the strongest guild of Hibernia



What is the strongest RvR guild of Hibernia?
(don't yell the name of your own guild, but give your opinion and convince me with reason)


Actually.. I should not answer to your inquiry at all.... rather pointless. We are not in a competition here. On the contrary we have to work together with as many people as possible. And then the question of "strong" is not really clearly defined in your question either. Well... ok...

I guess that Hibernian Draogonslayers have the highest member count (65+ is my guess). Soul pact has slightly lower numbers (60ish members with 3 or 4 inactive). Next in numbers Could be our guild (51 members atm) then there is several at 40ish guilds (too many to mention all). As for highest level, that is held by a guildless player atm. Demb is the 1st lvl 50 (and only) of Hibernia. In avg. I think Soul pact still holds a wee bit more 40+ than HDS and again we may be on number 3 (15 ppl at 40+) but not sure about that either. Those three guilds work closely together for the matter of defending our Realm so we each are happy if any of our allies grows in strength...

btw. People who ask for the strongest guild will most likely never be member of the Green Peacekeepers :p not as long as I have a say in it anyways :D


sorry for the question:(
I wasn't looking for a guild by the way. I was just wondering...But sorry again if it offended you in any way...


Nacholay does have a point, we tend to not think in terms of 'strongest guild'. Instead we have a VERY strong alliance going, comprising of Soul Pact (Alliance Leaders) Hibernian Dragon Slayers, Shadows of the Glade, Green Peacekeepers, Guardians of Somnaire, The Ashen Circle and Followers of Primordial Wind.

Between these 7 guilds we make up a large part of the realm, about 150+ active members I think.

It is also very common to see mixed groups XP'ing or taking a trip to the Epic Zone.

The biggest advantage to this alliance is that we have alot of people who know how to perform very well in RvR. People like Venge, Tenpit, Nacholay, Jude and Morrobain, Locomo and Revminster (to list all of the people would take forever) all excell when it comes to RvR, both Leadership and Abilities.

Of course, we are still looking to bring more guilds into the Alliance, and any questions about it should be posted in the Alliance Invite Forum hosted on the Soul Pact Forum


I doubt Nacholay was taking offence, just think he may have put his point across wrong. You know us Elves, our minds are on other things most of the time, looking for new spells to throw at invaders, looking for wandering Pets, that sort of thing



I have to agree with Usp that we tend to think of the alliance as much as we think of the guild we are in within the alliance. In RvR, or within the realm, you'll quite often find mixed grps of us xping together, which really helps when we do RvR, since we know how a lot of the people around us will react, if they could remember where there pet wandered off to. :)



Originally posted by Morrobainn
I have to agree with Usp that we tend to think of the alliance as much as we think of the guild we are in within the alliance. In RvR, or within the realm, you'll quite often find mixed grps of us xping together, which really helps when we do RvR, since we know how a lot of the people around us will react, if they could remember where there pet wandered off to. :)


agree on the rvr-part, i enjoy mixed groups in rvr very much, but cant say the same about exp-groups at highlevels.
not because of bad experience but of almost no experience at all.
i barely can remember when i didnt get the usual "soz m8, were full"-macro or any response at all.
the worst was today when i got insulted as i was desperate enough to ask on alliance for a group, maybe was meant funny but sure wasnt imho.
dont know why, but all 40+ ppl on stonehenge i spoke to never have groupproblems.
(dont think switching the server completly would solve the problem as some may suggest me to do now, i know many hibs on prydwen totally unsatisfied with the situation and i sure dont wanna give up my little enchy :rolleyes:
guess it boils down to acted out solidarity


You've got a supporter and a co-sufferer here Vann...

..but you knew that, and always have, didn't you? :)

Here where I live we don't let animals suffer in pain, we put the out if they're in agony. Consider that shady badger put out :)

But he laid eggs before going for the greener hibernian grass products, and now a spawnling luri is here for your stealthing pleasure. Will be boring for the next 20 levels or so, but at least I know what I'll be getting :)


After playing DAOC for 3 weeks now, I realise the question was stupid. You can't say what the strongest guild of Hibernia is, because they are each others friends, and it doesn't matter who is the strongest, as long as we kill Middies and Albs:flame:

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