A runie is heavenly dependant on his group,can be fun if the group works well,but i have yet to see a good group work here. The best mid/prywden group is about as good as the lesser hib/excal groups i play my 50 druid with.Only going to thouch the simple basics here for good rvr play for comparision : i know hibs have a bit of an edge class/ra wise atm,but skill/tactics means alot.It starts with group composition,mids seem to be in a rush to go out of the protal keep;hardly taking time to look for ppl,not even filling groups;hibs will wait a long long time just to get the several components in a group,then only move out.second:there is almost no communication at all,it all stops there ..no leader..no coordination;if u ask something in groupchat u get a reply 10 mins l8r,i know hibgrps where the leader says sprint all react in less then a second always,even in battle.Not going to take this too far but 1 last point :sticking together : a midgrp seems to split up all over emain,and ofc leading to some beeing on the pad in svasud.stealhters seems to stay at spots,skalds suddenly go there own way etc.. .Do ppl realise that if some1 solo a enemie he will get 1/4 of the rps then if he would have soloed him (+8*12.5% bonus ,but /8) in case of a fg ,& others will get nothing ?
if each would have soloed 1 apart of another ,or they would kill a fg with them beeing a REAL fg too(beeing together) they get 8 times the rps?
dont want to this to be flame but something to make ppl see some difference here ,its so obvious if u rvr with a lvl50 each in a realm/server..
go ahead say i'm wrong,i hope so ..
if each would have soloed 1 apart of another ,or they would kill a fg with them beeing a REAL fg too(beeing together) they get 8 times the rps?
dont want to this to be flame but something to make ppl see some difference here ,its so obvious if u rvr with a lvl50 each in a realm/server..
go ahead say i'm wrong,i hope so ..