Say to your missus You: "Wanna play rape?" Her: "No way!" You: "That's the spirit :-)"
Bahumat FH is my second home Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 16,788 May 16, 2011 #1 Say to your missus You: "Wanna play rape?" Her: "No way!" You: "That's the spirit "
TdC Trem's hunky sex love muffin Joined Dec 20, 2003 Messages 30,925 May 16, 2011 #2 I said that to my mrs once and she whipped out a 14" strap on and said that I'd better start running
Bahumat FH is my second home Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 16,788 May 16, 2011 Thread starter #3 TdC said: I said that to my mrs once and she whipped out a 14" strap on and said that I'd better start running Click to expand... I always wondered where you got the limp from
TdC said: I said that to my mrs once and she whipped out a 14" strap on and said that I'd better start running Click to expand... I always wondered where you got the limp from
TdC Trem's hunky sex love muffin Joined Dec 20, 2003 Messages 30,925 May 16, 2011 #4 I tell people it's from a mountain biking accident. The truth is just so awkward sometimes
Bahumat FH is my second home Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 16,788 May 16, 2011 Thread starter #5 Can I interest you in a wurthers original?
TdC Trem's hunky sex love muffin Joined Dec 20, 2003 Messages 30,925 May 16, 2011 #6 only if I can take it out of your pocket myself
Bahumat FH is my second home Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 16,788 May 16, 2011 Thread starter #7 Ooh you are my soul mate! G'night all ZZzz....
Himse FH is my second home Joined Jan 31, 2004 Messages 2,179 May 16, 2011 #8 I will rape you Bahumat.
Bahumat FH is my second home Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 16,788 May 17, 2011 Thread starter #9 Himse;37[CENTER said: [/CENTER]56216]I will rape you Bahumat. Click to expand... Maybe next season eh?
Himse;37[CENTER said: [/CENTER]56216]I will rape you Bahumat. Click to expand... Maybe next season eh?
Vasconcelos Part of the furniture Joined Dec 26, 2003 Messages 4,022 May 17, 2011 #10 hjahaha! repped!
Vasconcelos Part of the furniture Joined Dec 26, 2003 Messages 4,022 May 17, 2011 #11 oh! and forgot to add that:
Himse FH is my second home Joined Jan 31, 2004 Messages 2,179 May 17, 2011 #12 Bahumat said: Maybe next season eh? Click to expand... This season. Infact, RIGHT NOW!
old.Tohtori FH is my second home Joined Jan 23, 2004 Messages 45,210 May 17, 2011 #13 Not sure if like thread. Not really that funny of a subject. Oh well, don't have to like it all
fettoken I am a FH squatter Joined Jul 18, 2004 Messages 9,640 May 17, 2011 #14 Where can i download?
dysfunction FH is my second home Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 9,709 May 17, 2011 #15 fettoken said: Where can i download? Click to expand... from here: RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network | RAINN: The nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization.One of
fettoken said: Where can i download? Click to expand... from here: RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network | RAINN: The nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization.One of
Scouse Giant Thundercunt FH Subscriber Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 37,018 May 17, 2011 #16 Gonna try that on the missus when she gets downstairs. I'll post her reaction. To be fair, she'll probably just say "you tried that one last weekend when pissed" but wtf eh? Edit: Gah. Nothing shocks her any more. Gonna have to trade in :|
Gonna try that on the missus when she gets downstairs. I'll post her reaction. To be fair, she'll probably just say "you tried that one last weekend when pissed" but wtf eh? Edit: Gah. Nothing shocks her any more. Gonna have to trade in :|
old.Tohtori FH is my second home Joined Jan 23, 2004 Messages 45,210 May 17, 2011 #17 I have a few ideas Scouse, but i think you want to stay in a relationship
CorNokZ Currently a stay at home dad Joined Jan 24, 2004 Messages 19,779 May 18, 2011 #18 Just do it!! Bet youll get a reaction
Bodhi Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 9,370 May 18, 2011 #19 "I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last person on earth!" "But who would be here to stop me?" Fnarple. Anyway, apparently it isn't rape if you shout "Surprise!" first.
"I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last person on earth!" "But who would be here to stop me?" Fnarple. Anyway, apparently it isn't rape if you shout "Surprise!" first.
Cerb I am a FH squatter Joined Jun 18, 2005 Messages 5,033 May 18, 2011 #20 Tried this lastnight. ....didn't go down well.
Bodhi Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 9,370 May 18, 2011 #21 Cerb said: Tried this lastnight. ....didn't go down well. Click to expand... I thought the struggle was part of the fun?
Cerb said: Tried this lastnight. ....didn't go down well. Click to expand... I thought the struggle was part of the fun?