The Return of the King



Fans Outraged at New Character in The Return of the King
By Brian Briggs
Wellington, New Zealand - A recently leaked trailer for The Return of the
King has Tolkien fans outraged over the apparent addition of a new character
- Jar-Jaromir. The scene depicted in the trailer shows Jar-Jaromir shouting,
"Gondora gonna fallsa";
he then trips over a corpse and knocks down a couple of Uruk-hai.
Producers of The Lord of the Rings trilogy confirmed the addition of the
half-brother of Boromir and Faramir.
"While The Two Towers is performing better at the box office than The
Fellowship of the Ring, we are worried about a demographic that is skewing
much older than desired. More mature fans are very good to have, but it's
the younger fans who buy the merchandise. That's really what brings in the
bucks on a movie like this," said producer Tim Wilcox.
"People complained a lot about Gimli just being there for comic relief,"
continued Wilcox. "We answer that criticism by directing the humor through
Jar-Jaromir in The Return of the King. There's this funny scene where
Jar-Jaromir decides it's best to hand the ring over to Sauron, but then he
drops it and kicks it into Mount Doom. Hi-larious."

Purists, miffed by the deviations in The Two Towers, were so enraged by
Jar-Jaromir as to be rendered speechless. A calmer fan who was able to form
words said, "Tolkien mentioned a lot of different races and creatures, but
never a Gungan or even a half-Gungan. I think I'm going to vomit."
One fan tried to rationalize the move. "Maybe the Star Wars universe and
Middle-earth intersect. Middle-earth certainly is a long time ago and why
couldn't it be in 'a galaxy far, far away?' Nothing said it's our earth." He
then broke down and started crying.
Director Peter Jackson explained how the Jar-Jaromir character was added
after all the other footage had already been shot. "That's the brilliant
thing about digital editing and graphics. We didn't even imagine Jar-Jaromir
in the movie until a couple of weeks ago, but now we can just edit him right
into the key scenes. I really think it's going to be a hit with the
Jackson added, "I just love it when he shouts, 'Yousa steala precious from


Agh my eyes, too much text

Too many one liners have made me unable to read that :mad:


Please don't spread this, they haven't finished RoTK yet, you never know :eek:


I saw something like "Jar Jar" in there and...nope...not reading it. But, hail to the king baby!

Whatever really zince there's the word king in the topic :p

EDIT: Zince? oi...not bothered to edit that really..

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