Feeling a bit nostalgic, and found this digging trough my old files
A bit fun with the latest popularity of hunters taken in context
The Fighting Hunter
This is a call to all my fellow hunters out there!
If you want to play your class more effectivly, then team up with other hunters, and play aggressivly! and pick same targets! I hate! dying, but stop worring about dying if you have 2/3 hp, and 4 hunters backing you up. if you instead stealth up, and med while the other hunters take the heat, your friends will die, because you werent there for them when they needed you!
The only thing you should worry about is "can the others count on me". There are a few hunters like Xanoo and Brix, who i'd be happy to have by my side anytime. I have all the RP i wanted, when i go RvR now, its to have fun and improve myself, teamwork, etc.
Case 1.
5 hunters are grouped at amg, 2 of them plays very aggressivly, and kill 2-3 albs each, of the other 3 hunters, 1 is running around down behind amg, and the last 2 are taking popshots at a couple of infils when they unstealth.
Here is what happens: the 2 aggressive hunters can maybe kill some cloth casters, but eventually are paralyzed by a caster, and nuked to death, even if they are ressed, they cant do much the next 5 minutes. the last 3 begin playing even more careful, and get 1-2 kills those next 5 minutes. (with a good chance of the albs rushing and killing everyone)
Case 2.
5 hunters are grouped at amg, all 5 of them are standing on the wall, stealthed, and as soon as someone comes within range, they all pop up and fire 2 arrows each...
Here is what happens: dead caster... dead armsman... dead cleric... dead caster... dead scout, the albs are stopped dead in their tracks.. i've seen 5 hunters stop 20-30 albs, but that is ONLY possible by this kind of aggressive play.
- I have (probably when you read this) 1 million RP, and i didnt get those by playing "safe".
- use critshots untill the target 100% clearly is running away, if he stops up.. bang he is hit hard.
- when you are several hunters standing together and coordinating attacks, everyone should use their slowest bow and critshots, only 1 will get bladeturn.
- if you are not level 50, you can still join the fun, instead of leeching RP of the level 50's start a cg by inviting all the hunters in the area, or ask for a cg invite. Then you can still coordinate your attacks, and get your share of the RP.
- if someone else's target is near death, switch targets and finish them off.
- if you go afk, SAY IT, also say how long you will be afk.
- if you move away from another hunter, SAY IT, also say where you are going.
With coordination, teamwork and dedication, if we help each other, we can play aggressivly, effectivly, and kick ass.
(of course all this is going to mean a rats arse when 1.50 comes around, but hopefully you have all been leveling up sb's and we can continue same style
A bit fun with the latest popularity of hunters taken in context