the thing about DAoC.....



You know i bought a 2nd account to make a buff bott..... Yeah whatever another loser like me has been born.
Now i can PL it with my LVL 50 chars or i thought id group up and try and do it traditionaly and actually have fun, meet exciting new people and help each other get to lvl 50.

Wrong! why even bother ? I join one group at lvl 20 in the space of 2 hours i lose 2 bubbles of XP (yes in 2 hours) we wiped out so much. Add to that people insulting me asking why i dont heal them with my 20 aug spec shammy, and when i do why my healing is so shit.

Never mind eh.

the thing about DAoC..... is you have to play with people, and god did not create all people equal in the braindepartment and social skill ability area. So everyone gets dragged down by them.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I have found that since getting my second character to level 50 all the lowbie groups just plain SUCK! Everyone I have joined falls apart within a few hours because of childish bickering and name calling or massive arguments with other groups who are trying to pull from the same spot.

I know that there are lots of nice people in this game but I suspect most of them are either just doing guild groups or soloing with a buff bot...something I will probably end up doing when I fix my computer.


My hope is that Star Wars Galaxies sucks up all the name-calling l337-speaking d00ds, and leaves us sapient bipeds to have DAOC to ourselves.

Madonion Slicer

Aye the term Good Xping Group is almost non exsistent now, i tried to return to my albion characters a last weekend and over an entire weekend of play i got into one decent group which lasted for just over an hour and that was all.

Hence why i pretty much given up on the game now and play Planetside.

DAoC is not what it was, i remeber playing Feb 02 when grouping was a good thing.


something to do with a group wanting a healer and inviting a buffbot ;)

if yer gonna level up the traditional way - at least spec in some heals :rolleyes:


Aye, very passable, that, very passable bit of risotto.
Nothing like a good glass of Château de Chasselas, eh, Josiah?
You're right there, Obadiah.
Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?
In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
A cup o' cold tea.
Without milk or sugar.
Or tea.
In a cracked cup, an' all.
Oh, we never had a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.
The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.
Because we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, "Money doesn't buy you happiness, son".
Aye, 'e was right.
Aye, 'e was.
I was happier then and I had nothin'. We used to live in this tiny old house with great big holes in the roof.
House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling.
Eh, you were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in t' corridor!
Oh, we used to dream of livin' in a corridor! Would ha' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House? Huh.
Well, when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us.
We were evicted from our 'ole in the ground; we 'ad to go and live in a lake.
You were lucky to have a lake! There were a hundred and fifty of us living in t' shoebox in t' middle o' road.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!
Well, of course, we had it tough. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had two bits of cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at mill for sixpence every four years, and when we got home our Dad would slice us in two wit' bread knife.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.
And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.
They won't!

Madonion Slicer

Aye you new DAoC players dont know your born, you lucky barstards.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
something to do with a group wanting a healer and inviting a buffbot ;)

if yer gonna level up the traditional way - at least spec in some heals :rolleyes:

no no man sorry they have a healer and every grp i join i state as i join IM AUg spec etc i cant heal for shit.....

Mid Shammys are there for one thing End regen nothing else it was just bad attitude in the grp and some o_O braindead peeps


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Everyone I have joined falls apart within a few hours because of childish bickering and name calling

Humm.. sounds abit like sum lairgrps I've been in... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by mid_Efour
no no man sorry they have a healer and every grp i join i state as i join IM AUg spec etc i cant heal for shit.....

Mid Shammys are there for one thing End regen nothing else it was just bad attitude in the grp and some o_O braindead peeps

No, mid shammies are invited to healerless groups for heals :great:
If you're going to group up to 50 (god only knows why you would, btw) then there is no reason not to put at least SOME points in mend up to 40... 25a/24m is possible by lvl35, I believe, for example.


It's true - Friggs should be purchased at some stage.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Well this thread got me to a-thinkin' page is open and the Planetside ordering form is a-waitin' to be filled out.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by mid_Efour
no no man sorry they have a healer and every grp i join i state as i join IM AUg spec etc i cant heal for shit.....

