The Top Ten Worst Jokes In Daoc [Midgard Edition]



Archeon incorperated is proud to present you with this list complied after months of extensive study into the art of bad joke telling. We strive to maintain a degree of lameness in all the jokes complied and appologise deeply if anyone should actually find them funny. So in reverse order the Top Ten Worst Jokes, Midgard Edition

Number 10 –

How many warriors does it take to change a lightblub?
None, light bulbs hadn’t been invented at that time.

Number 9 –

A warrior and a rune master jump off a cliff at the same time, which one reaches the ground first?
The albion zerg that was chasing them

Number 8 –

A valriken walks into a bar, the bartender says “why the long face”

Number 7 –

How long does it take for the goa staff to translate a patch?
2 hours to upload from america, 2 days to translate and 2 months to write the friday (on any day but friday) news telling people the patch will be available to upload in 2 days

Number 6 –

What’s the difference between a skald and a minstrel?
About 5 brain cells

Number 5 –

A norseman, a celt, and a briton are locked in a cave together, three months later he cave is unlocked. Which one survived?
None of them, what would they eat?

Number 4 –

Archeon says yeah, my guild really sucks. They spend all day picking on me and i’m totally bullied
Archeon says woops, mt

Number 3 –

The most feared zergs have always used ‘row, row, row your boat’ as a marching song

Number 2 –

A norseman, a celt and an albion are stuck on a desert island. Through some turn of luck they find a genie in a bottle, after much deliberation the genie decides that in accordance with rule 34j, sub paragraph 6 he will grant them only one wish each.
The norseman says, “well, i want to go back to midgard and be with all my friends”
Poof, he’s teleported to midgard
The celt says, i wish i were back in herbinia smoking all my wacky backy with a great big fridge built into my sofa.
Poof, he’s teleported to herbinia into a big smoky room with a sofa/fridge
And so the briton stands there, a small globe of drool hanging from his mouth. The genie starts to get impatient and asks him to hurry up. Finally he says, “could you teleport my zerg here? I’m not sure what to wish for?”

And the number one lamest joke in midgard is...

A caster walks into a bar
“caster dies

Note From The Author: Ok, so its bad. But atleast this time there was no Typing Like This :)

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Number 9 is a great joke.

Here's a couple of bad ones:

Which character class owns the most pubs in Midgard?


Which monster is most likely to have a fetish for male genitalia?

Vendo bone collectors.

One more bad one (and we're not talking Michael Jackson bad, well, maybe we are given his current state): what race is a shadowblade on the highest mountain of Odin's Gate?

A coldbold.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Perfect opportunity to use the rolleyes smilie against me here:

Number 9 is funny because it's so true!


Number 9 and 2 had me lol ín office :) Love bad jokes


i like #9 best but would modify it to:

A warrior and a runemaster jump off a milegate at the same time, which one reaches the ground first?
The albion zerg that was chasing them.



Originally posted by Novamir
i like #9 best but would modify it to:

A warrior and a runemaster jump off a milegate at the same time, which one reaches the ground first?
The albion zerg that was chasing them.


Your missing the point, these are bad jokes. I would have used that if i wanted to make people laugh :)


Number 9 for me :)

Surprised the old, "the fastest way to circumcise a briton? kick his sister in the jaw" joke didn't appear.

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