some of you may have seen this on friendface:
Find the book nearest to you, turn to page 56 then find sentence 5 and write it as your status. Put the game rules as a comment. Needs to be the book nearest to you, not your favourite.
So go on then, find it and post it here:
"At the end of the eighteenth centuary, when science had contributed so triumphantly both to man's knowledge of the world and to man's knowledge of his own physical attributes, it began to be asked whether science could not also further man's knowledge of society."
E.H. Carr What is History?
Find the book nearest to you, turn to page 56 then find sentence 5 and write it as your status. Put the game rules as a comment. Needs to be the book nearest to you, not your favourite.
So go on then, find it and post it here:
"At the end of the eighteenth centuary, when science had contributed so triumphantly both to man's knowledge of the world and to man's knowledge of his own physical attributes, it began to be asked whether science could not also further man's knowledge of society."
E.H. Carr What is History?