The Tripitaka ‘Alternative’ Glossary of DAoC



Originally posted on our guild forum, had to share this as i think its a larf.

The Tripitaka ‘Alternative’ Glossary of DAoC

AC - I thought it was ‘ACK’ as in oh **** ….

AF - Armor Factor. A lot of people call this one Autofollow too

Add - Death, usually. Unless in a good grp.

AFK - See ‘Lash’.

Aggro, Agg, Agro - Start papping urself – also see ‘Add’.

Assist - What people call leetching.

ATM - Internet acronym, means "at the moment". As in, ‘I can’t … I’m Dead ATM’.

BAF - See Aggro and Add.

Bind, Bindstone - The thing u forget to do when furthest away from last bindpoint.

Bolt - Run away.

BRB - Internet acronym for "be right back" or "bathroom brake", usually means ure about to **** urself, have the need for beer, or have the munchies.

BRT - stands for ‘be right there – I’m currently AFK pissing meself’.

Buff, Debuff - The thing we forget to do b4 fighting a large mob.

Camp - Dale Winton.

Caster - What ur chair moves about on, when physically swinging the sword, or making a spell, or avoiding dropping ur hot coffee / dinner when fighting a mob.

Charm - See ‘The Sylvan Blades’ – not referenced in any Glossary.

Class - What Nik says to anything good.

Crowd Control - Millwall Security and Police Force.

DAoC - Commonly accepted acronym for Dark Age of Camelot, a online role-playing game you should know about by now.

DD - Acronym for "direct damage", ‘**** , I’m DEAD’.

Dewd, Dood,Dude - Very American.

Ding - The doorbell is going or you have just levelled.

DoT - Acronym for "damage over time". Usually resisted.

Farming - Pookas, Nik, Jal.. Say no more.

Freeloader - Derisive nickname for people who go around randomly assisting other players who are not in their group, either by attacking their target or healing them as they fight.

Haste - Oh pap, that mob is going to kill me, I better run poste haste

Healer - Oversees the death of the grp, due to being AFK at wrong moment.

Hybrids - Characters with mixtures of magic/healing and combat skills. Otherwise known as Len the Underhill.

IC - The acronym for "in character", a label for chat that is from your character's perspective. It is another way of referring to role-playing, or the act of role-play. See also: OOC. It may also stand for "i see". – GOD don’t bore me with this Role-play pap.

IMHO, IMO - No one cares what u think …

INC - Get ready to run.

IRL - Not abbreviation for Ireland, actually means ‘In Real Life’.

Kite, Kiting - Describes the maneuver of hit and run guerilla-style fighting. Al queda has nothing on us …

Lag - Oh… you might die here.

Linkdead, Conloss - You be dead.

Leet, L33t - Term that means "elite", players occasionally call themselves "leet" meaning they're uber, "absolutely great" in common language. Posing gits.

Loot, Lewt - Something nobody ever , ever gets in Prince and Legion Raids.

Mage - Sapper, Dooey, Dumn, Whis et al.

Melee - Miss, miss, miss, miss, dead.

Mez - Death.

MMORPG - What’s Morph got to do with it ?

Mob - One is attacking u, ure about to die. Best to go to parth farm to see this.

MT - What ?

Newbie, Noob - Guaranteed to ask for money b4 they get to lvl 2.

NP - Internet acronym, standing for "no problem". This is used frequently as a response to thank you.

NPC - Those dumb non playable characters you accidentally sell a magic item u still need to.

Nuke, Nuking - Go SAPPER !

OMG, OMFG - Stands for the exclamation "oh my god", maybe even enhanced with a swear word. Seen a lot…!

OMW - Abbreviation for "on my way", see AFK and BRT.

OOE - This acronym refers to being "out of endurance", oh pap I can do a style and I could die.

OOM, OOP - Acronym originating from "out of mana", but can also mean "out of power” – oh pap I can no longer nuke so I could die.

Pet - What Andy Capp called his Mrs.

PK - Portal Keep – FFS !

Pop - This is used to signal that an enemy has spawned within range of the party; used mostly as an alert or warning – oh good, we’re about to die.

Pull, Puller, Pulling - What 2 ppl do at once and then wonder why they die.

PvP - Means "player versus player", Well, we wouldn’t know – tsk tsk , european patches… bring on 1.52 !