Mid Shammys are there for one thing End regen nothing else it was just bad attitude in the grp and some o_O braindead peeps

I am afraid everyone else is right. If you are going to make your buff bot the old fashioned way then you have to play it the old fashioned way otherwise it is a waste of time and it also explains why your group was dying so fast. It is a lot easier to PL your buff bot to 50 with one of your current level 50 chars though. Failing that, make a group friendly shammy and then respec at level 40 to full Aug.


lol planetside is looking really tempting i hope its better than DAoC with a sorta DoD flavour FPS etc...


lol what u mean everyone was is right ? i join a group saying i am aug specced and the healer is mend specced. now what more do i do i dont go upto the tanks and say u r axe specced u should be hammer specced for this group as we killing crunchy targets.

Now everyone knows i cant heal and i am there as emergency healer and Strong buff giver. its like saying INV a pac healer and whine at him cos he cant mend..
you ask/tell before you join. lol i dunno wheres the planetside link plz


Originally posted by mid_Efour
no no man sorry they have a healer and every grp i join i state as i join IM AUg spec etc i cant heal for shit.....

Mid Shammys are there for one thing End regen nothing else it was just bad attitude in the grp and some o_O braindead peeps

ahh okie :) you warned them first - that's ok :)

still, you'll be a far more useful character if you drop 2-3 of levels of aug and put it in mend...


id be far more useful if i played planetside and sold my account to some other mug... where would people sell accounts if it wasnt against CoC :)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by mid_Efour
lol what u mean everyone was is right ? i join a group saying i am aug specced and the healer is mend specced. now what more do i do i dont go upto the tanks and say u r axe specced u should be hammer specced for this group as we killing crunchy targets.

Now everyone knows i cant heal and i am there as emergency healer and Strong buff giver. its like saying INV a pac healer and whine at him cos he cant mend..
you ask/tell before you join. lol i dunno wheres the planetside link plz

No! Not THEM! :p They were spazmondos of the highest calibre. :) I meant people like Landshark saying that you should spec aug/mend if you were planning on leveling your buff shammy the old fashioned way. :)

If you warned the group beforehand that you were Aug spec then they are a bunch of clueless muppets.

/edit Just bought Planetside. Let the new addiction commence. :)

/edit edit Just bought Shrouded Isles for £4.99 new. D'oh!


Originally posted by mid_Efour
no no man sorry they have a healer and every grp i join i state as i join IM AUg spec etc i cant heal for shit.....

Mid Shammys are there for one thing End regen nothing else it was just bad attitude in the grp and some o_O braindead peeps

I'm assuming you took the time to educate them into the full usage of character specialisations....

newbies are just that, new and learning the game, yeah they make mistakes.. It also can't be easy with so few people actually leveling fresh, most guilds level with old guild mates or pl or use their buffbots. For my first 10 days played time I remember the frustrations adn those must be 10 times worse with the difficulty of actually finding a group...


You could just spec yourself for healing at lower levels then respec back to Aug/enhance or whatever at 20 or 40.

I've had some fun groups with my lowbie full enhance cleric, but levelling sucks in alb between 25 and 35.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
I have found that since getting my second character to level 50 all the lowbie groups just plain SUCK! Everyone I have joined falls apart within a few hours because of childish bickering and name calling or massive arguments with other groups who are trying to pull from the same spot.
Lowbie? I've been in a few high level groups like that and hated it lol. As soon as a high level group starts bickering i immediately leave.


for those who does not want a buff bot, and wants to XP the Old Fashioned way:

Start _all_ your groups yourself. Never solo. When you invite someone, and they turn out to know what they're doing, are nice people and has a reasonable level of maturity, /friend them.

Next time you make a group, invite them again. and again.

If your groups rock, you will soon get a reputation for always having kickass groups, and the Regulars will start PMing you, saving you the time.

This gives you:

A: Uber groups from 1 - 50
B: You meet people you wouldnt normally bump into
C: You know who to avoid grouping with later on
D: You might actually have fun doing something you dont particularly like

It might appear harsh, but its the best way i've found.

<on the subject of noobs. A noob might not know what he's doing when you invite him at lvl 15. But the good noobs will quite quickly convince you, that they will become good players. the bad noobs remain noobs till 38 when they reroll cos their character suck :p >

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by mid_Efour
in mid it sucks mostly between 1 and 49.99

hmm. i remember the last .1 bub beeing a bitch.


