The ultimate sim 1997!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Does anyone remember that ultimate flight sim joystick combo the saitek X36F and X36 throttle control? Well.... in my loft I uncovered (whilst moving) my old X36 combo.

Why mention it? Well, if it's any good it needs a good home before it gets recycled by some new-age weirdo down the local tip and gets converted to some kind of strange sexy love device.

So.... anyone want?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dubbs said:
Does anyone remember that ultimate flight sim joystick combo the saitek X36F and X36 throttle control? Well.... in my loft I uncovered (whilst moving) my old X36 combo.

Why mention it? Well, if it's any good it needs a good home before it gets recycled by some new-age weirdo down the local tip and gets converted to some kind of strange sexy love device.

So.... anyone want?

If it works in XP MEMEMEMEME!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Cor and not even a Hi.... MikeyBear, I got mine after seeing yours (or did we get them the same day?) - Since 1998 it's sat to one side as I got bored with air combat - something to do with not being very good at it!!!

So - if wanted it's available - FREE. Needs to be picked up though as I'm not in the habit of paying P&P for stuff I give away :)

Let me know...


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dubbs said:
Cor and not even a Hi.... MikeyBear

Didnt click who U were tbh, I didn't look at the name when I replied and then even when I did it took me a mo' to register :)

Errr... 'ello, turning into a right ex-DLI'ers haunt this huh.

Can't honestly remember if U bought your stick at the same time as me or not tbh, I though Ted bought his on the same day but I could well be remembering wrong.

I do remember certain factions of the PCG thinking I was mental for buying 'em tho (RchrdSwll <<<best said *really really* fast for the full effect).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dubbs said:
Cor and not even a Hi.... MikeyBear, I got mine after seeing yours (or did we get them the same day?) - Since 1998 it's sat to one side as I got bored with air combat - something to do with not being very good at it!!!

So - if wanted it's available - FREE. Needs to be picked up though as I'm not in the habit of paying P&P for stuff I give away :)

Let me know...

Poo it doesnt guarantee working under XP. I would have quite happily payed you £20 for you to send me it (rest could be beer money).

And hello. If it works in XP at your end im willing to risk it here.

My Genius joystick (ancient) has served me well but that saitek one seems really good from the reviews i checked out.

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