Thieves aren't bright


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
I have been doing some work on my back garden, re-landscaping and stuff. Yesterday I had a delivery of topsoil coming so I moved the car to let the wagon back into the driveway. After he had gone I put my car back in the driveway. It would appear at this point that I forgot to blip the alarm remote :/ Something I am so anal about, even sometimes getting up while watching tele in the evening and blipping it "just in case".

Anyway I got up early this morning as the turf was arriving, so I needed to move my car again. As soon as I stepped out my heart sank as I noticed the drivers side door slightly open.

So what did the scumbag get?

The front panel of the stereo. Thats it, not the stereo itself. Not the bluetooth earpiece that he had to move to get the panel that was in the centre console. Not the fax machine that was in the boot. Not the HP Laser printer that was in the boot.

Why oh fucking why?

I've now got to get either a new front panel, if they are available, or a new stereo. The thief has benefitted by precisely zero.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Turns out cops aren't too bright either.

Spoken to my neighbour, we live in a small close, a bit like Brookside, but not scouse :)
He came in late last night 3ish after clubbing. There was a guy wandering around outside, my neighbour challenged him. He said he was lost, which is of course bollocks. He was told that his face is remembered and followed (escorted) out of the close. So we have a very good description of the guy who with 99% probability was the scumbag.

Can I get this info to the cops over the phone? no.
I have to go to my local station, they don't take phone calls.
Are they sending someone to fingerprint the car? no.
Do they seem to give a shit? no.

I live in a relatively small town. My guess would be they could narrow this down to a handful of possible offenders without a description or fingerprints. It's pathetic.

If Iwas doing 31mph in town I'd be in deep shit. Steal from someone and it's OK.

I'm ranting because it's such a fucking useless system!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
~Yuckfou~ said:
Spoken to my neighbour, we live in a small close, a bit like Brookside, but not scouse :)

Grrrrr. N' stuff :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Totally agree with you mate, the system is cock tbh.
I should know, I work in it (the prison bit anyway).

Speaking of stupid crooks, there's a bloke I know of who robbed somewhere, decided to use their toilet and then fell asleep on the bog. The owner of the house wasn't amused when he came home :eek6:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
How coincidental, my friends car got broken into last night whilst we were in a club. Came back to find the small rear window smashed and his mini-disc gone (which was in the glove compartment). A car two down from his got the same treatment, they didn't take the radio though - which is easily removable by flicking a lever and pushing a button which makes it pop out. Instead they'd had a go at it with a screwdriver or something and broken the lever, fuckwits.

If I were you Yuck i'd check some Cash Converters or Cash Generator type shops(where they pay for second hand goods and sell them on) it might turn up there.

The police are going to fingerprint my friends car though, seems practices in police procedures differ on whether the officer can be arsed or not.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
The thing is he hsan't got the stereo, just the fascia. Completely useless and of no value, it'll cost me to replace it though, if I can. Probably going to end up having to get a new unit.

Any recommendations on something that plays mp3 cdr/w and stuff?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 12, 2003
The thief may have stolen a similar stereo before but without the face so just needed the front. Sucks that you pay out for stuff like this and someone thinks they can just come along and take it.


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Just check google for the make of the CD Player

Or check Ebay or somethin, usually people sell em


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
~Yuckfou~ said:
Are they sending someone to fingerprint the car? no.
Do they seem to give a shit?

I could be wrong, but I think you are perfectly within your rights as a citizen to demand that the police undertake a full investigation of this. If they don't, I suggest you make a formal complaint against the investigating officer, and that you also contact your mp, either by phone, or


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Jopasc said:
The thief may have stolen a similar stereo before but without the face so just needed the front. Sucks that you pay out for stuff like this and someone thinks they can just come along and take it.

If that's the case then they really are totally stupid. Faceplates are coded to work only with the base unit they came with. Hence if you need a new faceplate you need to contact suppliers/manufacturers direct. You can't just mix and match faceplates (least, in theory).


