Theurgist Question



Hoping one of you fine theurgist veterans can answer this. Sorry if this is a dumb question. As an alt im currently a lvl 12 theu at moment speccing in air. Can anyone tell me what the difference is as you get the next level pets? ie how do they improve? i have been using the lvl 12 air pets and also the lvl 1 ice and earth, the lvl 12 pets dont seem to kill mobs quicker than the lvl 1 pets , sometimes even slower than the lvl 1 earth pets. They all con blue to me, i just cant see what improves with each pet. I am finding it better to send an earth pet out first, then ice then 2 air pets because teh earth ones last longer. Its been bugging me this question so hope u can answer. Thanks


each pet has a lvl cap i think (so they wont exceed a certain lvl) so low lvl pets will gradually become green/grey as u lvl up ... the lvl of the pet is also affected by the lvl of the caster - the pet's lvl is always 7/8 of the caster's lvl (so it'll always be blue)


Not on lvl 9 thou, they are green at lvl 9, not that you stay on that lvl for long thou

Jarahl Valinor

I played just a bit of Theurg, but I think the power cost lowers...


afaik all pets cost 12% of the caster's power, whether they are the lvl 1 spell or lvl 32 one ;)


hmm the air pets ability to stun the mob i think is longer the higher the pets you get. so a very low lv pet has a very short stun and a lv 32 pet is a little longer. its a shame oranges and higher resist the stun like mad i find. i use them to only slow oranges so i can nuke them :)
as for air. if you spec earth first then air, your nukes are capped till you get your 2nd best nuke at lv 43 :) ( the lv 35 one )

oh the HP of the pet increases each lv of pet as well i found :).


ok, I could be totally wrong on this but don't earth pets have more HP than ice or air? As far as I know they has most HP, ice next, then air...And if you think about it, it makes sense that something made of earth would be harder to kill than something made of air...


Yer earth pets get most hits, but usually thats not why they die (in pvm) usually the die cus of timer
earth: 30 sec lifetime
ice: 25 sec
air: 20 sec

Yep 12% power to make a pet, not taking into account focus staves. Casting earth pets with a lvl 50 ice focus stave HURTS the power bar, and yer lvl cap thing is correct, i think the second best earth pet is green to lvl 50.


Should have just asked me in guild, played an air theurg on usa remember :p

Air pets have way less hp than the earth pets and dont hit half as hard, but the good thing about that line is that your air nukes hurt pretty bad and the air pets stun the mob. So you just blast away at the mob while the pets chain stun it.


Just a little reply bout the kinds of pets:
Earth: Tank pet , good HP , good dmg
Ice pet : Caster pet : lowest hp of the three actually, is bad in melee, the nukes he cast are supposed to be snaring ( think this will be ficed in 1.53 :/ )
Wind pets: medium health , medium damage and stun proc ( the proc will be "cast" by the pet from a distance in future patch and won't be a real "proc" anymore.


earth pets are by the far the best for pve the are the only ones that are good at melee plus they cast a speed debuff when they hit.

And the pet is always cast at pets 7/8 th of your level i.e. if you are lvl 40 the pet will be lvl 35.

you can always weapons buff you earth pets too to increase their damage output.

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