The situation with PB



I remember at the beginning of this season PB was to be used in all matches, I remmeber trying to play on a bwtfcl server using PB with the team that turned up late to our match (heh funny that) .

Any way people were being authorised no problem one minute then next check it would kick about 6 people in 1 go from either side 1 being myself and I use no cheats, basiaclly I think you removed it due to this but now we are in play offs and I'm hearing clans ask whats the rules with merc's and ask us to hold of matches for as long as posible .

Obviously this dosnt look good and something to ensure merc's arnt being used by clans I think something should be in use especially as this is the play offs to ensure won id's are logged are even a screanshot off status in the console, maybe keep a log of each players won id in thier team list so they can be confirmed .

Also the case with cheats is still there but I dont think many people use them and PB dosnt stop those who do any way, its merc's I'm, concerned for as I'm hearing to much stuff that lead to people wanting to use them .


PB stops every known cheat out there. Dont beleive what you read on the cheatsites :)


recent PB interview mentioned the issue of cheats that get past it (admittedely mostly CS orientated cheating) and most of the cheats that 'work' and are mailed to the PB chaps r found to be stopped. Plus they reckon withing a few hours of finding a cheat it can be stopped.

Dont know if they still got that problem with authing, as it was a little erratic remembering the start of the season.


Cracking idea for Moon about putting your Won ID next to your details. Would allow clans to do some detective work for themselves.


Well they have to do something I mean look at this from another forum...

Bare in mind, CJK could have kept their mouths shut, played under alias, and no one would have known (especially as few clans outside WP would have heard of us anyway). We are being honest, and will (at least I will) be using my proper alias in any matches that I happen to play.

This is why I feel some means of won recognition is in order, this might just be a lot uf fun but its not fun knowing your being cheated on .

[edit]And yes Venom it is a good idea for clan's to do thier own detective work because I have seen screanshots of a ref offering to play in a match allong with 2 merc's to make the numbers[/edit]


i know what you mean, won recognition would help but think of all the clans who dont have any problems, I know its a far cry from Big Brother (the book, not the TV show :p ) but it's a step that way and it would be a shame if we were forced to do that cause of a few muppets, bwtfcl has been ok up to this point in div3, it seems quite clear its only certain clans being arsey (no idea who though ;) ) maybe if some admins would patrol tfc threads as well as joke threads we could get something done.

*cough* vuz *cough*



the book is called 1984 :)

sorry, i have nothing relevant to say other than that, just thought I would vent my supreme (heh, or not) intelligence :)

(ps. its my birthday, muahahahahaha!!):D :D :D



to think i studied that for a year and then forgot the name of the book, must be a reflection of the poor quality teaching i received then :p


how sad am i? i just read it without having to :rolleyes: god dammit, reading george frigging orwell instead of watching channel 5 pr0n :|



it would be a shame if we were forced to do that cause of a few muppets

Its been happening more than you realise m8 I've been in irc channel's and seen it and told by different clan member's that merc's were used in particular matches .


just get a wonid screen shot at beginning of match [:)]
we always do, and then amazing the power of google search engine if you put in the wonid, recently turned up something *dubious* for us most servers that have stats logged from then usually identify you by your wonid in order to update you personal stats. so take screenies and search on google :)

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