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
More news.
Scene of crime officer just turned up out of the blue!
Took away some receipts and stuff that had been moved in the car "for further analysis".
He said that letting the local station know that someone had been identified as being here and acting suspiciously was futile. Unless he can be directly associated with the crime there's no point, the finger prints should prove that though. If there are any, as apparently it's common to cover your fingers with your cuffs to avoid leaving prints.

Fingers crossed, if they catch the numpty I will go to the hearing or whatever. To ensure "justice" is done if you get my drift, I want to know where he lives.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Patience young Yuck. Acts of justice are best dealt out a long time after the event.

I've still got £750 worth of damage to cause to some ***** car. Been holding the information for nearly a year and a half. I'm hoping one day I'm very angry and need to break things.


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
Swift^ said:
Patience young Yuck. Acts of justice are best dealt out a long time after the event.

I've still got £750 worth of damage to cause to some ***** car. Been holding the information for nearly a year and a half. I'm hoping one day I'm very angry and need to break things.

I am patient, very, but relentless.
Nice of you to call me young too :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
~Yuckfou~ said:
More news.
Scene of crime officer just turned up out of the blue!
Took away some receipts and stuff that had been moved in the car "for further analysis".
He said that letting the local station know that someone had been identified as being here and acting suspiciously was futile. Unless he can be directly associated with the crime there's no point, the finger prints should prove that though. If there are any, as apparently it's common to cover your fingers with your cuffs to avoid leaving prints.

Fingers crossed, if they catch the numpty I will go to the hearing or whatever. To ensure "justice" is done if you get my drift, I want to know where he lives.

I can't really see this amounting to a hearing (or anything) tbh. Petty crime should be dealt with like in the good ol' days, a good kick up the backside by a passing bobby (if you can find one....and who wants to risk being sued and loosing his job)'re right the system sux. It sux bad.

I remember a car related story from Glasgow (Castlemilk) from years a busy tenament street the thieves stole two wheels from the owners car - on the side that he couldn't see from his house. They wait a couple of weeks until the owners insurance (or hard earned cash) replaces the same wheels, and come back and do the exact same thing again - complete the set! (with no risk of the owner even seeing the wheels being removed)...

These thieves weren't exactly clever, just determined.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Swift^ said:
If that's the case then they really are totally stupid. Faceplates are coded to work only with the base unit they came with. Hence if you need a new faceplate you need to contact suppliers/manufacturers direct. You can't just mix and match faceplates (least, in theory).

That's what I thought - apparently it's pretty easy to recode the face places, I had mine stolen too - the bastards at sony wanted to charge me ~200 quid for a new face place, far more than the whole stereo was worth >:|


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Never mind, I'm sure they'll find some anti-ball sagging cream at some point before they go below yer knees :/


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
I usually cup them in Mrs Yucks hand, that seems to tighten them up nicely :)


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Swift is working as customer support. Taking bets.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
old.Osy said:
Swift is working as customer support. Taking bets.



Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
JVC got back to me with a quote for a replacement fascia. After I proved to them with documents that the headunit was mine, £95 inc p+p :/
Would love to get hold of the scumbag that nicked the original.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
There was a tale (probably an urban myth) about the guy who rang the police and said "someone's breaking into my shed, I can hear them, come quick", only to be told by the police "I'm sorry we haven't got enough officers free, please stay inside and don't tackle him, we'll come by when we can"

He rang back some minutes later to say "don't worry, I've shot him".

Obviously, within five minutes the place was swarming with police, helicopter and riot vans etc, to find the burglar alive and well.

" I thought you said you'd shot the burglar" said the copper.

" I thought you hadn't got enough free officers" replied the man.

Probably a lie but absolutely believeable.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I heard it was just a joke but it does indeed decribe what the police force is like atm, they couldnt give a shit about any minor crimes.

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