Atm leveling up a theurgy
my spec im going for atm is:
41 Ice: best pets,2nd best aoe root,2nd best snare nuke etc
35 Earth: good enough pets, 8 sec pbt.
ive considered Wind spec to. but seems it lacks utility.
The spec you said is best for interupts and is nice for both pve and rvr, wind is good too, any will do really but that spec seems to be the best at interupting for sure and gives a 1min aoe root to back up any other forms of cc.
I only have a lvl 24 theurgist but really air pets last too short to be really effective. Most people can just outrun them (if you cast them at max range). 41 Ice 35 Earth seems to be the best spec for me too
high earth/rest ice (6sec pbt, good earth pets, low ice for AE root and some lower ice pets for ranged interupt)
41 ice/35 earth (good ice pets good earth pets, 8sec pbt)
45 air/26 earth/rest ice (stun pets (not as effective as they once were but still good with a lot of them on someone), good nuke, ok mez now its 1500 range, and 10sec pbt, plus added bonus of a ~30sec lowbie AE root in ice which can be useful)
45 air/rest ice (as above for air, but if you dont want PBT you can bum ice higher for interupting ice pets)
the 60sec mach5 earth pets are probably the way to go if you want to be purely an interupter in RvR nowadays, air still though is strong as it ever was. have had a LOT of fun duo air theurgists in offpeak hours in RvR (pre ToA at least), the sight of mids dieing to a stream of chain stunning air pets infront of MPK doors is priceless.
Agreed with Jenkz, also 60sec mach5 earth pets are a real boon for a group. Stick the pets on healing classes and they are out of the game for a while. Funny as hell watching people trying to outrun them
Aye they do, earth pets all well in good but prefer ice tbh. The snare comes in very handy, as in RvR if you cast a pet they exactly know what you are and usually gank you to stop the pet spam quickly. I'd gor for that specced tbh
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