theurgist spec question



going to make a theurg had planned on 26 earth (for 10 sec pbt)
and rest in ice or wind

but which is better ice or wind ?
i initially thought wind because of the decent dd and mez but people i asked said ice



Why not both?

26 earth
25 ice
35 air

Get's you 2nd best AoE root, 2nd best AoE mez, 2nd best DD, all the best pets and 10 sec pbt

Works for me


I seen a lot of air theurgs complaining that their dd takes too much of a reduction from resists because it in the spirit line, ait pets are bad too thanks to mystics nerf of their stun, I hear the ae mess get nerfed too later on(?).

I've got ice mainly, 35 earth, 38 ice (doh! one off the next ae root), 16 air. (got ice to 50 with epic armor + df's staff)
The ae mess air gives is handy, 10 ae mess at 4 spec air.
In a respec i'd go less air (drop it to 4) more ice, maybe reduce the earth to 26.

Ice pets are the best atm for rvr, churning out lots of pets will help confuse the attackers and slow em. but at 50 theurgist pets are crap for dmg/cost.
I find the ice nuke to be dmging enough for me, and at least theurgists can do a lot of different things.

Earth pets are near useless rvr unless u find some one stupid enought to stand still.

I might drag myself away from morrowind to see what the epic skins are like tomorrow(today) tho, man that game is good.


Kind of sucky but the way I see it pets are the theurgs best friend. DD is a bonus.

At lvl 49, I hit even conns consistently for 300 every 2 seconds. More with buffs. Admittedly my INT is baseline 212 but it's enough to fook up most casters.


I'm 100% ice and minidings in earth, so here's my point of view:

I't was hard to lvl, cuz in the early days ppl didn't count aoe root as a prober CC. Now ppl accept it, it seems ;)

being a ice theurg also means being one of the best (if not THE best) to help other ppl lvl'ing beyond lvl20 (up to lvl20 earth-theurgs buff rocks). So if u later on wanna help ppl lvl (like I do) then a full spec in ice rocks.

in rvr, i can only quote one of the masters "SEE ME ROOT" (U know who ;) ) Only bad thing is, that the range is way shorter than hibs/mids mezz/stun which kinda irritates me, grrrr grrrr, bu tat least it lasts for some 70+ secs (last time i checked)

BUT BUT BUT.... u will get ALL KIND OF request from grps wanting to join you being a theurg, and be4 u say "I'm in ;)" then PLZ tell them u DONT have PBT, he he

btw PBT theurgs r very boring imo (my friend is one and sure, lvl'ing is fast, but grps only want u for the pbt, so u'll prolly be afk most of the time which is not fun imo)

(sry 4 my bad spelling... at work atm ;) )

DAMN, my boss just saw me, arrgghhhhhh


well i am 45 earth , 11 ice, 27 wind and im gonna go full in wind .. well i am actually happy with my spec and the 6 sec helps me a LOT in many of the groups im in and especially surviving in RvR. The earth pets also are usefull when uare not near a PK or Keep as if u see a guy in range and there is to much action going on just blast away with pets, then u will see him running in circles and eventually die which is funny to watch.
Also every time in emain i always encounter the tank that chases me and i put 6 sec bt on and as i cant beat him as he is too close i just run in circles , eventually an alb comes along and kicks his ass. Hmm but i am using an ice baseline DD atm and when im fighting a lot i change to my ice staff..when in rvr using bt a lot i change to earth staff which helps my power. Basically Wind has the best DD's but the Root in rvr is VERY improtant, it come sin handy sooooooo many times. :)


Always thought the theurg aoe root was 1500? no?

Their mezz is 1250 which is shorter than the mezz/stun from everyone else :(

You're probably just suffering from 'insta' problems...


my spec atm is 35 earth for pbt and believe it or not getting the lvl 32 pets played a role in it too (they are still the best at PvE and they still come in handy :) ) and rest in ice, and i am NOT mostly afk because im mainly in a group for pbt, I also do average damage which does help.

being a ice theurg also means being one of the best (if not THE best) to help other ppl lvl'ing beyond lvl20 (up to lvl20 earth-theurgs buff rocks). So if u later on wanna help ppl lvl (like I do) then a full spec in ice rocks.

This is not a flame or something, but why does being an ICE theurg make you one of the best to help beyond lvl 20s ?? Earth theurgs got earth spec right not ice theurgs, not that ice theurgs dont get EB and Haste but they are lower specced in earth, please correct me if im wrong


Earth spec affects your earth buff damage variance...

so if you see a high level earth wiz... their buffs are probably better than the average high level theurg...

[hypnotic stare]so group with my earth wiz! do it! now![/hypnotic stare]

Theurgs are generally better than fire/ice wizards for buffs though... and if they go all the way for 6s pbt then they're pretty kickass buffs :)

(earth wizards are better for lower levels though... put that damage shield on and from lvel 1-10 you can get xp by being hit ;))


thanks for the info think i'm gonna make 45 earth,29 ice
easy grping has to much control over me ;o

sp look out for and help along clubberlang ;) for all your future 6 sec pbt needs


Earth spec affects your earth buff damage variance...
i know that, but why is a ice theurgist one of the best to help people lvl after 20 then ?


Originally posted by Stekkerdoos

i know that, but why is a ice theurgist one of the best to help people lvl after 20 then ?

it ain't :)


Originally posted by Stekkerdoos

i know that, but why is a ice theurgist one of the best to help people lvl after 20 then ?

Must have said it wrong ;) didn't mean the best, but doing tanglers with a m8 and a lowbie lvl20 then we boost his lvling by 1 per 2-3 hours...

(cant remember tho if thats fast, but i think it is ;) )


k then :) thought i missed some uber strategy/ability or something :p

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