The question no-one dares ask - what exactly is the point of RvR?



I spent four months geting to level 40.... and after level 20 levelling was B O R I N G.

But I was in a fun guild and the social side was like an animated forum.

I did some trade crafting - but in this game the economy and depth of personal skill development is so primitive...

Then RvR was a viable option. I died more often than I slaughtered. The first venture into badlands was heartstopping. I hung around camping here and there - which was simply a waste of time.

Then came the relic raids and storming of the keeps. And lag. It was exhilerating the first few times. But then the relics got retrieved. Then we couldn't afford the upkeep for the gates.... and thus it became a game of ping pong... will it still be just attacking and retrieivng relics for evermore? Can we never take an invasion force into, say, the suburbs of Camelot? Is there no way, perhaps, Hibs and Middies can unite in a peace treaty to attack the Albs? What about diplomats? Trading routes... spies.... economy... civil unrest....

And where is everybody? With half empty servers will the game really take off? A quartet of Hibbies wandering into Yggadra to mez/stun/kill is so aimless and short lived.

The concept of three realms with a middle battle field is brilliant - but what now? The concept must be developed - and I read some wonderful responses to the question in an earlier thred.

So... what is the ultimate point of RvR as it stands?


well ATM, the only point of RvR is to get keeps which helps you to take the relics, as the less keeps the owner of the Relic Keep has, the less guards are guarding it. The more Relics you have, the more powerful your realm becomes, making it easier to level alts.

When we get DF, it will be much more worthwhile, as having the most keeps allows you to get into DF, and by then, most people will have a lvl 50 char, so RvR will really kick off.


True RvR isn't right now what it should be... But this is a prgressive game and in later versions RvR is developed

We get DF as was mentioned earlier

In the next patch we get to take forts in the name of your guild

and now realm abilities are being developed, you get to spend those realm points to totaly customise your character


also, something some people are missing out when they go to emain or whatever...



The point of RvR is to punch other peoples head in.

In future patches you will also own keeps, need to take keeps to gain acces to the elusive DF and be able to buy stuff/skills with RPs/BPs.


i dont see the point coz its the same over and over.

but it would be great if 2 sides charged into each other instead of one group fleeing on naturasl instinct


its a really good question you ask here.. but a rather easy one to answer... allthou the answer isnt what you might want...

the game is about FUN

leveling is supposed to be FUN
RvR is supposed to be FUN

if your purpose in playing is to reach a certain goal point, well then your fun will stop pretty much at that point.

for me it's alot about goals.. and then just having fun... some of my big goals were:
reaching level 50 - done
reaching 800 fletching - done
reaching realm rank 3 - done (realm rank 4 was never a goal, it just happened)
getting certain equipment - done
killing certain mobs.. Mokkurulva, Glacier Giant etc. - done

now they are:
killing the dragon
getting all relics again
killing every alb (twice)

other than that its all for fun, and fighting to be the highest RR holder on the server (being a bit behind after some days of RL)


Couldn't agree more on that fun thing.. and there are fun things in the game, I must admit that.. butbut.. I seem to have my very own idea of fun, I can never get any peeps to join my "fun".

XP mill camping is the MOST BORING thing ever invented in a computer game. I'm pretty certain that you can make about as much XP just wandering around, not sitting in one place. I've ONCE managed to convince my group to "explore" the Cursed Forest instead of pulling 2 Finliaths, nuking them intil they're crispy, resting and then pulling 2 more. We actually took off, went to look for the biig skelly that wanders around there, killed some (~50) lil forest scorpions (you shoulda seen the faces of my group when sum1 said "pull one" and all friggin 50 come), changed place, found some more mobs "hey, lets try those", killed em, kept wandering etcetc.. the fun stopped when one of the pbae nukers let a boom off just an inch too close to the wyvern. I thought the incident was fun, I don't give a damn if I lose 1 or 2 hours of xping.. I had FUN.

Another thing I find funny, is going to for.ex. Muire Tomb, rezzing peeps (there are ALWAYS some noobs eating dust there), kicking papa Muire's arse just for the heck of it. No1 want's to go to Koalinth Cave coz it's not itemized and there are no good camps there. Well, I'm curious what's down there, I wanna see the Koalinth Elder's brain, I wanna EXPLORE, I wanna SEE NEW THINGS.. am I ALL alone here??

For the record, I play a bard, lvl43 bard.. groups love me, I get LOTS of invitations to join a group, every1 promises me great xp, biig cash, awesome drops, etcetc.. and Im such a good person I just cant say "no" coz I know that I play a really important part in a well formed group that can "chainpull purples with no dt"..hear me snoring when I said "chainpulling"?? Im already asleep.

I don't need better armor, I have awesome AF for my lvl.. I don't need better weapon, I got a lvl50 hammer that has made many lvl50s green of envy, I got the best instruments that exist in this game (actually, I can't make up my mind about the best lute, so I have 2 atm).

Raids are fun, especially the keep defending part.. but it's so rare, to get lotsa ppl defending while even more enemies are trying to take the keep.. usually we just get run over.

I didn't mean to whine when I started to write this post, but ened up whining anyway.. was fun :clap:

Eyrea, lvl43 bard Hib/Prydwen, latest TNN hits only


Boringly there is nothing in the Kaolinth Caverns but many Kaolinths. There's no big boss Kaolinth just some crappy scorpion things. Very dissapointing. :p


Why wouldn't someone dare to ask this, it has already been done plenty of times :)
But, some classes have great fun in RvR, these being stealthers and other good solo classes. I can't wait to get to 40+ and do some major snipage :D


RvR is about fun, if you dont enjoy it, quit. RvR will be the excact same for 99% of the times, if you dont like it, too bad :/

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