Careful posting here asking for help, some muppet usually takes the opportunity to try and make himself look big and clever by telling those that ask for help to piss off and do their own template... should be along sometime soon.
hmmm cant really help me .... 99% of the dam i make come from my pets .. so i cant really use +% to dam ... allso i belive it is important for a theurg to max his range ... (to advance the advantage we allrdy got)
but thx for sharing anyway
atm i miss 36 dex ... 40ish con ... 56 HP ... (all MP's of cause)
got 12% to much spirit ..
and 7ish to much chrush ..
so still trying to lay my cold and evul hands on some uber loot
mm, when i was looking at the post is was pretty early monday morning, was still v tired and missed what you posted, it's a shame cos i just activated belt of moon. your template is almost the same as mine just a few different quest items tho, so i could change easily enough if i wanted.
only thing is i dont want to upset the people that helped me with belt of moon activation :wub:
not sure, but range isnt such a big factor for me as i play in pbae group, and the range of my pets before toa was fine for me for that, as i usually end up running into pbae anyway so range ends up being close
also decided that moon belt is fine and going to keep my template, that lvl 5 ability with +10% melee resists (a mini bof as it were) is quite sweet and could help save me from dieing a few times (although i do have faith in our clerics) :wub:
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