The TPC Skillz Server has moved...



Having left it's temporary home for a spinky new server, you can now conc to your hearts content at the following address:

TPC 2 - The Skillz Server:

and don't forget...

TPC 1 - CTF Veterans Only:

for custom maps on request.


Good to know, but, could you apoint few more trsuted people as co-admins ?

People don't really give a flying fuck over the rules when the admins are'nt around, maybe you should apoint some "spies"/undercover admins :p


Unfortunately, opening a server to the public, by definition, means that we will get our fair share of newbies and muppets.
We encourage clanners to wear their tags as this tends to attract quality players, but it can also be about choosing the moment for a decent game. We've had some cracking games on there recently, especially late at night, with top players from UK and Europe strutting their stuff.

We currently have 10 public admins who enforce the rules are also willing to respond to map requests, but unfortunately as our attendance is based on free time we can't be there all the time. However, if things do get out of hand, pop into #[tpc] and it's likely that someone will be there who can help.


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