Things i really don't need to hear....



1: I really don't need to hear you say "HEAL!!" , "REZ PLZ!" or "Protect the healer!"

If i'm a healer i do have the mini party screen and i do realise when someone is low on health. If i'm a fighter i do know what protect does and where it should go.

2: I really don't need to hear advice on how to spec my class, how to ride a horse or how to go into attack mode. If i need for advice i will ask for it. Yes i do realise that you've played the game for so and so many hours and been on since the birth of the game concept but still i will ask if i need to hear how to put on my armor.

3: I really don't need to hear how much exp you are getting and how much exp your friend got when in a same size group. We all get exp and we all know when it's not enough.

4: I really don't need to hear when the friday news is on the inturnet. I would think that by now, everyone who wants to read the friday news also knows where they are.

5: I really don't need to hear about the patches either, it tells you the changes made when it enters your computer via teh Inturnet.

6: I really don't need to hear when you're going to take a leak, just say brb.

7: I really don't need to hear when you're going to the same place for another reason, just use afk.

8: I really don't need to hear how much damage you're doing. Ok, so you like to sing "my dams bigger then your dam, my dams bigger then yours, my dams bigger 'cause i am a zerker so my dams bigger then yours!" but do it in the shower, not in the group chat...please?

9: I really don't need to hear why you have to go. Just say you're logging instead of: "Hey guys, kk, been real fun but now i gotta wash my cat and take my granny to the rodeo k? Been fun! Have fun! 15 seconds to go now on the timer! I'm soon gone! Oh shit i forgot to press ent..."

10: I really don't need to head how these dislikes your own fucker.


1: I really don't need to hear you say "HEAL!!" , "REZ PLZ!" or "Protect the healer!"

when pulling, just remind a tank to hit the mob.
oh, and call him Warrior (or whatever tank class you want to put here) since they seem to be unable to read your name, and refer to you as Healer or Shaman.


Sheesh its a multiplayer, social game. People talk crap because hour after hour mashing buttons gets kinda boring.
If you don't wanna hear that stuff don't group or don't read the chat window.


Originally posted by ghostspawn
Sheesh its a multiplayer, social game. People talk crap because hour after hour mashing buttons gets kinda boring.
If you don't wanna hear that stuff don't group or don't read the chat window.

You can talk, just don't be a twat.

Read #10 to answer you more clearly.


<ponders making a thread called, I dislike Tohtori>


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
1: I really don't need to hear you say "HEAL!!" , "REZ PLZ!" or "Protect the healer!"

I can SO relate to that. And it pisses me off each and every single time. Makes me sick all the abuse healers get :puke:


Originally posted by Meatballs
<ponders making a thread called, I dislike Tohtori>

follow his advice in #10 and just add it.
I'm sure he'll agree with you :)


Originally posted by Meatballs
<ponders making a thread called, I dislike Tohtori>

<ponders about flaming this target>

Nah..too easy...i'll just make myself a 50th Season Meatballs coat.


Originally probably posted by old.Tohtori
11: I really hate people talking to me, interacting with me, looking at me, daylight, outdoors, the human race, my life, anyone elses life, the way custard creams are made, reverse charge phone calls, anchovies, blue smarties, smurfs, anyone called Gerald, having a small <insert item here>, people who whinge on BW (including myself), buffbots, etc etc etc

taken from an early version of this post and edited out

Its a social game, and rather like this forum being full of twat threads liek this, your chat box will have them too, get used to it eh.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

4: I really don't need to hear when the friday news is on the inturnet.

5: I really don't need to hear about the patches either, it tells you the changes made when it enters your computer via teh Inturnet.

Is it ok to tell you how to spell internet?

Its not Inturnet its internet

Thanku and goodnight


Re: Re: Things i really don't need to hear....

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Its a social game, and rather like this forum being full of twat threads liek this, your chat box will have them too, get used to it eh.



What always amazes me, when I'm playing my Bard and 3 adds run in, I'm mezzing, healing like fook and the tanks are typing out the stats on the drops while still tanking.
I've never played a tank, is there some kinda 'auto whack' ability I don't know about?


Re: Re: Things i really don't need to hear....

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-

Is it ok to tell you how to spell internet?

