The Red Faction!



Am i the only person who absoutely loves this game for the ps2? imo single player is much better than half - life. the gun fights are fast, frantic. (altho not quite Q3 :) The plot is very involving. I think im about half way through the game now and for once i dont have a clue what is going to happen next!.

The variety in the game is great too.. getting to drive differnet vehicles around mars is pritty fun, if a little hard.

Killing the harmless engineers is as much fun as killing your own guards in HL to get some ammo :) and then grypon comes up with a sarcastic quote "Is there anyone you dont shoot?"

Hendrix. The guy with radio contact to you feels a lot like Metal Gear solids guy.

The controls are spot on, and autoaim works perfectly without making it too easy. The AI are clever and at one point in the game where u are in disguise and have to sneek around the adminstration area. If they see you, they will sound the alarm and suddenly a whole army of guards are after you, and all u got is a flimsy silenced pistol!

The Guns are a strong point, the rocket launcher is great fun, as is burning people to death with the flame thrower.

The 2 player split screen is entertaining, even if the maps are a bit average. Even if there are no humas to play with, the bots are good enough for a while.

All in all this is the perfect game!!
10/10 my friends!


I hated it. But then I only played the superior:rolleyes: PC version.

Derivative and boring plot. Uninspired graphics.

The PC offers sooo much more.

But then if you prefer to play FPSs on your console.....:rolleyes:

Happy Go Lucky

you forgot to mention you can blw holes in things, I also hear as x-box has got two analogue thumb pads, it's very good for fps, lets hope the theory works in practice.:D


It takes a bit of getting use to. The Dual shock on PSX has 2 analogues remember!?

I rarely play FPSs on any console either. Nothing beats the ole mouse/keyboard combo.:p


The whole GeoMod™ issue was fucking shit, I can count on a single hand the number of times I used it, and at least two of those were required to carry on to the proceeding section.

The weapons were weak and badly thought out, the only one worth of any note was the precision rifle which one ends up doing the entire latter half of the game with.

At no point in the game did I use the bizarre Riot Shield or Flamethrower, because neither served any purpose - the shield wasn't very effective at blocking things, and hitting people with it was just ludicrous; the flamethrower was far too short ranged to be worthy of use, because by the time I'm that close, I may as well get the stupid cattle prod-esque thing out and shunt them about.

The plot was utterly lost on me, I had no idea why I was fighting fellow miners, I had no idea why anyone contacted me, or made me do things for them. I was the puppet of someone I met only briefly and ignored because she was shit. I'm still unclear - having completed the game - what the final bit of the game was about, something about some reactor, and stopping a bomb from going off (though I don't know what it was going to blow up, other than some little woman sitting next to it) ...

Time splitters was much better for a console FPS, but even then it was only worthwhile in multiplayer, with humourous settings. Oh, and it had shit jaggy graphics that were stupidly noticable on a widescreen.

Happy Go Lucky

Originally posted by Ono
It takes a bit of getting use to. The Dual shock on PSX has 2 analogues remember!?

I rarely play FPSs on any console either. Nothing beats the ole mouse/keyboard combo.:p

I hate holding down the shift button to run or creep, though!

Never had a playstation, I thought those analogue pads were there just to vibrate.

Do they work in such a way, so you move your body in one thumb pad, and move your head with the other? As in halo, speaking of which the graphics look very good, but the game is in the third person not first person, wonder if that can be changed. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by happy_go_lucky

I hate holding down the shift button to run or creep, though!

Never had a playstation, I thought those analogue pads were there just to vibrate.

Do they work in such a way, so you move your body in one thumb pad, and move your head with the other? As in halo, speaking of which the graphics look very good, but the game is in the third person not first person, wonder if that can be changed. :rolleyes:

I use "always run" on FPSs and rarely walk. You don't have to use shift. I don't. Indeed if you have a good mouse then you can assign a button on that.

PSX Dual shock had 2 analogues and can be used in anyway you like. I don't actually remember playing any FPS on PSX (as mentioned in my post above) but do remember playing Forsaken on it (a fully 3D ie. x,y,and z axis shooter) and that used one to move and one to look.

I have also recently had a quick go at Quake 3 and Outrigger on my DC and found them unplayable.

As for HALO, I believe you can play in either first or third person. You must have missed that option.

Sir Frizz

Mulitiplayer, this game is good fun, one of the levels reminded me of the office complex in The Matrix, and the fusion rocket launcher was good fun too, but that was about it ;)


I got bored of the game before finishing the demo.


ok. i am the only one who likes it lol.

For the person who didnt know the plot.
basically the company running the mines promised the miners easy money and a easy job.. but it was slave labour. The red faction are the miners and the blue ones are like the guards. The guy contacting u (hendirx + eos) feel sorry for you and call for a rebellion.

Not surprised u got bored of the demo.. the first few levels are dire.


Not very good advertiseing to release a game demo with shitty levels on.

Anyway, don't feel strange, i think i am the only person in the world who thinks return to castle wolfenstein for the PC was utter shit. I don't understand why reviews are giving it 90% and more. Sure the gfx are nice and the story is almost good which is a lot better than most FPS games, it is no Deus Ex. Deus ex should be an example for all game dev teams to follow. It wasn't just a case of finding as many weapons as you can and going in to kill the bad guys which is what 99% of fps games revolve around these days.

RTCW and similar FPS games is the whole reason for me buying a PS2, and RTS and RPG games using much more of the time i spend playing PC games these days.

Moving Target

Unfortunately the mulitplayer for Red Faction on the PS2 is absoloute bollocks. The pistol is the only weapon you need seeing as its got auto aim which makes it very easy to kill your enemy no matter what gun they had.

The single player tended to drag on and when I got stuck on one (I didn't know where the fuck to go) I just gave up.


Originally posted by Custy
Not very good advertiseing to release a game demo with shitty levels on.

Anyway, don't feel strange, i think i am the only person in the world who thinks return to castle wolfenstein for the PC was utter shit. I don't understand why reviews are giving it 90% and more. Sure the gfx are nice and the story is almost good which is a lot better than most FPS games, it is no Deus Ex. Deus ex should be an example for all game dev teams to follow. It wasn't just a case of finding as many weapons as you can and going in to kill the bad guys which is what 99% of fps games revolve around these days.

RTCW and similar FPS games is the whole reason for me buying a PS2, and RTS and RPG games using much more of the time i spend playing PC games these days.
I'm not a huge fan tbh, I was expecting something a lot more dark & sinister than what I got with RTCW, as for Red Faction, I've just installed it for the PC again, hopefully this time I'll get a chance to play it a bit more, maybe it'll grow on me, but it didnt before.

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