Theurgist tips



Lo all
I just started a theurgist and I love the spells and stuff, I can easy solo orange with pets. But when in group and get adds they aggro me and since i got weak armor I die. What attack should i use when grouped? And how does the BT work? Do i click on grp members and what do they gain? Everybody talks about the BT but I dont understand what it actually is..and how to use it..
I would be very happy to get more tips about the theurgists abilities.. how to use attacks and when.. I have decided to put all points into Earth and gonna keep on doin that to lvl 26., then all on air..


Herbal Remedy

not atheurg so wont be the longest and most informed of answers , yes theurg nukes suck agro dont just wak into you mana and draw agro , let the tanks etc get it down in health to make sure u dont get agro then nuke a few times. As for blade turn u want enough in earth to get 8 second bladeturn which is the standard. Bladeturn is a pulsing spell which puts up a magic barrier over everyplayer you are grouped with stopping the majority of mob hits landing on a player - ie u get hit less often, very usefull spell indeed. Im sure a theurg will expand and improve on my rather shoddy answeer but i hope it helps anyway.

oh and yes theurgs do indeed rock :D


Well, you get a few different 'types' of BT (Bladeturn), basicly BT is a shield which absorbes 1 hit...

If you get to level 7 (I think, not sure) in Earth, you get a BT which you can cast on other members, the first BT you get is self-only... At 15 (or around that level) you get a group BT, if you cast that, everyone in the group automaticly gets it too... Then last but not least you get a pulse BT, this refreshes BT every 10, 8 or 6 seconds (depending on which level earth you get)...

Basicly, your a caster, which means you do (way) more damage then the tanks of similar level... This means that if you start to cast right away, you'll get agro and die... The trick is to wait till the monster is down till 75% before you start casting...

You also have a root spell, it creates that big ice spike around your target. This should freeze your target, which (should) stop to move then...

You should (try) to freeze the adds before they reach you... And then help the tanks get their current target down...

If an add does come through, then it's up to the tanks to get it off you... If they arent able to do that... Then your in a sucky group ;)

An earth pet usually does the trick too(get agro off you) and should keep the add busy for 45 seconds... But after your pet dies, it'll be harder for the tanks to get it off you (since you did a lot of damage to it with your pet)...


What the above people have stated is mostly true but with a few corrections. Spec 2 is personal shield, spec10 friendly target, spec18 whole group, spec26 first self-recasting (pulsing) group BT.

In larger group combat you should avoid pets as damage source, they are mostly a last resort. Earthen Burst, Bolstering Wind, Cold's Bitter Grip and Fields of Frost (specline) other than BT are your most group friendly spells.


Everything above is all correct, got one more thing to add you can do in groups: AOE mez (confusing storm spells, wind specced ) it isn't very long (last one is "only" 32 seconds) but in rvr its quite great and handy.
In groups it can be handy too if havent got a mezzer, for example when we chainpull i mostly root the incoming goblins and let the tanks kill one.
When i see the root (that freeze spell) is wearing off and the mob starts to move i cast mez and the mob has to wait another 20 seconds . Also nice when u got more then 4 incoming and u haven't got time to root one by one.

For rvr i mostly use my nukes ( i'm wind , so i got best nukes) to kill opponents and the freeze and mez spell to stop the horde of nasty mids. Pets i sometimes use when both sides are waiting and staring at eachother. When an grey/green/blue/yellow gets too close i start spamming pets on him ( pets got good castingrange) he mostly runns off scared of all those pets :).

That's it, me first post :D , hope i helped a bit .


common build for air theurgs - 45 air 26 earth 14 ice

this imo is the best template for RvR theurgs :) best DD, 2nd best AE mez, 10 sec BT, and a bit of ice for the AE root and 3rd ice pet for harrassing greys ;)

once u get 26 earth (gives a BT which auto casts every 10 secs) you wont be nuking as much since you'll have BT on most of the time :) my advice would be to start nuking only after tank has used a couple of taunt styles - play it safe and dont nuke to mob has maybe 1/2 or 2/3 hps ... help out at the start of the fight with friction to debuff the enemies atk speed (dunno if its much use tho ;))

ps - dont do anything when u get anywhere below 50% power ... power regens half as slow if its below 50% for mages ;)


First place to look is here

Its a nice simply spell list. Theurg is a very adaptble class and hard to spec in such a way as it can't actually do the job...
At the moment Air is extremely powerful and I also recommend the 45air 26earth 14ice template (in fact I have it... but its not common).