Its not Inturnet its internet

Thanku and goodnight

It's teh Intarweb!

patch/news chats can be ok... something to pass the time.

I hate irritating infiltrators that give the class a bad name...

people that demand the group go kill <xyz> that they wouldn't have a chance in hell of killing.... then saying "nooo they're only slightly purple they won't hurt" (cue tgw)

people that leave without saying goodbye...
group wipes out ... three people vanish, no word no nothing.
(and usually one of them happens to have been the one advocating the above)


Sorry needed to get that out :)


Re: Re: Things i really don't need to hear....

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-

Is it ok to tell you how to spell internet?

Its not Inturnet its internet

Thanku and goodnight

it's also "thank you" :)


9: I really don't need to hear why you have to go. Just say you're logging

I have been in a few groups when people have just logged with no explanation . They were called ignorant bastards and would'nt get an invite again . I prefer the explanation :)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
2: I really don't need to hear advice on how to spec my class, how to ride a horse or how to go into attack mode. If i need for advice i will ask for it. Yes i do realise that you've played the game for so and so many hours and been on since the birth of the game concept but still i will ask if i need to hear how to put on my armor.

I will give advice where i think its due, i would rather give advice then put my life at risk because you dont want to know how to play your class effectivly. In many cases where i give advice people are thankful and are more succesful at playing in a group. I also expect people to give me advice if i am doing wrong so we can work together better. MMORPG - Massive Multiplayer on line role playing game. People like to interact with each other and try make friends, i bet your a real fun bloke to get on with in a group.


Tohtori, with that list you should've realized by now, that DAoC might not be the game for you? :)

Not that I disagree or anything, but the day you won't hear those things is the day you go unguilded and ungrouped, and put everyone on /ignore :D


Re: Re: Things i really don't need to hear....

Originally posted by Garian
People like to interact with each other and try make friends, i bet your a real fun bloke to get on with in a group.


oh! I got another few

People that get pissed of when you don't want them in group, or don't give a 5 page explanation as to why you don't want to, seeing as my reason of being is clearly to group with them.

People that ask for a rez from halfway across the real, then either get angry because you decline, or when you decide to be nice and rez them don't even bother to thank you.


Re: Re: Re: Things i really don't need to hear....

Originally posted by Soulcatcher

it's also "thank you" :)

Its actually called Shorthand :p

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by old.job .
I've never played a tank, is there some kinda 'auto whack' ability I don't know about? [/B]

When a tank is out of endurance he can no longeruse styles, so Yes, the game system carries on in 'Auto whack' style 'til either you or what you are whacking is down

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by old.Tohtori 6: I really don't need to hear when you're going to take a leak, just say brb. [/B]

brb ...

Neural Network

I get a bit mystified every time I’m running from one place to another, and then suddenly a box appears that somebody has invited me into their group.
Why don’t they ask first? :(
Yesterday it was an invitation to join a guild, what is the world coming too?


I get a bit mystified every time I’m running from one place to another, and then suddenly a box appears that somebody has invited me into their group.

That happens constantly.
And when you reply that your not interested or that it might not be the most polite way to invite group/guild members, you just get a "fu n00b".


I find it amusing if it's a low leveller wanting PLed...

just head on your merry way and let them get no xp for a few minutes till they realise ;)


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

Read #10 to answer you more clearly.

and here is number 10...

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
10: I really don't need to head how these dislikes your own fucker.

I'm confused.

Anyway, personally I like to chat with people. If they want to tell my why they have to log great, it makes it a bit more informal. I get to know a bit about them aswell so next time I meet them I can say hows your cat doing? Hope yours Grans well etc.

I do agree with no.1 though.


and i really have to wonder when people start noticing who the poster is :D

I think this has gone far enough, considering flames, and you really shoould try and find some of my old posts on subjects like "Midgard under attack!!"

I really should play this one on the VN boards, might get even more fun out of it.

Thanks for entertaining Teh Seel again no hard feelings ;)


When a tank is out of endurance he can no longeruse styles, so Yes, the game system carries on in 'Auto whack' style 'til either you or what you are whacking is down

Out of end!!!!!!
With my lovely end song, I think not :)

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