Originally posted by mid_Efour
Mid Shammys are there for one thing End regen nothing else it was just bad attitude in the grp and some o_O braindead peeps

Shaman are not there just for end regen at all, it's a very nice and varied class with at least three different viable specs (each type of which we have more than just one actively played shaman in my guild).
My shaman is aug spec and believe me, my heals are not shite and I've kept my guild group alive on more than one occasion because of it. Of course something has to give and I have only 15 in Cave magic but then, my shaman was built to be a support class within a very tight guild group and she works wonderfully at it.

As everyone else has said, if you're going to level your shammie the old fashioned way, you can't go pure aug spec cos it's not at all helpful to a group other than giving them a few extra buffs (which at the end of the day will mean bugger all if they can't be healed quick enough to say alive) cos those buffs won't keep them alive but your heals will.
And I agree if you warn people before hand and they group you, they give up any right to moan, sounds like a bunch of muppets ;)

The growing number of buffbot shaman specced soley for end regen is what I, personally, think is causing the balls up of low level grouping. People aren't actually playing their shaman as a character but instead just speccing all in aug with no thought of a bit of healing and/or cave along the way, no wonder people don't uunderstand or appreciate how a well played shaman can benefit a group.


No thidranki has messed this up because most healers i come accross are RvR specced higher pac than mend/aug. when lets face it single mezz is only thing really ever used up until 40 in mid as u start AEmezzing failing asking to have yoursekf killed.

respecs at lvl 20 and 40 are useful but they make leveling between 20>40 absolutely a pain in the arse..


I cant believe ppl are saying aug spec shammies arent group friendly, what do you thing buffs and end regen do? That str/con buff gives everyone in group probably more + hits that you can heal with a full bar of pow. Shaman heals are perfectly effective they just suck pow like a sponge. And friggs are great out of combat but far less so in combat due to the timer on 'ticks'

Shammies have since forever (before buffbots and endregen) specced either aug or cave (most did/do/have specced to 7/15 mend to get the cure poison/disease and or 2nd ghetto rez). And even those aug specced were popular in groups because those spec buffs do make a difference, otherwise you would not all be using buffbots or moaning about them, whichever you prefer.

But dropping aug spec signifigantly during xping is a choice not a need. Nowadays, not attempting to max aug and get endregen asap is a bit like a rune not maxing supp each level to get PBT asap. Its a choice but in no way the best or worst thing to do.

It does seem like people assume your just gonna be a buffbot nowadays which may very well be true in a lot of cases, but ashame none the less, as it is totally irrelevant to your contribution to a group. I had the same thing recently told to me, and my shammy is both aug and mend specced (yes I'm xping another one just for a laugh) basically using the LFG window I contacted a group leader. I was not needed in group because I had nothing to offer. Presumably because they had a level 50 buffbot in tow.

Unfortuantely for mythic the buffbot hasnt just harmed and caused imbalance in engame rvr. But it is also killing off groups. As Efour said a regular xp group is a rare occurence nowadays, for several reasons, one being that soloing with the assistance of a buffbot is more often than not faster than any group xp can be, well it is for any class that can in itself solo yellow+. The bot allows you to chain kill orange+ with zero downtime. Boring but faster than groups. Even though with the new changes to midgards end regen soon to arrive Mythic have clearly shown they could wipout buffbots, but they continue to bury their heads in the sand about their effect to the game and just see the income from people with 2 a/c's.

Well thats enough for my late night contribution to a pet hate about the endgame and hence longevity of daoc. Although to be honest there are classes out there that quite frankly need a buffbot nowadays to have any sort of playability. I cant imagine playing my SB much longer without becoming a bot user myself, when ya anytime style hits for 100-150 and ya PA hits for 200-300. Same for NS's it sounds. And yet an infil will PA me for 400-600 pretty consistently and anytime for 150-200, and those are the few I see without buffs. I think the LA nerf is gonna hurt 1 group of people most, alb and hib casters, with all the SB's forced to become critblades unless ya really quite high RR, that will remove the stealth wars from a mid point of view. SB's will once again do nothing but hunt casters.

Damn, too many tangents.

<------ this poster agrees with Efour on the subject of low level groups in Midgard at the moment.

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