Proc - Supposedly a random DD or the like, normally from ur weapon.. More like doesn’t happen until it’s too L8.

Quest - Like a kill task – but if u die, u won’t lose it.

Rares, Semirares - To stay alive longer than an hour.

Rez, Res - To bring someone back to life, who has died. A Major requirement.

RL - Another acronym, for "real life". You mean there IS real life ? Where ?

ROFL - Internet acronym, means "rolling on the floor laughing". Often said in madness after dying for the 5th time today.

Root, Snare - Was Resisted. U are about to die.

Roxxor, Roxxorz Means that something or someone "rocks", is great. Or is simply mis-spelt.

RP - Acronym for "Realm Point”. Something u won’t see until lvl 40+

RPG - Acronym. for "role playing game". – no comment.

RvR - Stand for "realm versus realm", a special way of PvP (player versus player) combat in DAoC where one can only battle members of another realms, most likely in large groups to turn battlefields red. U will probably die.

Spawn - The act of appearing, a creature/item that has appeared, or a location where creatures/items are known to frequent. U will probably die because the mob has spawned right next to u, it is aggro and u aer fighting another at the time.

Stats - Short for statistics. Your character's scores in various skill areas, such strength or dexterity. This can also refer to learned skills, maneuvers or spells. Pap at the best of times.

Tank - Panzer or Otherwise ?

Task - That thing u lose when u die.

Uber, Über - Normally a lvl 40+ mob in CF that we spend 3 years beating the **** out of. Rake's Favourite word when grped.

Warrior - Hard B@rst@rd.

Tripitaka - Level 4x Druid
Andrex ToiletTissue - Level 25 Enchanter
Leafsong Goldenwood - Level 24 Ranger

old.Ayam Ganbatte

There's also 'gtg' which means 'Good To Go', but when I used to play EverQuest it would mean 'Got To Go', so I'd often lament a critical member of a group saying 'gtg' when in fact I should have been ready for action.

edit: oh, and Tripitaka is a great name. Check my signature for the tribute. The actress died of Lukemia, but apparently all of the other actors are alive and well.


There is only one I still have to figure out , I figured it must cursing of some sorts , its FFS , what the hell does it meen excactly , I have some general ideas , as this is mostly being used after being bashed in the head by either mob's or enemy invaders, LD , and what have we not , but the genuine real deal meaning would be nice :)


FFS = Friggin Frankie Sinatra, what did you think it means :)


the first is 'For' the last is 'sake' I'll let you work out the second.


my favorite

RUN!!!! = lets die a bit further over there


FFS = Men För Helvete

Now you just need to find a swedish dictionary :)



will you translate stuff like "m8" and such as well, which is far harder to understand then the usual acronyms

funny read besides tho :clap:


Hey Tripi.. how about this one...


Thaught if this at the weekend outside your border keep..

Get Your Pet Off My Ass...


Til next time m8


ROFL - ahh hello Nobrot ;o)

Well, ure acronym will get into the revision 2 if i ever do one - thats a goodun too.

Nice to get my first ever solo 'other realmer' kill and you post about it :p. You shoulda see my noise after i actually popped u - in my guild chat window. I was soooo happy shame it was you tho - an ORANGE to me hehe...

Thanks for all who have read this thread - i thought i'd write it in jest and it appears a lot of you giggled... which is nice to know.

Thanks also to Nik for sharing it here as it was only posted on our own guild's forum originally.


Originally posted by lakih
FFS = Men För Helvete

Now you just need to find a swedish dictionary :)


Hehe im danish so no need :)

Men det kunne du jo ikke vide hehe....hmm det står under location faktisk hehe


AE = Area Effect; (healer) "I mezzed 6 albs and died" = AE (Thane) Mjolliner seems to annoy some ppl, dunno why

But major rofl dude :)


And the unnesessary expansions of AFK...




Herbal Remedy

ffs ooc = oh my word ive run out of smoking supplies that bothers me greatly :p


oop - (Out of Power) or..... - Aah, i seem to have forgotten to tell you that i was only at half power when you pulled those purples, and that's your lot, we're gonna die.....

Herbal Remedy

dont pull guys im not ready yet7777777777666777776666677777

someone forgot to type enter :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
dont pull guys im not ready yet7777777777666777776666677777

someone forgot to type enter :rolleyes:

didnt read this b4 i posted but that really got me laughing!!!!

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