance from the game and actually leads to LESS variety of templates, since ALL casters max their casting stats and ALL melees max their melee stats.

/12 allow for more ROLEPLAYING features . summin like a marriage church where 2 folks can pay him and they will officially become marriwed ingame . also same for divorces a divorce solicitor . when in bars/pubs allow for a bartender to serve drinks for a small price in silver/copper and if u drink to much it affects you stats as if you were drunk many different features can be added more along the roleplayer side.

Weddings followed by drunken receptions with duels between guests (after 1.54) sounds like a lot of fun!

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