The relic fund money hunt



Well guys im happy we got over the hunt that good. Im very pleased to c we got around 100 mids out there! GJ! To get even more money from the hunt I/Warders will hold an auction very soon. Since it seem like some people haven't returned some of the items and gold yet i wont set a date on this but it will proberly b this Friday the 26th. (There r some items really worth the look :D ) ill update this thread later with a time and a list of drops. And for the guys still missing to return some stuff plz msg my chars listed in the signature. When the auction is over and all money has been returned ill make a cg with all the gms about how to split the money to the relic door repairers.


two auctions in one week and with no more then 24hours between - might give a bit of troble with people and thier money bags :)

but then again its a chane for us all to become poor like the rest for midgard :)


he he, i'll pay 200 gold for a relic keep :p


list and time

Ok date and time has now been found for the auction: Friday the 25th 20:30 cet in Gna. Now for the items (some still needs to give me more itmes that were found !! ) :
7xGa spears
1x Dragon singed ebon legs
1x Dragon singed hauberk
3x Dragon etched hauberk
1x Yellow diamond staff
2x Ancient dragon etched coif
1x Barbed ebon coif
1x Missionarys bracer
1x Immolated great dragonfire cleaver
1x Soulbinders shield!!!
1x Soulbinders legs
1x Barbed ebon coif

Minimum bids will b 10g since u can salvage some of the stuff and all money will go to the realm!
For information about the stuff go to: or msg me on the names listed in the sginature.


The correct name on the other hauberk is Dragon Signed Ebon Hauberk. Better than Soulsong's at 50 btw.

Also listed Barbed Ebon Coif twice.

Missing this item: Soulbound Necklace or maybe Soulbinder's Necklace. I'm quite sure someone picked it up as I spotted it on the ground and yelled for people to pick it up.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Well, I've been busy saving up, and since this auction goes towards keep doors I'm bidding with the full intention to leave my pockets looking like rabbit ears. As long as no embezzling accountants are looking after the proceeds it should be fun.

I've not spent in other auctions because the proceeds have not been dedicated to the realm (and also I've been outbid by significant sums), as far as I know, but on this one I might as well spend a wod of cash.

My guildmates and other friends can buy my ale when I'm broke from this.



Just dont bid for the stuff i want ok ;p


Buy you ale Ayam? Just so you can swan around in the latest, greatest gear? <harumph> I think I'll be there trying to bid one copper more than everyone and then trying to loan the money of guild-mates.


we should have 3-5p i am thinking, Kalevala was playing with some alts so our group was mostly 40-45 an me lvl 50 we picked up 400gold an gived it, now if them lvl can pickup that much surely there a hell of a lot of gold missing if we only have 1.7 come on give it up stop hiding things :eek:


my group managed to scrape together about 70g..... as group leader I was only given 6g + items, wich was worit about about 4g

Not everyone got drops or money, usually just one group, so i doubt people are holding back


aye tbh im thinking of some1 "forgot" to return with the items and gold. There r a few ppl who havent returned with their money yet but we r talking about max 100g. Im sad to say sucees or no sucees there r some ppl we can't trust. But im still planning on making a new relic fund hunt soon but this time we do it in a whole different way.


But it was great fun :)
Thanks for arrenging this Zarff, gave quite good xp for us small ones too :)
And I loved to see 8 drakulvs go down that fast every pull ;)


nothing i'm looking for :(

nothing on that list i want :( never mind tho, good luck with the auction Zarff.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by erl
And I loved to see 8 drakulvs go down that fast every pull ;)
Unfortunately I knew nothing of this noble event so I didn't attend, but a few months back when the whole of Malmohus got together I remember watching 8 drakulvs literally crumble the -very- instant that they hit the barrier of players. I agree, it is quite an awe-inspiring sight.


Originally posted by old.Zarff
aye tbh im thinking of some1 "forgot" to return with the items and gold. There r a few ppl who havent returned with their money yet but we r talking about max 100g. Im sad to say sucees or no sucees there r some ppl we can't trust.

this is a shame, 100 ppl turn up to try and help the realm and a few asses fk it up.

the think with online games is the truth and these ppl will be found out at some point.


Well we had a low 40 group from Kalevala (2 AEers, 42 and 41, healer, couple skalds, zerk, and something, no one above 45). Yet we managed to collect 400g + loot + 4 rares (all junk though). I'm pretty much sure there was more picked up than 1.7plat that ended up to Zarff.


Our grp of 6 (i think), all over lvl 45 only got around 50 gold from the hunt. Perhaps your grp was the exception sarnat, not the norm.


my group got 0 items, and about 120g (only 2 still needs to pay)

Orin Askhammare

Well I was in a group 40-45 where the highest was 45 and most around 42 on average. My tally at the end of the night was 4g, 2 gems and an ornamental bracer! Which I handed over to our group leader. Some people had to go during the event, and in some cases didn't hand anything over, but at that time I had about 2 gold so that can't be a great loss really. The chance to get loot increases dramatically with every 45+ in your group. We all did our part in our group even though it was a small part!

All in all it was a great event and a lot of fun was had.


Even tho all items/gold didn't turn up im gonna arrange one more. But this time an a whole nother way... it seemed like we couldn't trust some ppl so im going for make all do /autosplit exept grp leaders and ill devide ppl into smaller grps and place em around malm! but still we learned alot from the hunt. Ill return when the next hunt is arranged:D ! and thx to the 100 mids that showed up!


NJ guys ! we got 6.5p now in total cuz of the gr8 buyers at the auction! ill msg all the gms tomorrow about more info! as said i will arrange more of these raids just in another style !!! MIDS u can b proud of ya self !


Nice, now i only have to create a rouge, to stick yall up..


Ok maybe it's because me (Asoc) and Atilla are supa leet runies. Or maybe it's because I know how to pick up the loot.

People kept yelling do 'F7 +g to pick up'. But I think this does not work! I've noticed that F7 sometimes just goes trough the stack of items on ground that you targetted first, and doesnt always switch to the next one even if you move closer to it. This maybe a feature, a bug, or it's just me.

But I've noticed that you do much better if you use your mouse between pulls to target all the bags you see (you don't need to be close!) and hit g. Even if you're too far to pick up, you will know if the bag is yours or not. This way you only need to move when you find a bag that is yours. And usually there are some other bags close by to pick up, too. Sometimes you need to move around to target the bags that are in the crowd but usually I can target most bags from my AEing position. When just a couple guys in the group do this, you should cover all the bags fast when there is a pick up break or just a short break between pulls.

About pulling:

There should be 2 or 1 RM pulling, depending on the size of the force. Since nearsight is only 2 second cast time and huge range, you can actually do 2 pulls at once, bringing total of 8 WWs. It's VERY important that everyone in the pull group is in the middle of the big pile. If even a single person is outside, it will lead to a 'spread' in the incoming WWs, so the AE stuns and DDs won't get them all. I know, it's easter to AE and stun from a short distance away, but it leads to less efficient pulling.

Btw, great work everyone who bought stuff from the auction!

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