The sheer agony of new spawn levels!


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Gna Faste and it's surrounding area in my hay day used to be an area for sort of 12-mid 20's

Fair enough they changed the spawn levels to make it "easier" for new players, yet they kept the same zones for tasks, as such the taskmaster for level 20+ players is in Gna faste....Get a task there and you have to walk the mine field of high purple con aggro to get to the task dungeon, also have to suffer the wrath of high purple con venom spitters 2 feet from Gna faste that spit a DoT. As well as the high purple con Svartalf Archers.

I agree there should be some form of aggro on route to the tasks so it isn't just an easy ride, but when the aggro is so high that there is no other possible option then to sprint for your life to zone into the dungeon it gets pretty silly.

Basically it's a level 30 zone now, but why the hell are tasks for level 20's there?

Why not put them in the new level 20 zone? When I played hib the level 30-40 taskmaster was outside TNN...TNN an area for levels 1-5, seems like the whole system was stupidly rushed and horribly planned. Anybody else having similar frustration in other realms?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I agree, we had to have a 50 bb standing outside the gna faste task dungeon just to kill the arrow shooting svarts :/



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 5, 2005
They will move the TD to Gotar Nalliten in some patch soon. Don't know witch but in 1.78 it is in Gotar.


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 25, 2004
Bag said:
They will move the TD to Gotar Nalliten in some patch soon. Don't know witch but in 1.78 it is in Gotar.

Yeh sounds like what usually happens, Implement a change, 2 patches later common sense kicks in.

I mean it doesn't take a genius to see there is high con aggro populating he same region. You know, I tried another run there earlier, and literaly there was 2 Svartalf Archers, a Mora Dancer and a Soul something or other right outside the entrance. All aggro, all purple of course.

Quite daunting I can assure you, especialyl as the character I was playing was a thane, hardly known for their HP so naturaly when the archers opened fire I dropped like a stone, hot tailed it back to Gna Faste only to trip over a venom spitter snake, initiate the puppy quest and run into a camp of red con death spiders directly in front of a level 16 quest.

Quite an experience.

I'm dreading having to try Mourning Rage OTD at 22ish, because all the mobs around the lake will now be high how do I camp it?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I just send feedback to Mythic when I discovered my theurgist epic led me through level 30 mobs while I was doing my level 20 epics. Luckily, I save my epics for higher levels, so I was level 40. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
The teapot you can eat after using it! Theoretically, it sounds really good. :p Maybe someone can make heat-proof chocolate?

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