PvE solo - a theurg uses pets... (and if air spec'd nukes)... best tip I can give you is one I picked up on stratics... a conversative theurg is a dead theurg... dont try and save power by skimping on pets.

PvE grouped - a theurg has several spanners in their tool box...

First and foremost are your tools which reduce the rate of damage for the group.... bladeturn, which basical negects one non-crit blow. At 26 you get a 10 sec pulsing version which protects your entire group... if you want to lvl fast and want to be loved in groups you need at least this level in earth.... but also you have a weapon speed debuff...At 21 Major friction reduces an attackers weapon speed by 10(ish)%.... doesn't sound like much.. but it makes a huge difference.

Secondly you have your tools which control the actually combat... Single target root (under basic ice path), AE root (ice spec'd) and AE mezz (Air spec'd).

Thirdly you have your tools for actually increasing the rate of damage to a MoB, nukes.... 3 types, in basic ice path (very poor low damage nukes), spec'd air path (imho second best nuke in albion) and spec'd ice path... which also snares (speed reduction) on top of that you also have your buffs Earthen power (basic earth path) and Bolstering storms (basic air path)

Your final tool is run speed under basic air which is nice when you dont have a minstrel... however this can not be used when pulsing Bladeturn is on.

Tips on how to use them.... firstly and most obviously.. buff the tanks... buff them every 8 mins or so... it makes it easier for them to get and keep aggro.

Recast your group BT during the pull/mezz phase of combat (you get a single bladeturn group at @18 in earth)... this will protect the messer and stop MoB's from being bounced arround the clerics by loose damage. It only take 3 secs to cast the group version.. that added to a 10sec pulse is more than enough to stop all non critical damage... it is quite power expensive... so dont over do it... once everything is mezzed/rooted you should only ever need to "hand cast" a Bladeturn if someone breaks a mezz or a caster nukes too soon (in which case I'd use the mini group tab to select the player with unintended aggro and cast single target other bladeturn (@10 in earth) used less power).... Theurgs should always run out of power before the clerics... thats life.

Once everything is under control friction debuff the MoB which the tanks are on. Once thats landed it should be safe for you to nuke.

Now the above stuff assumes that you do have an ideal group... and someone else is doing the mezzing/rooting... if that isn't the case...things get a bit harder... if you're dealing with less than 4 incoming per pull... always use your single target root.... if thats not an option... chain cast your ae root on the incoming untill you have all rooted... then fast cast your mezz.. if you aint air spec'd...just keep rooting and reselecting targets which are still alive.
1 warning I will give you... our air mezz is very very short... put single target roots on half the mezzed MoBs if time starts to run out..... <hates pygmy goblins>

In RvR your earth spec points are virtually worthless... when solo you want your run speed up...when grouped the stealthers normally want single target Bladeturn (your pulse BT doesn't travel with them... they have to be in range of you).. I think the bladeturn is kind of a safety blanket for any tanks you may have in the group... gives them a warm fuzzy feeling....but lets face its doesn't stop you from being killed....however I will note... that the top earth pets are very good for killing keep lords... but air isn't bad at this either....Mezzes, Roots and nukes (a lot of theurg are ice spec'd for the snare nuke... which is very very useful). Pets in RvR are also good partcularly the ice ones... they have good long range and buy you "fire and forget" time. I guess if you wanted a pure RvR template you be wanting 33ice 35air and the leftovers in earth.

Anyway hope this gives you some insight... Goodluck ;p

Vana - lvl 50 Theurg


Best way to avoid aggro is to cast after tanks have hit it a few times and dont cast too quickly, after you get the pbt at 26 earth you wont be able to nuke much unless you have a mintrel in the group.

atm i have the 8 sec pbt (35 spec earth), i only use it for PvE as if drains a lot of mana without a minstrel present. So i use the 10 sec one for RvR. (remember magic goes straight thro bt, and so do asasins cs moves)

In RvR i tend to use my ice pets to slow pple down so i can chain cast nuke on them (should work with air ones stunning too), or if theres a stand off(say at our wall),I cast as many as possible before the emeny get out of range (people tend to run when they start having pets cast on them)
Main thing in rvr it to occupy people with your pets so they can't cast.

Stoping at half power will allow you to regen mana nicely.

is a good place to find more about bt etc.

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