Film The Way Back.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Won some tickets to a preview show of this, not bad at all.

It's a bit of an arse-number at 2:15 length, but it's interesting enough to keep a hold until the end.

Not a "must see movie of the year", but if you happen upon it and like some slower paced movie stuff, worth the bucks.

This from someone who doesn't necessarily go for these kind of movies a lot.

Now on to the premise, which i will spoiler just to be sure i don't ruin any peoples experience who like to go in blind. No real spoilers inside so there's only stuff you might learn from a imdb link or a trailer...or a movie poster? :D

Premise is that it's the year 1940somethingorother, during WW2, prisoners(of several countries) escape from a siperian prison camp and it shows the journey of a good, 6000 kilometers or so? Well not so good, but still :p

It's based on a true story, so it makes it a bit more interesting to watch and it does have strong acting in it.

Especially Colin Farrell and Ed Harris make a great performance.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Apparently the "true story" bit has been largely debunked. Didn't stop me enjoying the film though; felt like quite an old fashioned (Ice Cold In Alex-style) film. the missus hated it.

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