Theurgists : Lets compare RA notes



I have been reading a few boards and seem to be getting mixed messages with regards to realm abilities and how well they work for our class. So far I have boosted Acuity to 3 and Mana Crystal Lore to 1. I have points left over but don't intend to spend them till I have a better idea of over effects. Please share you experiences.


With 30 points to spend:

Mystic Crystal Lore 2 for Raging Power: Always OOP, MCL is great every 5 mins. No point in taking it above level 1 unless you want raging power.

Augmented Acuity 2 for Serenity 2: Great power regen, much faster than before.

Augmented Con/Dex 1: At 1 point each, got 28 extra hitpoints and +6 dex.

Wild Power 1: Extra 5% chance to crit.

So far...

Unsure if Raging Power was worth it, dropping it and keeping MCL at level 1 would save 16 points. However I've got no worries about being OOP anymore. :) Those who are a bit short on points can do with MCL 1 and increasing other abilities.

Siege bolt is pointless, as is Mastery of Magery.

Might go for level 1 of Avoidance of Magic, 3% extra resists for just 1 point. Taking Wild Power to level 3 at least, giving me a decent chance to crit with more nukes. :)

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