the sadness that is BW4



For some reason ppl will not play on BW4 even tho maps on there are similar to the ones on Demon which ppl do play...

My suggestion is that well, 2fart, shutdown, badlands and crossover2 are placed on there and over time add custom maps 1 by 1.

Please tell me players, why do you not play on this server...?

old.Mad Bloke

I have taken a break from TFC for a few weeks mainly due to sheer boredom playing the same few maps over and over and over.

I love playing some new maps and would be the first to join a game on BW4 if there was ever one to join...

Oh well, it's still good to be back playing TFC again, Q3Fortress is very good but....., well, we'll see how it turns out it time.

~ Mad

PS Good to see Push gone from the servers! May it rest in peace.

PPS damn my spelling :( all fixed now

[This message has been edited by Mad Bloke (edited 30 April 2000).]

Atomic Rammer

Sometimes I see some sad lonely git on bw4 all on his own hoping someone will join the server.

But that was when I pressed tab.

Atomic Rammer


cz2 is the new push, and always has been imho

Atomic Rammer

Just had another thought.

SAS is the new bw CS liason officer thingy.

How come there isn't one for tfc. Is there anyone on the bw crew who could fill such a role?


I don't see what ppl have against Push, beats the hell out of that lame ass Hunted that keeps clearing the servers for a while.

We are not cheating we are just better than you.
Force fields my arse!

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