They're all useless



After spending a few hours reading loads of posts, I've come to the conclussion that every character in the whole goddam game is cr*p, if these people are to be believed, and I don't doubt their honesty, the character they chose is the most useless, inadequate, picked on, spellless, buffless class in the game.
So for my new character I have sent an e-mail and a crisp new tenner to Mythic to ask if I can play one of those Dragon classes they seem to kick some serious butt, not many people choose this class, I dunno, maybe they don't solo well or have trouble getting in groups, I would have thought any group would be keen to have one, maybe they pinch xp, but surely incenerating a whole camp of lvl 40 siabra's in one go leaves plenty to go round.
Anyway if you see me in your travels I'll be called Idris, and please, let me grp with you.


you should try a "cleric", everyone is convinced they're uber

Except us clerics of course :p


Hmmm u might be on to something there.........
:m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00: :m00:


Originally posted by Prof
you should try a "cleric", everyone is convinced they're uber

Except us clerics of course :p

We don't think your uber....your just fairly average at keeping our ases alive ;)


> you should try a "cleric", everyone is convinced they're uber
> Except us clerics of course

Whaddayamean? You not convinced yet?

Problem with clerics is not that much that you bastards can outtank any midgard viking 1 on 1. Problem is compared to any other healing/ressing classes in the game, you bloody shine. That leaves albion with sizeable healer population and both other realms with 1 healer per 30 on a good day.

We kick yer arse most of the time, true. Ya know why that is? We cant afford to lose - 95% of the time it means another bloody horseride from Hugginfell.



smite clerics are uber.
its the healers/buffers(the ones everyone except the cleric likes) that arent


Yes everyone seem to think their class is broken - the only problem this causes is you cant see which ones really ARE broken.


IMHO Most of the classes are 'broken' if you try to solo - this game works best if you play in groups. In a group every class has a role they can perform and the best groups need a mix of the different classes.

Puller, tank, nuker and healer. 1 of each of those at least will give you a good group. Without 1, the group will be harder to play. Note - this is in my experience of groups, when I've grouped without one of the above, I've always found a lot more downtime/deaths. Of course it also helps if your not playing with an uber loot dude as well :)

Disclaimer - I know some of the classes are good at soloing (partic. the pet classes), but they should still get better xp etc by getting a good group.


Clerics are not uber they are less broken than every other class.
Anyway I'll wait to see how things turn out in US before I express my opinions, because when I said 2 full groups of albs managed to capture a relic, I was flamed to death.


I think markm's got it right here, regardless of whether you're talking about PVE or RVR.

Solo, most classes are inefficient at either, but played well in a good mixed group every class is useful.

My main is a bard, PVE I can take single blues and occasionally low yellows although it's risky and the downtime is a pain. In RVR I can solo... greys.. maybe greens depending on their class. Stick me in a group though and I'm great - mana/end/speed songs, healing, AOE mez, rez, blur.

Yeah OK skalds & minstrels have things I don't have, like insta-mez, good weapon skills, whatever, but you know what? I don't care. I enjoy playing my character, I know it's strengths and weaknesses, I have a great time playing in groups whether it's PVE or RVR.

If you find yourself spending your entire time thinking "my class sucks!!" then maybe you're playing the wrong game or maybe you're just playing your character wrongly and wanting to be something you're not?


OT by the way Granny I named my Lurikeen Ranger 'Itsybitsy Teenyweeny' without seeing your sig :)


Yes, all classes suck in some way, and they all work best in a group. But some classes are a bit weird, and I am beginning to wonder if there is any point in a class like cabalist, for instance. Where is the usefullness of that class?? Sure, they have e few nice things, like the range debuff spell. But that wouldn't make me want to go through the ordeal of leveling one up all the way.

It's not that every class has to be some kind of ultra-nuker-damage-dealer, that wouldn't be much fun, in the long run. But it would be nice to feel that you actually make a difference in a group...


Originally posted by markm
OT by the way Granny I named my Lurikeen Ranger 'Itsybitsy Teenyweeny' without seeing your sig :)

lol :) I must get round to playing Swiiss Tiiny again sometime... it's so hard after Muirob though, any class without speed buff/spell is just sooooo frustrating now :(



I agree Gran, every time I start a new character the lack of speed drives me nuts. I use my speed spell to run between mobs when soloing, and in the mines!!!
I made a Skald in Mid and couldn't stand watching that lumbering run.

lvl 20 bard/rvr-taxi


Maybe I'm the only one, but I really like playing a champion. That class is made for me :) I like debuffing as fast as I can hit the buttons. I like throwing an instant snare on an unexpected add mob so I can kill the first before the other arrive. I like having a decent amount of hitpoints and a good armour. My swift sword attack styles. My shield for its added protection and extra attack styles. And what I like the most, is dealing an instant blast of damage every 15 sec.


MYTHIC hope you read this..

I play a paladin, but are making alts now for RvR (minstrel and cleric).
Paladins are great in PvE, but in PvP we usually get mezzed/stunned and nuked. I could accept that if I had just a little chance to get to my enemy, at least sometimes.

I've been thinking a lot about why pallys and friars, don't know which classes from other realms, are completely left without any form of ranged attack. We can't even pull when soloing, but has to get into aggro range.

.My suggestion is a kind of speedchant to paladins, as pure melee classes, to compensate for ranged attacks, so we at least got a little chance to get to our enemies.

I just hate when a sniper shoots at me 1-2-3 times and then when he's almost in range he just speeds away and stealth, just to come back and finish me off.


Speed should be the pallys RvR force No. 1 in RvR, fast tanks with no range. "Mezz the pallys before they get to us".

I'm sure other classes need something to get more balanced in this game and it seems like bad humor, making classes working so well in PvE just being so damn poor in RvR and the other way around.
Some will say "you chose which char to play yourself".
That's right but still, NO classes should be SO MUCH less attractive than others in the game. Many classes need to be balanced better for PvP/PvE, not only the paladin.

As it is now I know many pallys are swearing about our poor RvR abilities and the leveling for getting there as a waste of time.

I don't mind dying a lot, it's having no chance at all in RvR, compared to MANY other classes Albs/Hibs/Mids that annoys me.

so MYTHIC !!!
Give pallas a combatspeed chant so they can move like the wind across the battlefield and not always get mezzed/stunned and nuked to dead before we even get our sword out


I could have spec'd my Cleric a bit better but the only thing that's crap about it is that I need a bigger quickbar.

Speed and Stealth would be handy as well but that might be taking the piss a bit ;)


lol.. imagine a smite cleric with stealth and speed :)

now THAT would be 'uber' ;)


lol, markm, get a firbolg sidekick named Yellow Polkadotbikini


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