The Stupidity of GOA and Weaps Crafting



Why when I am working with materials that cost 102g for 20 bars of Arcanium do I LOSE a Blade.

What is GOA Thinking of ! This is so f**ing stupid ! And it was only 4 points above me. And when it was 15 points above me I made a sword, no losses and the quality was 94%

This is just totally and ABSOLUTE NONSENSE

I had spent hours doing Dunters and tanglers to help get my gold buffer up and I lose it all i one go.

I feel like giving up.

I just cant afford to take those kind of losses.


Mythic designs and codes the game, not GOA.


don't do oranges? :(
Don't give up, you can't give up having put so much time in it :(


Sorry to hear you had such bad luck Kiarra, I know it wont help you feel better just offering sympathy but i'd like to point out that all your regular customers do appreciate your efforts in weapon crafting and don't want you getting upset over it.

Why not give it a miss for a night or two and play the game for fun for awhile then go back to crafting. It'll do you good to get out of Cornwall Station for a bit.


Proud wielder of many Kiarra™ Weapons.


Or join a guild and get funded :)
Goblins give nice loot also btw if you camp them a whole day.


It does sometimes happen that you lose loads of cash while crafting :(

I've had it that I lost over 75g in 30 minutes due to failures, and that was at around 480 :( Dont know how many bars I lost that 30 minutes, but I kept running back to the merchant to buy more.. (And that was also doing stuff that was 5 points above my skill)

The thing that really irritates me is that when I make a gray weapon (GRAY!) I end up with loads of 90~94 quality weapons... Thats when I make weapons that are at around 200, and I'm at 515 atm... When I make yellow weapons I often end up with better quality :rolleyes:


I've had days where I've had to make 5 polearm hafts for the same weapons...

Admittedly I'm not at the painfully slow/expensive stage that you are yet Kiarra.... but it's still nasty.

Don't give up! It's not GOA that do the crafting, but Mythic as the guy said above - and there's some cool crafting stuff coming along soon:

minimum 94% for crafted goods
Salvage on everything (no more salvaging for more than it costs to make for armourcrafters in albion though)
Crafting speeded up a little at higher levels (weaponcrafting increased by quite a bit - the whole making 3 things is too harsh atm so they improve it)

1.51 even chance of making anything from 94-99% when >1000 skillcrafting
1/50 chance of making 100% quality

:clap: :clap:

And after that: Spellcraft/Alchemy which make all our crafted stuff that much cooler :) (and able to beat dragon drops)


Yep, loads of cool stuff comming...

Though for some Spellcrafting / Alchemy recepies you need drops from the dragon (or other hard mobs)...

But damn good to hear about the speeding up of crafting ( I knew it was in there, somewhere :p )

And I'm not as far as Kiarra is yet either, dont know if I'll ever get that far... But dont quit, join a guild (if your not in one yet)... I'd say a big guild (more cash), and simply let them earn the money you need :clap:

It works for me, so why not for you...


Tradeskills sucks big time but for alts.


Ah, dont give up :rolleyes:

Your realm needs you - and your weapons ;)

Still I guess youve 3 choices:

1. Give up :(
2. Join a guild which will fund you, which I think you said you didnt want to do
3. Find a few guilds who are willing to contribute.

I would hope that 3 would be fairly simple, people WILL want the high level high quality weapons - but the only way they will get them is if they are willing to help someone gain the necessary skill.


Hi Kiarra,
If this happened while making my swords, I will cover the costs of your losses. Im sure any decent people who want you to make high lvl items for them would also do the same. After all you are providing a service to the realm.

Also, if Kessica needs help killin mobs for gold, gimme a shout, I'll come give her a hand :)


Well I apologise to GOA and place the blame on Mythic then, Crafting does get very frustating, and this time has not been the first where I have literally been in tears.

As you can probably tell, I have settled into it again, and the level is slowly creeping up. 919 atm

Once again I can only say thanks to everybodies support. I am humbled by it all.

Dont forget that if anyone needs any siege parts made, Im happy to do that. No charge at all. Just hand me the parts, and you will get the bits back within a couple of mins.

Thanks again to all


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