The usual Topic, with a slight Twist... the SI debate...



Ok, so alot of people are mad at GOA for fooking up the SI registration process, while others are singing their praises for getting the patch done on time.

I just feel that no-one has sasked the question, what happened in the States when Mythic went Live with SI...

Did they get it patched on time.....?

Were there enormous problems with registering SI....?

Etc etc.....?

Wondered if there are any US players here who cant let us know how their process went, ie perhaps all the problems are down to Mythic... or perhaps they had no problems, and GOA buggered it up.......

Also is it just me or reading between the lines, do Mythic seem to try and cause problems for GOA (im sure I remember a few Friday newe's with comments on how mythic had sent wrong patches, or not sent things they had been promised etc)... or is this just GOA making excuses....

Im sitting my :moon: firmly on the fence.....

Discuss...... :merlin:


I know Mythic "screws up" at times at well with longer downtime, bad patches that require a fix, stuff like that.
no idea how they handled the run on SI tho


Mythic are the first to apply the patches and get all the problems, GOA are second and you'd expect them to learn from any problems Mythic encounters.


yes, their system is different tho, and they get modified versions. so whole new errors can surface...


I had no problems at all registering SI on US servers on release day. I didn't even have the problem that a lot of other people did, because I waited a few hours, then read the instructions that Mythic posted. I think I installed SI, downloaded the update and logged in, within less than 10 minutes.


Well, to me it is all 'by-gones' now, what comes to the patch day: GOA managed to patch all servers in less than one day, which is good enough (of course, I felt differently on the day of the patch trying to log in, sputum running down the side of my mouth, not getting in ;)).
I feel for those (and am happy not being one of them ;)) who haven't yet received their copy of SI and those that are having trouble getting to the subscription page. I got my copy of SI already a day before patch day, which is also the day I activated SI on my account, which now -seems obvious -was the right choice.


Anyone else who plays on the US servers??


I have absolutely no problem regarding patch day. Ok things went wrong, they often do regardless of the amount of testing done, and they worked on till it was done.

The thing I find unbelieveable and got me really wound up was the registration process. It was handled so badly, they must have had at least estimates of what kind of load the registration/activation pages would be getting and seem to have done sod all about it. Then they removed our only channel of complaint and STILL have not said anything, no updates, no help or advice, nothing.

That is the worst bit. They made an awful gaff with the website then they just hid, and still are as far as I am aware, letting us poor sods batter our heads off the wall trying to activate SI.

They have displayed a complete lack of concern for us all as customers. Even just an acknowledgement that they royally screwed up and a sincere apology would have been better than the utter silence that has come over GOA since Friday afternoon.

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