There's something rotten in the land of Teh Icefloat....



Disaster has struck the very core of Teh Mekka of all Seelism. In recent days, Teh Seel, master of babble, omnipotent mayhem of senselesnes has been...strange. It's not like the signs have been clear, oh not at all! Infact the signs have been very subtle.

Take a look at the "Most useless thread" and "Quaranteed to make you laugh" threads. Hardly the senseless wibble that is expected. I'm curious. Has the mojo of Seelism been stolen? And if so, by who? Did Mucking_fuppet do it? Did some strange foreign(probably french) liberal paleontologist finally get his revenge?

There are other proofs as well. If you manage to look around the general forum for Seel posts(yes i know it's a stretch for most people to actually look for Seel posts), you might notice that lately, Teh Seel has written with more sense then before.

Now why am i talking so much about myself in the third person? Simple. I'm evidently becoming old.tohtori from the old boards, the official boards of DAoC. It is almost like a rollback, GOA servers crashed and Teh Seel went poof. Be as it may, i believe that i have to get Teh Seel back. It destiny. This can't go on for long for it Teh Seel is gone for too long...

Gods only know what might happen to the essense of Seelism.


fear not Seel for tis the way of things. You wibble along merrily disenlightening the masses, preaching to the perverted and then, sensibility pops in for a chat, or an obviously more off the beaten path poster posts, you begin to doubt. Next you will rail, then possibly sink into a cesspit of immorality and debauchery for a time (I believe that may be fun), surfacing from benrath the stench, newly born and covered in gooey shit, to pen a piece which will proclaim you ever , teh seel.



Or your ears will fall off and we'll all call you Mandy.


Drink a few beers and you will see the light again.... ;)


Well imo you still write utter bullshit and nothing has changed, so don't worry too much yet :)

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